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Files posted by maqc1

  1. Sprite Sheets for KamiShi's Corrected Sprites

    Hi folks,
    This is just a collection of sprite sheets I made to help me make my palette files. Useful if you edit palettes in Photoshop and you want to see the results right on screen. Sprite sheets contain all classes used in the said file. For example, Novice, Ninja and Gunslinger are on the same sheet.
    This is compatible with KamiShi's corrected sprites, which you can download on rAthena (https://rathena.org/board/files/file/2447-corrected-classes-head-sprites/). Results might differ if you use the official Gravity sprites. Please note that the Peco Peco sheet seems to differ a bit in game.
    It does not contain 3rd classes.
    Hope it helps someone, free to use and share!




  2. Clothes palette name generator

    Hi folks!
    On my server I once had to make LOTS of palette, and I got really tired of renaming them manually. So I designed this small software to do it for me.
    It's quite simple. You first need to configure the config.properties file. In that file, you specify the name you give to your .pal files when you save them in Photoshop. For example, if you save the male archer palette as "ArcherM.pal", you would need to define "arM = ArcherM.pal" in the config file. Then you launch the software, select your files (you can select more than one by holding shift) and you choose the output folder. The software will copy them with the correct gibberish names, and there is an option to remove the palette file header.
    It has french and english support.
    It is written in JAVA, so it is an .jar executable file. You will need JRE™ installed on your computer to run it. It is free to use and share, and I can provide the source code upon request. It is designed for Windows, so some features might not work properly on Linux systems.




  3. Head palette name generator

    Hi folks!
    I was tired of renaming the names of my head palettes, so I designed a small program to do it for me. Basically, you chose one or more input file(s), a palette number, the number of male and female hair styles, an output folder, and it copies the files for you with the correct names.
    You can specify different hair style numbers for male and female (let's say 20 styles for male and 30 for female). You can choose more than one input file ; in that case, each input file will result in different palette-numbered output files (useful if you have lots to do).
    It is written in JAVA, so it is an .jar executable file. You will need JRE™ installed on your computer to run it. It is free to use and share, and I can provide the source code upon request. It is designed for Windows, so some features might not work properly on Linux systems.
    Have fun =)




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