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Found 66 results

  1. Version 1.0.0


    High-Res Damagefont Here is a new damage font i've cooked for you guys. Alot simpler than the other ones ive uploaded, wen't for a more minimalistic design. I've tried not to kill the pixelated vibe that we all love from the original one, but still improving its resolution. Was pretty happy with the result ;] Hope you all like it. CyA
  2. Hi! First of all, sorry for my english. I have some questions that I couldn't resolve it. I hope that you can help me because I'm newbie with this. The first question and the most important for me. I don't know what is it (something about the quest?), but how can I remove it or translate it? (I attached an image). I guess if something about the data folder. The second is, I can't see the correct names and the icons in the shops (attached an image). And the last one: How I can remove the icons that show up over the npcs? Thanks so much! EDIT: I attached another image when I open the shop.
  3. View File High-Res DamageFont High-Res Damagefont Here is a new damage font i've cooked for you guys. Alot simpler than the other ones ive uploaded, wen't for a more minimalistic design. I've tried not to kill the pixelated vibe that we all love from the original one, but still improving its resolution. Was pretty happy with the result ;] Hope you all like it. CyA Submitter raPalooza~ Submitted 11/19/18 Category Sprites & Palettes  
  4. Hello,Every body,long time no see!
  5. I'm Having A problem when showing front on my character equipping Archangel Wing.
  6. View File Darkmoon - Sprite NPC DarkMoon Hi... I did this NPC some time ago Now I'm posting to the community FREE TioAkima Submitter Tio Akima Submitted 03/07/21 Category Sprites & Palettes  
  7. Version 1.0.0


    DarkMoon Hi... I did this NPC some time ago Now I'm posting to the community FREE TioAkima
  8. Been trying to make my own server work, however after tweaking it a bit, I now can't log-in due to these errors Would appreciate help so that I could play this wonderful game already Thanks in advanced
  9. Guest


    Version 1.0.0


    "Blazering" monster created from the NPC version. Also has one pet performance. Note: The preview gifs don't exactly look great, but it's due to the transparency of the flame effects. It looks normal on the ACT editor and ingame. Liked any of the content I've uploaded and want to show your appreciation?
  10. Hi, does anyone know if there is any SI_ (or sc) that changes the size of the sprite? Already tested several SI_ (look status.h) to try to use the effect 423, which makes sprite from player "big". I don't want to use the direct effect (clif-> specialeffect (bl, 423, AREA)) Using this, the effect disappears when there is some refresh on the screen .... I would like to use through an SI / SC .... because you have the freedom to turn the effect on / off whenever you want. For this I am looking for the effect 423 (state.size = SZ_BIG) associated with some SI_ there are many associated effects on SI_ IDs so maybe it has the sprite effect "big" thanks
  11. View File Chocolate Chapeau - Valentines Headgear __________***PLEASE READ***__________ I'm working together with some people to bring sprites from different games into Ragnarok for free or very low cost depending on the amount of work. These sprites are not thoroughly tested and do not come with a custom drew collection image. If there are any issues, kindly report them. Use parts of it or fully, use them as a base or else - but please follow these rules: _______________________________________________ Rules: Do not sell these sprites to anyone. Do not ask me to fix, adjust or change something unless you're willing to pay for it. If you upload them somewhere for others to download, please credit me and/or link back to herc.ws's download section. Contains: Chocolate Chapeau - Valentines Headgear Credits: Special thanks to Shourei and Normynator. Without you guys, this free-sprite project would not be possible. @Daifuku @Shourei @Normynator Submitter Daifuku Submitted 02/12/19 Category Sprites & Palettes  
  12. Guest


    View File Blazering "Blazering" monster created from the NPC version. Also has one pet performance. Note: The preview gifs don't exactly look great, but it's due to the transparency of the flame effects. It looks normal on the ACT editor and ingame. Liked any of the content I've uploaded and want to show your appreciation? Submitter Ciar Submitted 11/12/19 Category Sprites & Palettes  
  13. Version 1.0


