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Posts posted by jupeto




    Are these normal?


    Spams announcement?



    rush_casXX map? I did recache mapcache.dat




    The announces are on purpose, you can change the timing in the bg_common.txt script.


    at which part?


    bg_common.txt line 151

    // Rotate every n seconds.

    Being 5000 the miliseconds of rotation and announces

    I see, haha I thought there were some kind of a config or something.... thanks for pointing that out for me :D much appreciated

  2. I don't know if I'm doing this right


    So I have a collection of character variable like so;


    variable_one[0] = value_one
    variable_two[0] = value_two
    variable_three[0] = value_three


    then I'm trying to push some data to it


    variable_one[getarraysize(variable_one)] = value_one_point_one
    variable_two[getarraysize(variable_two)] = value_two_point_one
    variable_three[getarraysize(variable_three)] = value_three_point_one


    I can see that it saves to my database 


    but when I try to access it and loop like this

    for (.@i = 0; .@i < getarraysize(variable_one); .@i++) {
        mes variable_one[.@i];




    the result is only one value

  3. [Error]: script_rid2sd: fatal error ! player not attached!
    [Debug]: Function: __setr (2 parameters):
    [Debug]: Data: variable name='.@blvl' index=0
    [Debug]: Data: param name='BaseLevel' type=11
    [Debug]: Source (NPC): SamplePartyBaseLevel at prontera (144,282)
    [Warning]: script_get_val: cannot access player variable 'BaseLevel', defaulting to 0

    I only use this code


            for (.@i = 0; .@i < $@partymembercount; ++.@i)
                dispbottom($@partymemberaid[.@i] + " : " + $@partymembercid[.@i] + " (" + $@partymembername$[.@i]) + ")";

    the result of each account id and character id is 0, maybe that's why your code doesn't work... but the member name is OK


    EDIT 2:


    I wonder why the code below works, I need to specify all 3 types to get the account id, character id, and character names


            getpartymember(getcharid(CHAR_ID_PARTY), 0);
            getpartymember(getcharid(CHAR_ID_PARTY), 1);
            getpartymember(getcharid(CHAR_ID_PARTY), 2);
            .@aid = getcharid(CHAR_ID_ACCOUNT);
            for (.@i = 0; .@i < $@partymembercount; ++.@i)
                if (isloggedin($@partymemberaid[.@i], $@partymembercid[.@i]))
                    .@blvl[.@i] = BaseLevel;
                    dispbottom("" + $@partymembername$[.@i] + ": Level " + .@blvl[.@i] + "");





        [EnumVAR.MDAMAGE_SIZE_SMALL_TARGET[1]] = "Magical damage against Small size monster +%d%%",    [EnumVAR.MDAMAGE_SIZE_MIDIUM_TARGET[1]] = "Magical damage against Medium size monster +%d%%",    [EnumVAR.MDAMAGE_SIZE_LARGE_TARGET[1]] = "Magical damage against Large size monster +%d%%",    [EnumVAR.MDAMAGE_SIZE_SMALL_USER[1]] = "Magical resistance Small size monster +%d%%",    [EnumVAR.MDAMAGE_SIZE_MIDIUM_USER[1]] = "Magical resistance Medium size monster +%d%%",    [EnumVAR.MDAMAGE_SIZE_LARGE_USER[1]] = "Magical resistance Large size monster +%d%%",    [EnumVAR.VAR_CUSTOMMAXHP[1]] = "Custom MaxHP +%d",    [EnumVAR.EnumVAR_LAST[1]] = "END"}

    Also, I don't see any command to remove specific item option.


    This would be *setequipoption(<equip_index>,<slot>,0,0);


    Already tried that but the console says


    [Error]: buildin_setequipoption: Option index 0 does not exist!

    Ah right, then there needs to be a script command for its removal.

    Yah, hopefully :D I'm trying to create a new script command for that...


    Also, can you please help me create a new set of options, both client and server side




    I successfully added a remove option command, still not sure if it's the best way to do it LOL... I managed to add, remove option with this...


