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    NewNewbie got a reaction from bWolfie in What is wrong in this script? [2]   
    yeah.. listen, last time I played ragnarok, was like 10 years ago, and in now i'm a boxer, nothing like a programmer... I know nothing about this, but i'm working hard to learn scripiting and english, to make a cool server lol   and the reason that I wrote "itens" rather than "items" is because in my language (portuguese) "itens" is right xD   thank y'all, sorry any thing
  2. Upvote
    NewNewbie reacted to GmOcean in Scripting Tutorials & Guides   
    Scripting Tutorials and Guides
    I'm going to attempt to help everyone here with their scripts while not being directly involved in helping you with them xD.
    This will also help future/current scripters get some fresh info and maybe inspire innovative ideas towards scripting.
    So that we can prove that us " Scripters " are the superior ragnarok emulation race! Take that Source Code writers!! Jk lol, we need you too .

    What I'm going to do, is write detailed tutorials on how to write a few scripts. Starting from the basics to more advanced scripts.
    This way everyone can follow along. And hopefully this will help everyone understand how to write a few scripts and even troubleshoot their own scripts.
    Also please read: Scripting Standards.
    It will help you understand how to read some of the syntax and way people script things.
    // A list of <sprite id>s can be found here: Sprite_IDs Credits: Ai4rei
    Scripting Tutorials & Guides
    In this section you will learn how to write scripts ranging from Complete Begginer Level Scripts ( Me and Some of you ) -> Expert Level Scripts ( Think, Developer Status O.o; )
    - Beginner Scripts -
    Scripts for complete beginners and novice scripters.
    - Intermediate Scripts -
    Scripts for intermediate level scripters. If you completed my beginner script series, then you are ready for this section.
    - Advanced Scripts -
    Scripts for advanced level scripters. If you completed my intermediate script series and have made a few of your own intermediate scripts, then you are ready for this section.
    The idea behind this topic, is for new users, and current ones, to have a (second)place they can go to for reference when trying to write a script if they can't figure it out with script_commands.txt file. It will also help people learn how to write scripts. While hopefully, keeping script writing techniques to a ' very ' similar structure!
    *Read Me* - I have updated the links on this post to link to the oldboard so these guides can be viewed. However, do note that the script_commands.txt links within those guides are no longer accurate. Enjoy your scripting.
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