    Hi all, This is a basic damage font alternative which can be used to bring a little more high definition resolution to Ragnarok! I made this purely because I was tired of staring at the hideously stretched and over-pixelated damage numbers while I was doing some testing. Feel free to give it a try! There is a slightly wider spacing between digits that I wasn't able to close off because the client must determine spacing/positionings between, but if you want to reduce some of the spacing I have provided another .act file suffixed "_larger" which reduces the spacing but makes the damage text a bit larger. Thanks
  14. View File High Definition Damage Font Hi all, This is a basic damage font alternative which can be used to bring a little more high definition resolution to Ragnarok! I made this purely because I was tired of staring at the hideously stretched and over-pixelated damage numbers while I was doing some testing. Feel free to give it a try! There is a slightly wider spacing between digits that I wasn't able to close off because the client must determine spacing/positionings between, but if you want to reduce some of the spacing I have provided another .act file suffixed "_larger" which reduces the spacing but makes the damage text a bit larger. Thanks Submitter Epoque Submitted 03/30/19 Category Sprites & Palettes  
  15. Hello people, I'm Reins also name as Katakuri on rA.I'm on a part of learning on spriting and I hoped you like it. Various headgear,monster & weapons from different animes
  16. Version 1.0.0


    __________***PLEASE READ***__________ I'm working together with some people to bring sprites from different games into Ragnarok for free or very low cost depending on the amount of work. These sprites are not thoroughly tested and do not come with a custom drew collection image. If there are any issues, kindly report them. Use parts of it or fully, use them as a base or else - but please follow these rules: _______________________________________________ Rules: Do not sell these sprites to anyone. Do not ask me to fix, adjust or change something unless you're willing to pay for it. If you upload them somewhere for others to download, please credit me and/or link back to herc.ws's download section. Contains: Chocolate Chapeau - Valentines Headgear Credits: Special thanks to Shourei and Normynator. Without you guys, this free-sprite project would not be possible. @Daifuku @Shourei @Normynator
  17. Hello, I added some custom quests and they were ok, but the sprites and the count(how many monster or item left) didnt work. I added by following some topics here but they were very old so Im not sure if its rigth. I did it by modifying these files: - quest_db.conf: { Id: 20017 Name: "Treinamento Inicial" }, - questid2display.txt: 20017#Treinamento Inicial#SG_FEEL#QUE_NOIMAGE# Prove que voce e capaz de ser treinado por mim, mate 10 Esporos e volte para falar comigo!# Mate 10 Esporos.# - ep_141quest_list.lub (data\luafiles514\lua files\quest): { name =[[Treinamento Inicial]], scrfilename = [[epsoid141Quest]], questID = 20017, }, - epsoid141_list.lub (data\luafiles514\lua files\quest\questinfo): [20017] = { NPCToName = "Tayen", NPCToMap = "payon", NPCToSpr = "F_ORIENT_03", NPCToX = 166, NPCToY = 101, NPCFromName = "Tayen", NPCFromMap = "payon", NPCFromSpr = "F_ORIENT_03", NPCFromX = 166, NPCFromY = 101, Item = "", PrizeItem = "", Title = "Treinamento Inicial", Info = "Prove que voc??capaz de ser treinado por mim, mate 10 Esporos e volte para falar comigo!", Hunt1 = "< link = \"ESPORO\">Esporo<\\end> x 10 ", Hunt2 = "", Hunt3 = "", Time = "0", LV = "0", }, Here is the result: (missing sprite and the count of how many esporos I need to kill) https://1.bp.blogspot.com/-qvZjAaEsSQA/W25wj6qtcQI/AAAAAAAAlAU/Aniv9kZUvPoo94JXoi8R2c6kjQRynwG8QCLcBGAs/s1600/sprite.png Did I do it rigth? Is it missing any file? How can I add the sprites? Thanks
  18. Hello people~These are my sprite work that I would like to share with you all.Feel free to use them after you read the Terms of Use below.Please join my Discord channel and click on #freebies to Download.Enjoy!
