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About esotericragnarokonline

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  1. i already tested this bg on my server of course hercules and its working but can i have suggestion ?? annie can you rewrite the script making a single npc 20/20 so that we can make a shuffle players so we dont know which team were we are im thinking of this since yesterday because they can spam this event or pvp can go alternate winning .. both teams . if you can rewrite it as one npc that's very grateful for us. thankyou
  2. i want my instant job changer can only use once per account here's my codes btw thanks for helping me how can i do that ?? please help thank you prontera,156,184,5 script Free for All#jobchanger 757,{if( Class ){ mes "Only Novice can use this...";}else{ .@i = select( .Menu$ ) - 1; if( select( "Change to "+jobname( .JobList[.@i] )+"?:Cancel" ) == 1 ){ jobchange .JobList[.@i]; BaseLevel = .BaseLevel; JobLevel = .JobLevel; resetskill; resetstatus; SkillPoint = .SkillPoints; mes "DONE"; for( .@i = 0; .@i < .size; .@i++ ) getitem .ItemList[.@i],.Amount[.@i]; }}close; OnInit:setarray .JobList[0],4008,4009,4010,4011,4012,4013,4015,4016,4017,4018,4019,4020,4021,4047,4049,25,24,4045;setarray .ItemList[0],607,0;setarray .Amount[0],1,2,3;.BaseLevel = 255;.JobLevel = 100;.SkillPoints = 128; .@size = getarraysize( .JobList );.size = getarraysize( .ItemList );for( .@i = 0; .@i < .@size; .@i++ ) .Menu$ = .Menu$ + jobname( .JobList[.@i] )+":";waitingroom "Instant Job Changer Feel Free to use",0;end; }
  3. do i need to apply the npc script ? do i need to apply this npc script ? if i have this ? annie nothing happen since i input your script in my item db do i need to apply this npc script ? i already input your script but nothing happen to my test character im having error please check this on my npc script .. problem solve thankyou npc script - script kfsdkfhsf FAKE_NPC,{ OnInit: setitemscript 32082, "{ { setoption Option_Dragon1; } changebase 4060; }", 1; setitemscript 32082, "{ changebase Class; } ", 2; end; } Item DB { Id: 32082 AegisName: "Cotton_Shirt" Name: "Cotton Shirt" Type: 5 Buy: 10 Weight: 100 Def: 10 Job: 0x00000080 Loc: 65536 OnEquipScript: <" if ( checkmount() ) { setoption Option_Dragon1; } changebase 4060; "> OnUnequipScript: <" changebase Class; "> }, Thank you annie
  4. any one share the map? can you help me apply this on my server please?? annie and mhiel where can i download the map ?? i want the WOW BG please give link can i suggest ? can you make create 1 waiting room only ? like this my script so that we can prevent alternate winning of teams i think they can abuse the BG if we have 2 waiting room here's my script on my bg . ////// Author Goddameit// Version 2014/02/22// Web__ [url=http://goo.gl/0vY9GV]http://goo.gl/0vY9GV[/url]////aretnorp,178,351,3 script BG DoTa 572,{ if( getgroupid() >= 99 ) { if( select("Do Reset","None") == 1 ) donpcevent strnpcinfo(0)+"::onresett"; } if(.game_status==1||.game_status==2) { mes "Sorry, game is running"; close; } if(select("Join","Cancel")==2) close; if(.dat_join>=120) { mes "Sorry, full"; close; } for(.