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    hurtsky reacted to Ai4rei in Elurair, v2.14.0.369 - last updated 2024/04/14   
    Elurair Patching Launcher
    (RO Patcher Lite+ROCred Merge)

    Universal auto-patcher for all your updating needs combined with a launcher, which is fully skinnable, highly customizable and easy on resources. It is free of any cost and works on every 32-bit and 64-bit Microsoft* Windows* platform. How this came to be: Future of ROCred and RO Patcher Lite
    Known Issues
    Q: Does the patcher support encrypted GRFs?
    A: Yes, common GRF encryption schemes are supported.
    Q: Can I use the Patcher part without the Launcher part?
    A: Yes, the Launcher mechanics and UI can be disabled in configuration.
    Q: Can I use the Launcher part without the Patcher part?
    A: Yes, remove all Patcher sections from the configuration.
    Download & Website

    This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial 4.0 International License.
  2. Upvote
    hurtsky reacted to AnnieRuru in Advance SQL commands   
    As usual, I only write advance guides
    This guide is a compilation of SQL commands that I have used, or Questions answered on the forum
    every single subject here are related to Hercules/Ragnarok Online in some ways, so you won't feel bored reading them XD
    Table of Content
    1. When to use *escape_sql script command
    2. How to build a case-sensitive table
    3. Choose a table type, MyISAM or InnoDB ?
    3a. How to index a table properly
    3b. Why you shouldn't use `char_reg_num_db` table
    5. How to do IF-ELSE in SQL query ?
    5a. How to update multiple rows on different conditions in a single query
    6. How to show the current rank of the player
    7. INSERT INTO ... SELECT ...
    8. Table JOIN vs AS
    9. What is the maximum string limit for *query_sql
    9a. UNION
    This topic is now open to Suggestions, Ideas, Improvements, and Questions ~
    I'm sure many of you have some questions since the creation of this topic
    You may also post up your tricks if you want to share with us
  3. Upvote
    hurtsky reacted to AnnieRuru in Advance SQL commands   
    1. When to use escape_sql script command
    input .@haha$; dispbottom .@haha$; dispbottom escape_sql(.@haha$); it doesn't has much differences, because it only affect 3 special characters
    ' <- single quotation mark
    " <- double quotation mark
    \ <- left slash
    if I input -> haha"lala'hehe <-
    it will return -> haha\"lala\'hehe <-
    this is what we call, Escape a character
    in hercules script, we also know we can use " symbol in any string input
    mes "Susan says :\" Today I ate 3 eggs \"."; where in the game client, you can see the " symbol in the npc msg box
    let's say I have a sql script like this
    prontera,153,171,5 script Show Characters 1_F_MARIA,{ mes "input name, I'll show you all characters name it has on that player's account"; input .@name$; .@nb = query_sql("SELECT `char_id`, `name` FROM `char` WHERE `name` LIKE '"+ .@name$ +"'", .@cid, .@name$); if ( !.@nb ) { mes "no result"; close; } for ( .@i = 0; .@i < .@nb; ++.@i ) mes .@cid[.@i] +" "+ .@name$[.@i]; close; } this script has a possibility to be hacked
    because to perform sql injection, I can enclose the string with quotation mark, then use another sql command to hack
    BUT with an escape_sql command, if the user want to enclose the string with quotation mark to hack the script
    the escape_sql command escaped the string, the quotation mark the user input will be escaped
    thus the script will become impossible to hack
    just now that script was for string input
    prontera,153,171,5 script Show Characters 1_F_MARIA,{ mes "input account ID, I'll show you all characters name it has on that player's account"; input .@aid$; .@nb = query_sql("SELECT `char_id`, `name` FROM `char` WHERE `account_id` = "+ escape_sql(.@aid$), .@cid, .@name$); if ( !.@nb ) { mes "no result"; close; } for ( .@i = 0; .@i < .@nb; ++.@i ) mes .@cid[.@i] +" "+ .@name$[.@i]; close; } this is another stupid case.
    1. the scripter use string input while the script just needed a number
    2. even with escape_sql command over there, there is no quotation mark at all
    yes this script also has a risk to be hack
    because escape_sql only escape quotation mark.
    that hacker don't even have to input quotation mark because it is a number
    and an injection query can be sent without any quotation mark input
    there are 2 ways to solve this
    either use numeric variable for the input command
    or enclose that ....
    ..... WHERE `account_id` = '"+ escape_sql(.@aid$) +"'", .... with single quotation mark, when the hacker input a quotation mark will be escaped by escape_sql command
    Reference : https://www.w3schools.com/sql/sql_injection.asp
    escape_sql command for another thing is
    if the player register their names containing ' or ", these characters are escaped
    only happens when the server have no restriction on the creation of players name
    // Manage possible letters/symbol in the name of charater. Control character (0x00-0x1f) are never accepted. Possible values are: // NOTE: Applies to character, party and guild names. // 0: no restriction (default) // 1: only letters/symbols in 'name_letters' option. // 2: Letters/symbols in 'name_letters' option are forbidden. All others are possibles. name_option: 1  
    and this was what happened to my SQL dota pvpladder script
    Silo's Babies <-- this is a guild name
    you can see the 5th string has a single quotation mark
    with escape_sql command, that string will turn into
    Silo\'s Babies <-- the quotation mark is escaped when send to sql query
  4. Upvote
    hurtsky reacted to AnnieRuru in Advance SQL commands   
    2. How to build a case-sensitive table
    this is the answer I found
    by default, the table creation use charset = latin1;
    means it couldn't do a case-sensitive search
    if you want to do a case-sensitive in a query, use BINARY
    SELECT * FROM `char` WHERE `name` = BINARY('AnnieRuru'); however using BINARY might have performance hit if it is a big table
    so its more recommend to convert your SQL table to collate with latin1_general_cs

