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About Ezeriel

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  1. Hi there Sir @@lilcooldude69 May I ask. . what do you mean by your statement that users should have Direct access to the Database? I believe that my Files are not restricted. Can you elaborate it more Sir? Thank you so much Sir.
  2. Good day to you Guys, Anyway I am so sorry I still don't have the right solution.. I guess the Log is the main cause of this problem as what @@elunechen state. For the meantime I abstain from using some of the GM commands. and by the way I can now use the @item, @monster and some GM commands without having Error/Crash/Freeze issue.. and what I did so far is that I Re-Run/Re-Executed the Scripts and .SQL files.. But still it is so unstable.. I still have problems when I use other GM commands. I'll get in touch incase I'll find the solution, and hope you do the same. My best wishes to all of you.
  3. @@Sanasol yeah I've been thinking of it. . and it's quite impossible. . but I still hope that I would come to the point that my Server would have a 3rd Party creature that would attack and be attack by other monsters and players.. and players can attain its Loyalty, ofcourse by doing certain task. heheh.. well, it's just an idea to make the server more fun and interactively.
  4. 1. I think this can be done by simple script OnNPCKillEvent:if (killedrid == MOB ID && !loyaMOB ID){ if(killed_mobs_MOB ID < 100) { set killed_mobs_MOB ID,killed_mobs_MOB ID+1; } else { set loyaMOB ID,1; }}end; 2. I will think about this, but it too depends on your script, how you will code it also i want do one variable for all 'loyaltys', using bitmask. Good day Sir @@Sanasol ​ I know this is quite an old post of yours Sir.. but I must say that this is so nice.. I really hope that if you have your spare time that maybe you can improve this project of yours. Let just say an idea that when you reach the acquired amount or value that Sir @evilpunker state.. then a Monster that you gain its Loyalty will truly help to fight other monster for you. . some kind of a Pet or Homunculus that helps fight in battle. hehehe.. just a fun idea though.. May you have a great week wherever you are.
  5. Hi @@elunechen, Sir what do you mean that it should be in the Right Database? What I did is I created a Database named Log and i Import & Execute the file logs.sql and the other is named roherc Database which I Import & Execute the file main.sql here's a Screenshot Sir.
  6. @@mrlongshen, I'm running Windows 10 x64-Bit.. and I use Admin account no other User.. and it should Run as Administrator because UAC/User Account Control is prompted every time I run the program. By the way Sir have you check my Screenshot.. what could be wrong?
  7. Hi Sir @@mrlongshen, I followed your instruction downloaded new SVN, compiled it with No errors and 2nd do you mean if Pre-Re or Renewal? I change nothing so it's Renewal. Attached is a Screenshot of my "run-server.bat" from the Top-Left = login-server.bat, map-server.bat, inter-server.bat and at the Lower-Right is my RO Server that hangs/freeze after using GM command. Sir when setting a GM account its SQL Table [group_id] is set to 99 right? Also, I got a Warning about IP Wildcard. . it must be the friend of mine doing LAN experiment.. I wonder how do I solve this Warning too Sir. P.S - I just found out that I cannot use some of the GM commands such as @item, @monster etc. Thank you Sir, hoping you can help me.
  8. Hi there... I need help regarding my GM Command @item. When I use it my Server hangs/freeze then I have to restart again the run-server.bat and yet no item is created. In short I cannot use @item command. My herc folder is recent, I configured my Server for almost a week now. Thank you for checking out this topic hoping you can help me.
  9. @@Hirist Wow! that was fast... Thank you for checking out this Topic Sir.. and again Thank you for the help.
  10. Hi there.. I just want to ask how to Disable Account Security Code? I have been searhing about it here and Herc folder. Attached is an Image about it. Thank you so much and may you have a great time.
  11. So nice of you @@fxfreitas.. Though I expect more on custom monsters, giant, colossus, titan etc. still I just wanted to say Thank you for sharing your artistic works.. Hope to see more of you Sir.
  12. Good day @@Gunburn, You need Wamp so that your RO will be able to communicate to your RO's Database.. any changes to your RO Server like Creation of new character, character items obtain etc. will stored to the MySQL database and the Wamp is responsible for doing it. Anyway you're wondering why the Old RO one's don't use Wamp.. I guess it's the Old RO Text Version you mean that does not need Wamp. Hope it helps. May you have a great week.
  13. Hi there.. Recently I reformatted my PC so now I'm planning to Re-Install the Git and TortoiseGit software just to make my Old Hercules Folder Updated. Is it possible to Update my Old Hercules Folder instead of downloading the whole Latest Files of Hercules? If so, what should I do? Thank you for reading my post and hoping for a solution. May you have a nice day.
  14. // My message here Dear @@Dastgir and @, Thank you so much for your replies.. I've reviewed everything you send to me and the Set-up was right.. But then I found out that it was my Anti-Virus that was causing the problem. Now I was able to Log-In my account. I'll keep in touch here in Forum if ever I encounter some questions or problems. Again, Thank you guys.. and May you have a great week.
  15. Hello there @ Thanks for the reply.. Yes, I did those things before and I re-checked... please see attached files Base on my main post Screen Shots everything is working but I just have the "Server Closed" Message when Logging-In. Still wondering why I got that message. . . I wonder where can I find that SET-UP / SETTINGS in the CONF FILES that the server should read first the DATA FOLDER before the .GRF FILES. . .? Again, Thanks @
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