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Everything posted by Grimmjow

  1. What is the problem? HP & SP factor 150 > 254 ? Hercules\db\pre-re\exp.txt //Base - Trans Jobs 254 Hercules\conf\map\battle\client.txt max_lv: 254 Hercules\src\common\mmo.h #define MAX_LEVEL 254
  2. You should probably provide more information with screenshots and crashdump The picture freezes and nothing happens!
  3. The last 5 updates to the emulator for no reason just crash! The picture freezes and nothing happens! What is the problem?
  4. Asking for help from experts! How can I get what I need based on this: http://herc.ws/board/topic/3554-ragnarok-episode-timeline/ 2009.12.23 : Episode 13.3 : El Dicastes ?
  5. I want to ask help from experts to adapt code for the latest version of Hercules. I tried to change, but not enough knowledge in src. Please help. Open clif.c Найти void clif_parse_GlobalMessage(int fd, struct map_session_data* sd) After: char *name, *message; int namelen, messagelen; Add: char prefix[255]; // prefix for timestamp [Qwadrat] time_t t = time(NULL); // time var [Qwadrat] Continue to find: // send message to others (using the send buffer for temp. storage) And to prepend: // timestamp feature by Qwadrat strftime(prefix, 10, "[%H:%M] ", localtime(&t)); strcat(prefix,text); textlen = strlen(prefix)+1; Further: // send message to others (using the send buffer for temp. storage) Replace the original piece of code: WFIFOHEAD(fd, 8 + textlen); WFIFOW(fd,0) = 0x8d; WFIFOW(fd,2) = 8 + textlen; WFIFOL(fd,4) = sd->bl.id; safestrncpy((char*)WFIFOP(fd,8), prefix, textlen); clif_send(WFIFOP(fd,0), WFIFOW(fd,2), &sd->bl, sd->chatID ? CHAT_WOS : AREA_CHAT_WOC); // send back message to the speaker //memcpy(WFIFOP(fd,0), RFIFOP(fd,0), RFIFOW(fd,2));-original memcpy(WFIFOP(fd,4), prefix, textlen); // [Qwadrat] WFIFOW(fd,0) = 0x8e; WFIFOW(fd,2) = RFIFOW(fd,2) + 8; // 8 - textlen [Qwadrat] WFIFOSET(fd, WFIFOW(fd,2));
  6. Hello, I would like to add @emotion @dance @detach/afk @.hold @heart these commands to your server but don't know how could You please help me in this? Can a full guide to add these commands in atcommand.c ? Thank You very much !!!
  7. Can't import the item_db.sql and item_db_re.sql into the database. I use Windows 10 x32. MySQL 5.5
  8. [Err] 1265 - Data truncated for column 'equip_jobs' at row 1 [Err] REPLACE INTO `item_db` VALUES ('501','Red_Potion','Red Potion','0','50','25','70','0','0','0','0','0','0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF','63','2','0','0','0',NULL,'0','0','0','0','0','0','0',NULL,'0',NULL,'0',NULL,'0','itemheal rand(45,65),0;','',''); [Msg] Finished - Unsuccessfully -------------------------------------------------- Help!
  9. Download and install in your grf
  10. Thank you very much! I have added and set, like all works as it should. There was a question about above The subject 14232, 2, 50, falls just got it but no announcement of the drop. A new question. It was established 7227, 1, 10, // TCG Card, including @ autoloot 0.4 and drop flies into the alt + e! why?
  11. I understand every recipe in the mob? It can be an example?
  12. Using the Hercules emulator. Date download 09-11/02/2016 I apologize in advance for my English, do not scold me harshly. Thank! Help me please to do so would be 14232, 2, 5, > 0.50% 7615, 1, 3, > 0.50% 7227, 1, 2, > 0.75% 7179, 1, 1; > 0.75% I cheated on if ( rand( 100 ) < .items[ .@i + 2 ] ) { on if ( rand( 10000 ) < .items[ .@i + 2 ] ) { 14232, 2, 50, 7615, 1, 50, 7227, 1, 75, 7179, 1, 75; but I'm not sure that this is true And another thing conf/battle/drops.conf // Make broadcast ** Player1 won Pupa's Pupa Card (chance 0.01%) *** // This can be set to any value between 0~10000. // Note: It also announces STEAL skill usage with rare items // 0 = don't show announces at all // 1 = show announces for 0.01% drop chance items // 333 = show announces for 3.33% or lower drop chance items // 10000 = show announces for all items rare_drop_announce: 10000 The subject 14232, 2, 50, falls just got it but no announcement of the drop. Very need Your help. Thanks! - script MvP Drop -1,{ OnNPCKillEvent: if ( getmonsterinfo( killedrid, 22 ) ) { for ( .@i = 0; .@i < getarraysize( .items ); .@i += 3 ) { if ( rand( 100 ) < .items[ .@i + 2 ] ) { getitem .items[ .@i ], .items[ .@i + 1 ]; announce "Wow! " +strcharinfo( 0 )+ " has obtained " +getitemname( .items[ .@i ] )+ " [" +.items[ .@i + 1 ]+ "] from " +getmonsterinfo(killedrid, 0)+ ".",0; } } } end; OnInit: // <item id>,<amount>,<chance> setarray .items[0],14232, 2, 5, 7615, 1, 3, 7227, 1, 2, 7179, 1, 1; end; }
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