    let's say this is a sample table
    CREATE TABLE `test` ( `id` INT(11) PRIMARY KEY AUTO_INCREMENT, `name` VARCHAR(23) )ENGINE = InnoDB; do an ALTER table syntax
    ALTER TABLE `test` MODIFY COLUMN `name` VARCHAR(23) COLLATE latin1_general_cs; or just put it into the table creation
    CREATE TABLE `test` ( `id` INT(11) PRIMARY KEY AUTO_INCREMENT, `name` VARCHAR(23) )ENGINE = InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET = latin1 COLLATE latin1_general_cs;  
  5. Upvote
    hurtsky reacted to AnnieRuru in Advance SQL commands   
    3. Choose a table type, MyISAM or InnoDB ?
    Before MySQL 5.5,
    MyISAM is mostly use for read-heavy + table locking storage engine = such as pvp ladder ( always select ... order by kill desc )
    InnoDB is mostly use for write-heavy + row locking storage engine = such as quest script ( select ... from char_id ... only 1 row is retrieve )
    After MySQL 5.6, (currently is 8.0)
    just stick to InnoDB
    there is only 1 reason MyISAM is better than InnoDB
    - MyISAM use smaller disk usage than InnoDB
    let's take a look at our MyISAM to InnoDB converter
    This converter is useful if you are using MySQL 5.6 or above
    There are 4 tables that are commented out
    the reason is simple, these 4 tables only read once and forgotten when server is live
    since MyISAM is good at reading (SELECT) + smaller disk usage, its no use to convert these 4 tables into InnoDB
    3a How to index a table properly
    a simple thumb of rule, anything that is SELECT .... WHERE `field` = .....
    that `field` has to be index
    let's take a look at this PVP Ladder script that use Kill/Death ratio
    CREATE TABLE `pvpladder` ( `char_id` INT(11), `name` VARCHAR(23), `kills` INT(11), `death` INT(11), PRIMARY KEY (`char_id`), KEY (`kills`, `death`) ) ENGINE = InnoDB; prontera,155,186,6 script PVP Ladder 1_F_MARIA,{ .@nb = query_sql( "SELECT `name`, `kills`/(`death`+1) FROM `pvpladder` WHERE `kills` > 0 ORDER BY `kills`/(`death`+1) DESC LIMIT 10", .@name$, .@ratio$ ); if ( !.@nb ) { mes "no entry"; close; } mes "Current Ranking :"; for ( .@i = 0; .@i < .@nb; ++.@i ) mes "No."+(.@i +1)+" ["+ .@name$[.@i] +"] "+ .@ratio$[.@i] +" kill"; close; OnPCKillEvent: if ( killedrid == getcharid(3) ) { // killing self should only increase death count. EG: Grand-cross query_sql "INSERT INTO `pvpladder` VALUES ( "+ getcharid(0) +", '"+ escape_sql( strcharinfo(0) )+"', 0,1 ) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `death` = `death` +1"; end; } query_sql "INSERT INTO `pvpladder` VALUES ( "+ getcharid(0) +", '"+ escape_sql( strcharinfo(0) )+"', 1,0 ) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `kills` = `kills` +1"; attachrid killedrid; query_sql "INSERT INTO `pvpladder` VALUES ( "+ getcharid(0) +", '"+ escape_sql( strcharinfo(0) )+"', 0,1 ) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `death` = `death` +1"; end; } This kind of query -> ORDER BY kills/death, needs to index them together like this
    KEY (`kills`, `death`) 3b. Why you shouldn't use `char_reg_num_db` table
    blame Euphy for spreading this technique
    There are 2 reasons why you shouldn't even touch all these variable tables
    Reason no.1 This table is sorely meant for server usage
