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About xRO

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  1. Update: Live version can now be seen here: https://x-r.online/
  2. Updated. Need help with integrating it to FluxCP!
  3. Thank you! Nope not all, some of them have been taken and re-worked on.
  4. Update: Live version can now be seen here: https://x-r.online/ Just thought I'd share a design I'm currently working with. I'm by no means any professional designer, but just know my way around Photoshop a bit. At the moment, it's nowhere done, there's so much more to re-touch and add. Maybe it can give some inspiration. Enjoy! * Potentially looking for a coder to slice it up and finalize it into a FluxCP integrated design, since I have no clue how that's going to work. Version 1: http://i.imgur.com/cnW2imw.jpg Version 2: http://i.imgur.com/nv8gMGt.jpg Latest:
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