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About Hidekitakase

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    Gorillaz <3
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  1. Hello guys how can i do this... calculation of the damage boss/monster damage received that can be reduced by mapflag, its working but only with players pvp,gvg.... i really appreciate who can help me😀 like this in src/map/battle.c int64 battle_calc_pc_damage(struct block_list *src, struct block_list *bl, struct Damage *d, int64 damage, uint16 skill_id, uint16 skill_lv) { int flag = d->flag; switch (skill_id) { //case PA_PRESSURE: /* pressure also belongs to this list but it doesn't reach this area -- so don't worry about it */ case HW_GRAVITATION: case NJ_ZENYNAGE: case KO_MUCHANAGE: break; default: if (flag & BF_SKILL) { //Skills get a different reduction than non-skills. [Skotlex] if (flag & BF_WEAPON) damage = damage * map->list[bl->m].weapon_damage_rate / 100; if (flag & BF_MAGIC) damage = damage * map->list[bl->m].magic_damage_rate / 100; if (flag & BF_MISC) damage = damage * map->list[bl->m].misc_damage_rate / 100; } else { //Normal attacks get reductions based on range. if (flag & BF_SHORT) damage = damage * map->list[bl->m].short_damage_rate / 100; if (flag & BF_LONG) damage = damage * map->list[bl->m].long_damage_rate / 100; } if (!damage) damage = 1; break; } return damage; }
  2. Bro, congrats. Nice job!!
  3. Hello You can download here the emulator: Here. And the client-side you can test this(i think he is always updating): Here
  4. How to fix the npc, couse it doesn't working when i try to enter in a queue, only works with command @joinbg... If npc from someone is working well, tell me where's the error please.Thanks
  5. É possível sim, você teria que criar um script para : (npc/instances/EndlessTower.txt) e verificar se o player é vip ou não pegando os valores da database com essa função(http://herc.ws/wiki/Query_sql). O foco vai ser mais ou menos nessas linhas aqui ,pois elas estão setando o delay(604800 = 1 semana), estude bem para ver o que cada função faz. E também irá ter que trabalhar com /db/quest_db.conf. Porque é aqui que seta a quest e sua duração. Vê que são os mesmos valores do arquivo acima(604800 tempo de delay). Esse é o caminho que estou ti dando, estou com pouco tempo n posso ti ajudar muito com o code, espero que entenda ;D
  6. Bom dia, 1°) Talvez, conhece os itens shadow?! Com eles, você pode testar essa função "visual de arma", segue o Link: http://herc.ws/wiki/Custom_Items, Vá nesse tópico Loc: Equipment location of armor and arrow-type items. 2°)http://herc.ws/wiki/Custom_Mobs. 3°)Este é o arquivo da torre sem fim https://github.com/HerculesWS/Hercules/blob/stable/npc/instances/EndlessTower.txt.
  7. Yes, i thought that if i make that npc it will work. I will try later ;D thanks.... Butt, just one problem, if i use an npc, i have to create an exception to apply the buff only if the player still using it. If the player change that equipment the buff is over... I'll think better...
  8. It didn't work, i tried to make using time function but, again didn't work. I don't know what's causing this issue... it's like when the item is equipped won't change the status anymore, well by using this script for item...
  9. Man, you don't understanding me... every way that i use to make a script, the code inside bonus item doesn't refresh itself, even with time or not... I don't know what happen but, the script doesn't work properly when it is inside bonus item..... choose one item and put this code, you'll see what i'm telling you..
  10. Yeah, but the thing is, the bonus status don't change automatically when i change day to night or the opposite. I wanted that the bonus change automatically when the day is over... it's possible?
  11. Hey Guys i have a doubt, why this is don't work properly: while(!isnight()){ bonus bInt,50; sleep2 1500; } bonus bStr,50; When is at night give to the player 50 int points, but, when i change to morning the item don't refresh itself to the other part of the code. But, when I remove and equip again the item, then give me correctly 50 str points. This is my question... have a script to refresh itself the item? When day give me 50 str points, and when at night, the item refresh, then give me 50 int points.
  12. I got the same error, It was solved by compiling with MSVS 2015. But which version?? 'couse i try as many as possible ( VS2015 express .... community , professional ) and i got error when i try to open in hercules-14.sln.... show a message that the software doesn't support the .sln files.... (and the VS2015 stop running)... This happens when i try to open in every vs2015..... http://imgur.com/a/I3r7j
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