    Once these data is loaded, it is process internally, and only save character data according to this configuration
    Reason no.2 The `value` field is not index !
    This line has ORDER BY `value`, try recheck our main.sql file
    CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `acc_reg_num_db` ( `account_id` INT(11) UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT '0', `key` VARCHAR(32) BINARY NOT NULL DEFAULT '', `index` INT(11) UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT '0', `value` INT(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0', PRIMARY KEY (`account_id`,`key`,`index`), KEY `account_id` (`account_id`) ) ENGINE=MyISAM; SQL will search through every single line in the `value` field if that column isn't index
    Of course you can ... do ALTER table to add KEY to the `value` field
    but this table has already optimized in that way for server usage
    the more field you index into the table, the more disk usage space it use
    Conclusion : If you want to make a custom script, then make a custom table. Leave these table alone !
  6. Upvote
    hurtsky reacted to AnnieRuru in Advance SQL commands   
    CREATE TABLE `support_ticket` ( `id` INT(11) AUTO_INCREMENT, `title` VARCHAR(70), `message` VARCHAR(255), PRIMARY KEY (`id`) ) ENGINE = InnoDB; In this kind of query that has AUTO_INCREMENT, many people do ....
    $support_ticket_id++; query_sql "INSERT INTO `support_ticket` VALUES ( "+ $support_ticket_id +", '"+ escape_sql(.@title$) ... can be optimize .... using NULL
    query_sql "INSERT INTO `support_ticket` VALUES ( NULL, '"+ escape_sql(.@title$) ... can retrieve the last row with
    query_sql "SELECT MAX(`id`) FROM `support_ticket`", .@id; // ----- OR ----- query_sql "SELECT LAST_INSERT_ID()", .@id;  
    Question : This question was asked on eathena forum board
    One of my friend touched my custom table and the AUTO_INCREMENT has jump off the value
    | 1 | <data set 1> | 2 | <data set 2> | 3 | <data set 3> | 25854 | <data set 4> | 25855 | <data set 5> | 25856 | <data set 6> I want to make the value return back to normal as shown
    | 1 | <data set 1> | 2 | <data set 2> | 3 | <data set 3> | 4 | <data set 4> | 5 | <data set 5> | 6 | <data set 6> How to do this WITHOUT losing any of the current data ?
    Answer: The trick is ... just drop that column and rebuild it
    ALTER TABLE `inventory` DROP COLUMN `id`; ALTER TABLE `inventory` ADD COLUMN `id` INT(11) UNSIGNED NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT PRIMARY KEY FIRST; convert the table into MyISAM will process the query much faster
  7. Upvote
    hurtsky reacted to AnnieRuru in Advance SQL commands   
    5. How to do IF-ELSE in SQL query ?
    Question : I have a PVP ladder script that runs on Points system. Each kill plus 1 point and each death minus 1 point.
    The problem is, this query will make the points go into negative value if the player is being kill repeatedly
    query_sql "UPDATE `pvp_points` SET `points` = `points` - 1 WHERE `char_id` = "+ getcharid(0); How do I make the points stop at 0 if the player is already at 0 points ?
    Answer :
