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About samsudin

  • Rank
    Advanced Member
  • Birthday 08/17/1945

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  • Interests
    it's secret
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  1. just for my own reminder note : don't forget to add notify
  2. really miss him with mega ultra patch come back now!! XD
  3. just add "own" like pict at first post..
  4. here is the ping back url : https://domain.com/cp/ if u place ur control panel at root folder u can use : https://domain.com/ don't forget to choose virtual currency as your API.
  5. u are wrong person.. it's jupeto, im not develope this addons, give jupeto credit
  6. u can test it with local PC 1st.. with xampp or lampp, this is still under development . just report issue at gitlab and here note : 39c752d7 [/size]- Fixed redirect · [/size] about 17 hours ago by [/size]Jose Carlo Quilala Sure, i'll report if i found any bugs. Thank you! jupeto said.. he will support for fluxcp rathena..
  7. u can test it with local PC 1st.. with xampp or lampp, this is still under development . just report issue at gitlab and here note : 39c752d7 - Fixed redirect · about 17 hours ago by Jose Carlo Quilala
  8. yes, it's support no need to update, just login with fluxcp, and when click addons it's automatically login
  9. here the source : https://gitlab.com/carloquilala/fluxbb - fixed footer now showed bug since i test : - markdown.php and mysqli - bbcode ( turn off bbcode so when posting it redirect into current post) help test and please report bug, support him with a coffee to this paypal email : [email protected]
  10. this is screenshoot with fluxbb inside buy jupeto coffee
  11. Hi all.. i've been searching for fluxcp integrations with forums software like ipb, vb, phpbb, xenforo etc.. i saw 1 addons ( fluxcp fluxbb ) at rathena , provide by jupeto. i know him since at eathena 2006, after searhcing finally i found him. He has been busy for a long time XD, so i asked to him to write again the guide for his addons. after chit chat a bit long, he said : "if you can get at least 50 users to agree with you for me to write a new one, I'll write a new one " then i decide to write here to ask all of you who need fluxcp forum integrations XD if any of you agreed, just replay here >.< i will gather all of you then thank you before
  12. samsudin

    rank error

    fixed by deleting inside table char, login
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