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Everything posted by Thyr

  1. solved. fixed it myself here is it working gold room with security~ //********************************************************************************************************************************************************************************* //***--Topic Link : ***\( ^ ~ ^ )/*** //*** //*** //********************************************************************************************************************************************************************************* //***-- Script by : ***\( ^ ~ ^ )/*** //***-- Emistry //*** //********************************************************************************************************************************************************************************* //***-- Contact Info : ***\( ^ ~ ^ )/*** //***-- My Email : [email protected] //*** //********************************************************************************************************************************************************************************* //***-- Messages : ***\( ^ ~ ^ )/*** //***-- Drop me a private message or email if you are looking for my helps ^^. //***-- Beside that, I am looking for a Server to work with ^^ . //***-- I will do my best to help you ^^. //***-- More Details ? PM Me ^^. //*** //********************************************************************************************************************************************************************************* //***Although these scripts might not suit or follow with what you have requested completely. But i still wish you can give it a try before reject the works. //*** //********************************************************************************************************************************************************************************* //-------------------------MONSTER DATABASE [ REPLACE it in Your MOB_DB.txt ] -------------------------------------------------------------------- //1852,G_EM_ANGELING,Angeling,Angeling,99,120,0,0,0,1,60,71,100,99,1,17,80,80,126,20,10,12,0,8,66,0x37B5,300,1288,288,384,0,0,0,0,0,0,969,5000,969,10000,969,8000,969,1000,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 //1853,G_EM_DEVILING,Deviling,Deviling,99,120,0,0,0,1,60,71,100,99,1,17,80,80,126,20,10,12,0,8,66,0x37B5,300,1288,288,384,0,0,0,0,0,0,7444,5000,7444,10000,7444,5000,969,10000,969,5000,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 //-------------------------NPC [ Warper + Exchanger ] -------------------------------------------------------------------- phtownall,209,163,3 script Gold Room Manager 4_M_EINMINER,{ mes "[ Gold Room Manager ]"; mes "How may I serve for you ?"; mes "I can warp you to a Gold Mine."; next; mes "[ Gold Room Manager ]"; mes "I need you to give me"; mes "1,000,000 Zeny to Enter."; next; switch(select("Enter to Gold Room:Cancel")) { case 1: if(Zeny < 1000000) goto nomoney; set .@a,rand(50); set .@b,rand(50); mes "[Gold Room]"; mes "Before you enter, you need to answer the question "; mes "for security check."; mes "If A = "+.@a+" B = "+.@b; switch( rand(1) ){ set .@answer,.@a + .@b; mes "How many is A + B ?"; next; input .@input; next; if( .@input!=.@answer ) { atcommand "@kick " + strcharinfo(0); close; break; } else if (.@input==.@answer) { set Zeny,Zeny-1000000; warp "ordeal_3-2",0,0; close; } end; } case 2: mes "[ Gold Room Manager ]"; mes "Owh...."; mes "Nevermind..since it is your decision."; mes "It is all up to you."; mes "Come back to me if you changed your mind."; close; } nomoney: mes "[Gold Room Manager]"; mes "Sorry you need 1,000,000z to enter"; close; } //-------------------------MONSTER SPAWN-------------------------------------------------------------------- // Duplicados Warps v1.0 ordeal_3-2.gat,130,193,0 warp goldroomwrp#1 3,3,ordeal_3-2.gat,154,154 ordeal_3-2.gat,106,154,0 warp goldroomwrp#2 3,3,ordeal_3-2.gat,154,154 ordeal_3-2.gat,201,129,0 warp goldroomwrp#3 3,3,ordeal_3-2.gat,154,154 ordeal_3-2.gat,177,193,0 warp goldroomwrp#4 3,3,ordeal_3-2.gat,154,154 //ordeal_3-2,24,228,0 warp prontera 1,1,prontera,156,172; //ordeal_3-2,25,58,0 warp prontera 1,1,prontera,156,172; //ordeal_3-2,289,130,0 warp prontera 1,1,prontera,156,172; //ordeal_3-2,283,230,0 warp prontera 1,1,prontera,156,172; //ordeal_3-2,210,203,0 warp prontera 1,1,prontera,156,172; // Natural Monsters v1.0 ordeal_3-2,154,154,0,0 monster Gold Peco Peco 3003,15,0,0,0 ordeal_3-2,0,0,0,0 monster Gold Peco Peco 3003,50,0,0,0 ordeal_3-2,0,0,0,0 monster Gold Peco Peco 3003,50,0,0,0 ordeal_3-2,0,0,0,0 monster Gold Peco Peco 3003,50,0,0,0 // Map Flags v1.0 ordeal_3-2 mapflag nowarp ordeal_3-2 mapflag nobranch ordeal_3-2 mapflag nomemo ordeal_3-2 mapflag nowarpto ordeal_3-2 mapflag nopenalty ordeal_3-2 mapflag pvp_noparty ordeal_3-2 mapflag noskill ordeal_3-2 mapflag nosave ordeal_3-2 mapflag novending ordeal_3-2 mapflag noteleport
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