    ALSO... fixed the (I think a bug) where the equipment is not forcefully equipped to the character after calculating the new stats by storing the current equipped item id of the user in a variable (eid) and use that variable to force equip (pc->equipitem(sd, i, eid);) the item


     * Remove an equipment's option value.
     * *removeequipoption(<equip_index>,<slot>);
     * @param equip_index     as the inventory index of the equipment.
     * @param slot            as the slot of the item option (1 to MAX_ITEM_OPTIONS)
     * @return 0 on failure, 1 on success.
        int equip_index = script_getnum(st, 2);
        int slot = script_getnum(st, 3);
        int i = -1;
        int eid = 0;
        struct map_session_data *sd = script->rid2sd(st);
        if (sd == NULL) {
            script_pushint(st, 0);
            ShowError("buildin_removeequipoption: Player not attached!\n");
            return false;
        if (slot <= 0 || slot > MAX_ITEM_OPTIONS) {
            script_pushint(st, 0);
            ShowError("buildin_removeequipoption: Invalid option index %d (Min: 1, Max: %d) provided.\n", slot, MAX_ITEM_OPTIONS);
            return false;
        if (equip_index > 0 && equip_index <= ARRAYLENGTH(script->equip)) {
            if ((i = pc->checkequip(sd, script->equip[equip_index - 1])) == -1) {
                ShowError("buildin_setequipoptioninfo: No equipment is equipped in the given index %d.\n", equip_index);
                script_pushint(st, 0);
                return false;
        } else {
            ShowError("buildin_removeequipoptioninfo: Invalid equipment index %d provided.\n", equip_index);
            script_pushint(st, 0);
            return false;
        if (sd->status.inventory[i].nameid != 0) {
            eid = sd->status.inventory[i].equip; // Store the current equipped item id to a variable to use for equiping again after calculating new stats
            /* Add Option Index */
            sd->status.inventory[i].option[slot-1].index = 0;
            /* Add Option Value */
            sd->status.inventory[i].option[slot-1].value = 0;
            /* Unequip and simulate deletion of the item. */
            pc->unequipitem(sd, i, PCUNEQUIPITEM_FORCE); // status calc will happen in pc->equipitem() below
            clif->refine(sd->fd, 0, i, sd->status.inventory[i].refine); // notify client of a refine.
            clif->delitem(sd, i, 1, DELITEM_MATERIALCHANGE); // notify client to simulate item deletion.
            /* Log deletion of the item. */
            logs->pick_pc(sd, LOG_TYPE_SCRIPT, -1, &sd->status.inventory[i],sd->inventory_data[i]);
            /* Equip and simulate addition of the item. */
            clif->additem(sd, i, 1, 0); // notify client to simulate item addition.
            /* Log addition of the item. */
            logs->pick_pc(sd, LOG_TYPE_SCRIPT, 1, &sd->status.inventory[i], sd->inventory_data[i]);
            pc->equipitem(sd, i, eid); // force equip the item at the original position.
            clif->misceffect(&sd->bl, 2); // show effect
        script_pushint(st, 1);
        return true;
    BUILDIN_DEF(removeequipoption, "ii"),



        [EnumVAR.MDAMAGE_SIZE_SMALL_TARGET[1]] = "Magical damage against Small size monster +%d%%",    [EnumVAR.MDAMAGE_SIZE_MIDIUM_TARGET[1]] = "Magical damage against Medium size monster +%d%%",    [EnumVAR.MDAMAGE_SIZE_LARGE_TARGET[1]] = "Magical damage against Large size monster +%d%%",    [EnumVAR.MDAMAGE_SIZE_SMALL_USER[1]] = "Magical resistance Small size monster +%d%%",    [EnumVAR.MDAMAGE_SIZE_MIDIUM_USER[1]] = "Magical resistance Medium size monster +%d%%",    [EnumVAR.MDAMAGE_SIZE_LARGE_USER[1]] = "Magical resistance Large size monster +%d%%",    [EnumVAR.VAR_CUSTOMMAXHP[1]] = "Custom MaxHP +%d",    [EnumVAR.EnumVAR_LAST[1]] = "END"}

    Also, I don't see any command to remove specific item option.