  19. ROChargenPHP Features Core [*]Support for .spr, .act, .pal, .grf, ... [*].act file completed support (transparency, scale, color, rotate, ...) [*]Characters fully implemented ( body, head, hats, weapon, shield, robe, mount) with palettes support. [*]Can modify action, animation and direction. [*]Class to generate : Full Character / Character Head only / Monster-NPC-Homunculus / Avatar / Signature. [*]Cache system available (and can be set off) with configurable time to cache. [*]Emblem Loader available. Client [*]Data.ini file support (to list your GRFs) [*]Support GRF (0x200 version only without DES encryption - repack before uploading) - the data folder is always read first. [*]Auto-Extract files from GRF if needed (optimize performance) [*]Updater script available to convert some lua files to PHP. How to use Really url-friendly: myserver.com/chargen/<controller>/<data> // with url-rewritingmyserver.com/chargen/index.php/<controller>/<data> // without url-rewriting Example for my character called "KeyWorld":myserver.com/chargen/avatar/KeyWorld // avatarmyserver.com/chargen/signature/KeyWorld // signaturemyserver.com/chargen/character/KeyWorld // full Charactermyserver.com/chargen/characterhead/KeyWorld // Character's head You can change the default link by modify the array $routes in the index.php file:// $routes['url'] = controller$routes['/avatar/(.*)'] = 'Avatar';$routes['/character/(.*)'] = 'Character';$routes['/characterhead/(.*)'] = 'CharacterHead';$routes['/monster/(d+)'] = 'Monster';$routes['/signature/(.*)'] = 'Signature'; Custom display At least, the tool is really easy to use, here an example on how to display a static character: $chargen = new CharacterRender(); $chargen->action = CharacterRender::ACTION_READYFIGHT; $chargen->direction = CharacterRender::DIRECTION_SOUTHEAST; $chargen->body_animation = 0; $chargen->doridori = 0; // Custom data: $chargen->sex = "M"; $chargen->class = 4002; $chargen->clothes_color = 0; $chargen->hair = 5; $chargen->hair_color = 12; // ... head_top, head_mid, head_bottom, robe, weapon, shield, ... // Generate Image $img = $chargen->render(); imagepng($img); Examples / Demos Sources Get the source (Thanks to report all bugs) License Instead of selling it, I give a try to "Open Source project with Donation". So if you think, you would have buy it if i was selling it, think to give a donation ? Notes [*]A directory "client" is in the project, it will be a good idea to move it to a directory not accessible by the user (for example /home/client/). [*]If you use generate images from GRFs you have to know it's a little slower, i recommend you in this case to allow the "AutoExtract" option to gain performance. [*]GRFs have to be save as 0x200 version without any encryption (even the official DES), good idea is to remove unused folders ( textures, wav, models).. [*]If you use the options Cache and AutoExtract, don't forget the script need to have a write access to the client and cache folder. [*]Thanks to Khazou for the acces to his server to fully testing the tool
  20. Hello guys! Some know the Death Knight's sprite name? like Knight is 񃯇 Help meaah xD thx
  21. Hello guys! Some know the Death Knight's sprite name? like Knight is 񃯇 Help meaah xD thx
  22. View File 34 Kamishi's Clothes & Hair Palettes (Updated 2018!!) Support All classes including new Mounts, Oboro, Kagerou, Rebellion and 3rd Costumes ! Yay ! =3 The palettes are ranged from 0 to 35. For this pack to look the best you must use my corrected classes sprites and Haziel's 3rd Costumes sprites These palettes are from my big 700 palette pack ! If you want more, you may contact me here : Paletting services (More than 700 Palettes, Races and Colors! :3). Thank you ! >o< Submitter kami-shi Submitted 07/12/17 Category Sprites & Palettes  
  23. Version 4.2.0


    Support All classes including new Mounts, Oboro, Kagerou, Rebellion and 3rd Costumes ! Yay ! =3 The palettes are ranged from 0 to 35. For this pack to look the best you must use my corrected classes sprites and Haziel's 3rd Costumes sprites These palettes are from my big 700 palette pack ! If you want more, you may contact me here : Paletting services (More than 700 Palettes, Races and Colors! :3). Thank you ! >o<
  24. Does anyone know how to/have a fix for this weapon sprite bug? Thank you.
  25. Version 2.0


    SmoothShadow By raPalooza Version 2.0 - This new version of SmoothShadow I tried to recreate the smooth shadow seen in Tree of Savior, so I used the .tga format to draw the shadow of monster and characters. The result I got was amazing, it gave ragnarok a fresh look! Try it out! ps;not sure if with huge mob density the client suffers.
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