    query_sql "UPDATE `pvp_points` SET `points` = IF(`points` = 0, 0, `points` - 1) WHERE `char_id` = "+ getcharid(0); query_sql "UPDATE `pvp_points` SET `points` = (CASE WHEN `points` = 0 THEN 0 ELSE `points` - 1 END) WHERE `char_id` = "+ getcharid(0);  
    similar to hercules script language,
    if (<condition>) <execute true condition>; else <execute false condition>; in SQL language
    IF(<condition>, <execute true condition>, <execute false condition>) CASE WHEN <condition> THEN <execute true condition> ELSE <execute false condition> END  
    Reference : https://www.w3schools.com/sql/func_mysql_if.asp
    5a. How to update multiple rows on different conditions in a single query
    This query will update multiple rows on different condition
    UPDATE `pvpladder` SET `points` = CASE WHEN `char_id` = 150000 THEN `points` +1 WHEN `char_id` = 150001 THEN `points` -1 END WHERE `char_id` IN (150000,150001); Reference : https://stackoverflow.com/questions/20255138/sql-update-multiple-records-in-one-query
  8. Upvote
    hurtsky reacted to AnnieRuru in Advance SQL commands   
    6. How to show the current rank of the player
    Question : This is the part of the script, output as below
    .@nb = query_sql("SELECT `name`, `kills` FROM `pvpladder` ORDER BY `kills` DESC LIMIT 5", .@name$, .@kills); for ( .@i = 0; .@i < .@nb; .@i++ ) mes "No."+(.@i+1)+" ["+ .@name$[.@i] +"] ~ "+ .@kills[.@i] +" kills"; No.1 [Alice] ~ 19 kills No.2 [Emily] ~ 11 kills No.3 [Irene] ~ 11 kills No.4 [Brittany] ~ 8 kills No.5 [Fiona] ~ 7 kills  2nd place and 3rd place has the same amount of kills, how do I make both of them display as 2nd place like this ?
    No.1 [Alice] ~ 19 kills No.2 [Emily] ~ 11 kills No.2 [Irene] ~ 11 kills No.4 [Brittany] ~ 8 kills No.5 [Fiona] ~ 7 kills  
    Answer :
    Method no.1: Convert the table into InnoDB will return the result faster. Allow to use OFFSET
    .@nb = query_sql("SELECT `name`, `kills`, FIND_IN_SET(`kills`, (SELECT GROUP_CONCAT(`kills` ORDER BY `kills` DESC) FROM `pvpladder`)) FROM `pvpladder` ORDER BY `kills` DESC LIMIT 5", .@name$, .@kills, .@rank); for ( .@i = 0; .@i < .@nb; ++.@i ) mes "No."+ .@rank[.@i] +" ["+ .@name$[.@i] +"] ~ "+ .@kills[.@i] +" kills"; Method no.2: This method return result faster than method 1 in huge table. Not allow to use OFFSET
    .@query$ = "SELECT `name`, IF(@d=t.`kills`, @r, @r:=@i), @d:=t.`kills`, @i:=@i+1 "; .@query$ += "FROM `pvpladder` t, (SELECT @d:=0, @r:=0, @i:=1)q "; .@query$ += "ORDER BY `kills` DESC LIMIT 5"; .@nb = query_sql(.@query$, .@name$, .@rank, .@kills, .@dummy); for ( .@i = 0; .@i < .@nb; ++.@i ) mes "No."+ .@rank[.@i] +" ["+ .@name$[.@i] +"] ~ "+ .@kills[.@i] +" kills"; .
    Question : How do I show the current ranking of the player ?
    mes "Your kills -> "+ .@kills; mes "Your rank -> "+ .@rank; Answer :
    query_sql "SELECT `kills`, 1+(SELECT COUNT(1) FROM `pvpladder` t1 WHERE t1.`kills` > t2.`kills`) FROM `pvpladder` t2 WHERE `char_id` = "+ getcharid(0), .@kills, .@rank; Remember to index the `kills` field
    Reference : https://dba.stackexchange.com/questions/13703/get-the-rank-of-a-user-in-a-score-table
  9. Upvote
    hurtsky reacted to Temtaime in New life for RO   
    Hello all !
    Thanks for your support, it means very much to me
    There's a new release with some important game features like dealing between players.

