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Script Developers
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Dastgir last won the day on July 22 2024

Dastgir had the most liked content!

About Dastgir

  • Rank
    Core Developer
  • Birthday March 7

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  • Emulator
  • Client Version
    2019-02-28 RE

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  1. Ragexe Zero Client: (2024-07-17): https://drive.google.com/file/d/14MIkpSueYzbtQqDLe2QDygePXOJdylyS/view?usp=sharing You will need to modify WARP/Nemo patches for it to work with above client.
  2. Hello still available for paid services? Thanks!

  3. Hi are you still alive? im contacting you on facebook but ur not replying 

  4. hi @Dastgir how/where can I contact you sir? :D  Please send pm sir. thanks

  5. Hey man are you available for a paid service?

  6. The only option is to use old clients. You can search in forums how to setup server.
  7. Check the error in console. [Error]: conf/global/sql_connection.conf:1 - syntax error. Post your sql_connection with user/password removed, or check syntax yourself. Might be missing something, or unknown symbols somewhere.
  8. Its code problem, The queue NPC is not using getvariableofnpc (Not noticed as almost every server prefer commands instead of waiting room)
  9. Ping your dynamic domain, if it resolves to your ip, also check your map/char configuration, it should have your dns entry.
  10. Plugin adds it, your plugin is not enabled as well. (Check HPMHooking as well) Also, the stacktrace shows pc_bonus instead of pc_bonus2, make sure the item doesn't have any other bonus to test this properly.
  11. You used bonus instead of bonus2
  12. Dear Dastgir,


    I am currently using your published work "noview".

    I wonder if I would like to disable view to own character not just only other player but the player who use command himself


    How would I do that please suggest,

    Right now I need to use 2 plugin which are 1.hatless and 2.noview in order to disable everyone view hat


    I think It would be awesome if I can combine it into one

  13. Trader are different from normal shop, and will not work with trader
  14. just add .bg_change with 1, till it has reached .bg_common[0], then revert it back to BGT_CTF. its simple
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