@i=1;.@i<=.dat_join;.@i++) if(.dat_aid[.@i]==getcharid(3)) { mes "You already join in."; close; } .dat_join += 1; .dat_aid[.dat_join] = getcharid(3); bg_leave; mes "Done"; close2; if( .dat_join < 2 ) announce "[BG DoTa]: Player Amount : ["+.dat_join+"/10]",0; if( .dat_join >= 2 && .active == 0 ) { initnpctimer; killmonsterall "dota01"; .active = 1; bg_destroy .dat_bgid1; bg_destroy .dat_bgid2; .dat_bgid1 = 0; .dat_bgid2 = 0; mapwarp "dota01","aretnorp",196,244; announce "[BG DoTa]: Game Active",0; } end;onleave: bg_leave; end;OnTimer1000: .game_status = 1; .@npcname$ = strnpcinfo(0); announce "[BG DoTa]: Game Start",0; .dat_bgid1 = bg_teamcreate("dota01",24,33,.@npcname$+"::onleave",""); .dat_bgid2 = bg_teamcreate("dota01",362,342,.@npcname$+"::onleave",""); for(.@i=1;.@i<=.dat_join;.@i++) if(.@i%2) bg_teamjoin(.dat_bgid1,.dat_aid[.@i]); else bg_teamjoin(.dat_bgid2,.dat_aid[.@i]); bg_warp .dat_bgid1,"dota01",24,33; bg_warp .dat_bgid2,"dota01",362,342; end;onresett: .dat_join = 0; .active = 0; .game_status = 0; deletearray .dat_aid[0],128; bg_destroy .dat_bgid1; bg_destroy .dat_bgid2;OnInit: mapwarp "dota01","prontera",150,180; end;OnTimer2000:// 3215//3218 .@npcname$ = strnpcinfo(0); set .gid_astone,bg_monster(.dat_bgid1,"dota01",68,48,"",1511,.@npcname$+"::onbgaloss"); set .gid_aline1[0],bg_monster(.dat_bgid1,"dota01",38,123,"",1246,.@npcname$+"::onlinea1b3"); set .gid_aline1[1],bg_monster(.dat_bgid1,"dota01",35,170,"",1246,.@npcname$+"::onlinea1b2"); set .gid_aline1[2],bg_monster(.dat_bgid1,"dota01",39,246,"",1246,.@npcname$+"::onlinea1b1"); set .gid_aline2[0],bg_monster(.dat_bgid1,"dota01",104,80,"",1246,.@npcname$+"::onlinea2b3"); set .gid_aline2[1],bg_monster(.dat_bgid1,"dota01",115,111,"",1246,.@npcname$+"::onlinea2b2"); set .gid_aline2[2],bg_monster(.dat_bgid1,"dota01",160,157,"",1246,.@npcname$+"::onlinea2b1"); set .gid_aline3[0],bg_monster(.dat_bgid1,"dota01",135,25,"",1246,.@npcname$+"::onlinea3b3"); set .gid_aline3[1],bg_monster(.dat_bgid1,"dota01",181,25,"",1246,.@npcname$+"::onlinea3b2"); set .gid_aline3[2],bg_monster(.dat_bgid1,"dota01",332,27,"",1246,.@npcname$+"::onlinea3b1"); set .gid_bstone,bg_monster(.dat_bgid2,"dota01",318,313,"",1630,.@npcname$+"::onbgbloss"); set .gid_bline1[0],bg_monster(.dat_bgid2,"dota01",275,362,"",2281,.@npcname$+"::onlineb1b3"); set .gid_bline1[1],bg_monster(.dat_bgid2,"dota01",205,356,"",2281,.@npcname$+"::onlineb1b2"); set .gid_bline1[2],bg_monster(.dat_bgid2,"dota01",89,351,"",2281,.@npcname$+"::onlineb1b1"); set .gid_bline2[0],bg_monster(.dat_bgid2,"dota01",359,264,"",2281,.@npcname$+"::onlineb2b3"); set .gid_bline2[1],bg_monster(.dat_bgid2,"dota01",360,203,"",2281,.@npcname$+"::onlineb2b2"); set .gid_bline2[2],bg_monster(.dat_bgid2,"dota01",358,157,"",2281,.@npcname$+"::onlineb2b1"); set .gid_bline3[0],bg_monster(.dat_bgid2,"dota01",275,280,"",2281,.@npcname$+"::onlineb3b3"); set .gid_bline3[1],bg_monster(.dat_bgid2,"dota01",261,234,"",2281,.@npcname$+"::onlineb3b2"); set .gid_bline3[2],bg_monster(.dat_bgid2,"dota01",236,203,"",2281,.