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Ragnar Lothbrok

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Posts posted by Ragnar Lothbrok

  1. Solved. HAHAHA good for me to learn.


    Add this before BUILDIN(successrefitem) in script.c

    /*========================================== * сrmor Enchanting *------------------------------------------*/BUILDIN(successenchant){	int i = -1, j, num, enchant, ep;	TBL_PC *sd;	num = script_getnum(st,2); // Equip Slot	enchant = script_getnum(st,3); // Equip Enchant	sd = script_rid2sd(st);	if( sd == NULL || !itemdb_isenchant(enchant) )		return 0;	if( num > 0 && num <= ARRAYLENGTH(script->equip) )		i = pc->checkequip(sd, script->equip[num - 1]);	if( i < 0 )		return 0;	if( !sd->inventory_data[i] || sd->inventory_data[i]->slot >= MAX_SLOTS )		return 0; // Cannot enchant an item with 4 slots. Enchant uses last slot.	ep = sd->status.inventory[i].equip;	logs->pick_pc(sd, LOG_TYPE_SCRIPT, -1, &sd->status.inventory[i],sd->inventory_data[i]);		// By Official Info: Item will lose cards, refine and previus enchants.	for( j = 0; j < MAX_SLOTS; j++ )		sd->status.inventory[i].card[j] = 0;	sd->status.inventory[i].refine = 0;	// --------------------------------------------------------------------	pc->unequipitem(sd,i,2);	clif->delitem(sd,i,1,3);	sd->status.inventory[i].card[MAX_SLOTS - 1] = enchant;	logs->pick_pc(sd, LOG_TYPE_SCRIPT, 1, &sd->status.inventory[i],sd->inventory_data[i]);	clif->additem(sd,i,1,0);	pc->equipitem(sd,i,ep);	clif->misceffect(&sd->bl,3);	return 0;}BUILDIN(failedenchant){	int i = -1, num;	TBL_PC *sd;	num = script_getnum(st,2);	sd = script_rid2sd(st);	if( sd == NULL )		return 0;	if( num > 0 && num <= ARRAYLENGTH(script->equip) )		i = pc->checkequip(sd, script->equip[num - 1]);	if( i >= 0 )	{		pc->unequipitem(sd,i,3);		pc->delitem(sd,i,1,0,2,LOG_TYPE_SCRIPT);		clif->misceffect(&sd->bl,2);	}	return 0;}

    And after   BUILDIN_DEF(countbound, "?"),


       	 // Enchanting        BUILDIN_DEF(successenchant,"ii"),        BUILDIN_DEF(failedenchant,"i"),





    Add this after #define itemdb_isspecial(i) (i == CARD0_FORGE || i == CARD0_CREATE || i == CARD0_PET) in itemdb.h

    #define itemdb_isenchant(i) (i >= 4700 && i <= 4999)



    I hope someone can also approve this and add in the latest svn..




    Yes already fix mine... longtime ago.. haha..


    try removing or changing the orbs or try using orb normal just click orb it will put on 4th slot...


    Make a New GRF(don't save it in data.grf), load it first in DATA.ini (data.grf => kRO's Main GRF)


    Also Ensure in your GRF that the path of files are correct, (should be data/mapnametable.txt and not data/data/mapnametable.txt)


    I already done that sir. I even make a separate grf for luafiles514 and mapnametable.txt but still there is a problem. I also check the paths and all are correct. I think there's a problem with NEO patcher since I've tried using Shin's and it worked there. But I need to use NEO's coz of the packet patch.


    i have same problem on this, if my client reads Data Folder, no error and all translated to english... But when my client read's .grf file text are korean same as above problem and my client always crash after 3-4 seconds..

    Im using 20120410ragexeRE and diff NEMO..

  3. Nice work 10/10


    Question: where did you get those Chibi characters? thanks!

    Thank you!


    I second that of Frost... I haven't seen those ones before.. ;o


    Also, at your design. I say it's missing a name in the middle... or at least something... right now it's open space and it's killing my OCD :< I like the fading you did with the kafra though.

    Do you mean Server Name on the top? actually it has, i only remove it..  :D

    Thank You!




    for your 1st design. too wide i estimated its 1400+pixels and  can't read the introduction message. btw, Nice work!

    Thanks gantz!

    really too wide? the dimension is 1630x1650, i don't know what is the best dimension for website :P , can you please tell me what's is best dimension for website?

  4. I use the



    I just fixed my problem lately by downloading the github instead of mediafire link and you should update it sir.

    Now I got this problem when I patch 2012-04-10aragexe. Skill names and decription are not translated.


    Get the translated data folder:


    I did this but now the problem is the creation of character.attachicon.gifscreenClassic Vs Transcen000.jpg

    Same problem with this! im using https://github.com/ROClientSide/Translation/tree/master/Data/..

    i just notice when i use "Read Data Folder First" with my client ofcourse it will read Data Folder all text are normal means in English..

    But when i make client reading grf files all text becomes korean..





  5. Any one having problem with Patching "Disable Nagle Algorithm" for 20120410?


    Coz, i got error/client crash when patching it with "Disable Nagle Algorithm" after few seconds my client suddenly crash..


    and When i try to remove "Disable Nagle Algorithm" my client works perfectly...


    anyone experiencing this? Need help please!

  6. I Diff 20120410 client w/ "reading data folder first" and it works fine i can play and connect in game w/o error reading the data folder..

    But when i try to Diff it w/o "reading data folder 1st"  and w/ "read multiple grf's" and i make grf files w/ my data folder.. my client crash after entering username and password...

    I need help please..

    I'm using :
    20120410 client , Shin's Diff Patcher
    Old and Updated Data Folder
    grfbuilder-0.1.30,GRF editor

  7. Hi NEO, i have one problem about Skill Body Relocation(snap), Wan i use skill Body Relocation(snap) have one shadow at the snap poin first, i don know your all have this problem or not, the problem in ragnarok exe? i am using 2013-08-07 and 2014 up same have this problem, who have the idea to fix this problem , plz hlp thanks!!

    if im not mistaken body relocation is use to be like that!

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