    Get it here
    Also i have to notice that info about new releases will no longer be published to this forum, so stay in touch at the project's forum.
    Thank you all.
  10. Upvote
    hurtsky reacted to Tio Akima in Special Room - 1.0 [FREE MAP]   
    your date was probably not updated.
    But thanks for the warning.
    - I added all the files (renewal textures) to avoid this type of error.
  11. Upvote
    hurtsky reacted to Tio Akima in Special Room - 1.0 [FREE MAP]   
    View File Special Room - 1.0 [FREE MAP]
    Special Room (s_room)
    Map created by TioAkima and distributed (without any cost) by the author himself.
    It is a customized room that can have several functions, such as room for Quest's, Market (shop's), VIP room, meetings, etc ...
    The trade in this map is permanently prohibited.

    [I have not yet tested the map .. I have finished recently so .. Any mistake, please let me know.]

    Submitter Tio Akima Submitted 02/02/18 Category Maps & Textures  
  12. Upvote
    hurtsky reacted to Temtaime in New life for RO   
    J'appelle au grand nombre !
    Hey guys !
    I badly need someone who can remake the korean skin so it will be added to our repository.
    Grab data.7z and find a «gui» folder inside it.
    Repaint all the images and contact with me, so we will be able to discuss it further.
    The only notice - main background color is white(area below pink color for example) and it won't be changed.

  13. Upvote
    hurtsky reacted to Temtaime in New life for RO   
    Hey guys.
    New skin is made and i'll publish it this week.
    Thanks for your support !
    Happy new year !
    Also i hope before new year i'll make another one beta with new functional.
  14. Upvote
    hurtsky reacted to Temtaime in New life for RO   
    Hi all !
    Beta v0.4.0 is here ! http://aesir.perfontain.ru/forum/topic/23-beta-v040/
    Key change is a new skin (special thanks to @Tyrfing !
    Thanks for all of you guys for the support in this year, we made a big step, i promise, in 2018 Æsir will be made even cooler !
    Happy new year !

  15. Upvote
    hurtsky reacted to Temtaime in New life for RO   
    É le voilà !
  16. Upvote
    hurtsky reacted to Ai4rei in Future of ROCred and RO Patcher Lite   
    Since there is no further movement in the poll, it concludes with the following result:

    There will be a new "tool", that does both patching and launching (most likely RO Patcher Lite Core built atop ROCred UI). Majority of the RPI's floating around (p-server client survey) are plug-ins responsible for managing patch information, skinning and HTML patch news, which will be part of the new application, so there will be no plug-in system/API for the time being. The RO Patcher Lite API will probably be put on ice as well. No further efforts will be put into ROCred anymore, except bug-fixes (or "security patches" as some people love to word it). Thank you everyone who participated. 
    Update 2015-12-23:
    Currently struggling (for a few months now) with one of the most basic things: sockets.
    Update 2016-02-21:
    Things are finally starting moving. While I still cannot state some ETA, sockets are being actively worked on, basically typing.
    Update 2016-09-29:
    Sockets are complete, time to put all those puzzle pieces together.
    Update 2017-04-15:
    The core still needs some work, but it starts to look good.
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