@npcname$+"::onlineb3b1"); setmobnoattackable .gid_astone,1; setmobnowalkable .gid_astone,1; setmobnoattackable .gid_bstone,1; setmobnowalkable .gid_bstone,1; for(.@i=1;.@i<=3;.@i++) for(.@j=0;.@j<3;.@j++) { setmobnowalkable getd(".gid_bline"+.@i+"["+.@j+"]"),1; setmobnowalkable getd(".gid_aline"+.@i+"["+.@j+"]"),1; if(.@j!=2) { setmobnoattackable getd(".gid_bline"+.@i+"["+.@j+"]"),1; setmobnoattackable getd(".gid_aline"+.@i+"["+.@j+"]"),1; } } end;//-----------------------------------------onbgaloss: mapwarp "dota01","aretnorp",196,244; sleep2 5000; bg_warp .dat_bgid2,"dota01",390,8; initnpctimer "BG DoTa Reward"; end;//-----------------------------------------onbgbloss: mapwarp "dota01","aretnorp",196,244; sleep2 5000; bg_warp .dat_bgid1,"dota01",390,8; initnpctimer "BG DoTa Reward"; end; //-----------------------------------------onlinea1b3:onlinea2b3:onlinea3b3: .game_status = 2; setmobnoattackable .gid_astone,0; end;onlinea1b2: setmobnoattackable .gid_aline1[0],0; end;onlinea1b1: setmobnoattackable .gid_aline1[1],0; end;onlinea2b2: setmobnoattackable .gid_aline2[0],0; end;onlinea2b1: setmobnoattackable .gid_aline2[1],0; end;onlinea3b2: setmobnoattackable .gid_aline3[0],0; end;onlinea3b1: setmobnoattackable .gid_aline3[1],0; end;//-----------------------------------------onlineb1b3:onlineb2b3:onlineb3b3: .game_status = 2; setmobnoattackable .gid_bstone,0; end;onlineb1b2: setmobnoattackable .gid_bline1[0],0; end;onlineb1b1: setmobnoattackable .gid_bline1[1],0; end;onlineb2b2: setmobnoattackable .gid_bline2[0],0; end;onlineb2b1: setmobnoattackable .gid_bline2[1],0; end;onlineb3b2: setmobnoattackable .gid_bline3[0],0; end;onlineb3b1: setmobnoattackable .gid_bline3[1],0; end;//-----------------------------------------}dota01,390,8,4 script BG DoTa Reward 100,{ getitem 521,50; getitem 512,5; warp "aretnorp",184,351; end;OnTimer20000: donpcevent "BG DoTa::onresett"; end;}dota01 mapflag battlegrounddota01 mapflag nosavedota01 mapflag noreturndota01 mapflag nobranchdota01 mapflag pvp_noguilddota01 mapflag partylockdota01 mapflag nowarpdota01 mapflag novendingdota01 mapflag noteleportdota01 mapflag nomemo //aretnorp,177,352,3 duplicate(BG DoTa) BG Register#h1-1 572
  5. why on my server the dragon doesn't appear ?? see my codes NPC SCRIPT - script kfsdkfhsf FAKE_NPC,{ OnInit: setitemscript 32082, "{ if ( Class == Job_Knight && checkmount() ) { setoption Option_Dragon1; } changebase 4060; }", 1; setitemscript 32082, "{ changebase Class; } ", 2; end; } ITEM DB { Id: 32082 AegisName: "Cotton_Shirt" Name: "Costume: Rune Knight Suit" Type: 5 Buy: 10 Weight: 0 Def: 0 Job: 0x00000080 Upper: 63 Loc: 65536 OnEquipScript: <" changebase 4060; "> OnUnequipScript: <" changebase Class; "> }, im having error on my map server please Help me help me please on this error
  6. hi guys i want to ask if you have guide on creating encrypted grf ? and guide for thor file encrypted also ? please help me im using grf tool my grf now is encrypted when im trying to patch the encrypted grf it will gonna patch but it will stay on saving resource See Screen Shot Please help me about this
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