    This would be *setequipoption(<equip_index>,<slot>,0,0);


    Already tried that but the console says


    [Error]: buildin_setequipoption: Option index 0 does not exist!

    I'm trying to add a custom option
    [EnumVAR.VAR_CUSTOMMAXHP[1]] = "Custom MaxHP +%d"
    but an error comes up after starting the client
    attempt to index field '?' (a nil value)
        [EnumVAR.MDAMAGE_SIZE_SMALL_TARGET[1]] = "Magical damage against Small size monster +%d%%",    [EnumVAR.MDAMAGE_SIZE_MIDIUM_TARGET[1]] = "Magical damage against Medium size monster +%d%%",    [EnumVAR.MDAMAGE_SIZE_LARGE_TARGET[1]] = "Magical damage against Large size monster +%d%%",    [EnumVAR.MDAMAGE_SIZE_SMALL_USER[1]] = "Magical resistance Small size monster +%d%%",    [EnumVAR.MDAMAGE_SIZE_MIDIUM_USER[1]] = "Magical resistance Medium size monster +%d%%",    [EnumVAR.MDAMAGE_SIZE_LARGE_USER[1]] = "Magical resistance Large size monster +%d%%",    [EnumVAR.VAR_CUSTOMMAXHP[1]] = "Custom MaxHP +%d",    [EnumVAR.EnumVAR_LAST[1]] = "END"}


    Also, I don't see any command to remove specific item option.

  7. Code below stacks the mark icon of exclamation and question mark, the exclamation mark doesn't cleared by the QTYPE_NONE event



    but without showevent(QTYPE_QUEST2,1);, the script removes the mark icon... what I want to achieve here is that the exclamation mark must be replaced by a question mark icon to indicate that the player still has some quest for that npc and that they need to accept it to proceed...

    prontera,xxx,xxx,x	script	NPC1::npc1	4_EP16_LOUVIERE,{
    prontera,xxx,xxx,x	script	NPC2::npc2	4_EP16_LOUVIERE,{


    Please enlighten me... thanks



    well I guess sleep2(1); did the job


    prontera,xxx,xxx,x	script	NPC1::npc1	4_EP16_LOUVIERE,{
    prontera,xxx,xxx,x	script	NPC2::npc2	4_EP16_LOUVIERE,{
        sleep2(1); // <------ this did the job, but is this the right thing to do?



    	CC	rentitem2.c
    /tmp/ccn7ox2q.o: In function `plugin_init':
    /.../.../Hercules/src/plugins/rentitem2.c:206: undefined reference to `showmsg'
    /.../.../Hercules/src/plugins/rentitem2.c:205: undefined reference to `showmsg'
    /.../.../Hercules/src/plugins/rentitem2.c:201: undefined reference to `showmsg'
    /tmp/ccn7ox2q.o: In function `buildin_rentitem2':
    /.../.../Hercules/src/plugins/rentitem2.c:129: undefined reference to `script'
    /.../.../Hercules/src/plugins/rentitem2.c:156: undefined reference to `showmsg'
    /.../.../Hercules/src/plugins/rentitem2.c:148: undefined reference to `itemdb'
    /.../.../Hercules/src/plugins/rentitem2.c:180: undefined reference to `pc'
    /.../.../Hercules/src/plugins/rentitem2.c:182: undefined reference to `clif'
    /.../.../Hercules/src/plugins/rentitem2.c:137: undefined reference to `itemdb'
    /.../.../Hercules/src/plugins/rentitem2.c:150: undefined reference to `showmsg'
    /.../.../Hercules/src/plugins/rentitem2.c:140: undefined reference to `showmsg'
    /tmp/ccn7ox2q.o: In function `buildin_getequipexpiretick':
    /.../.../Hercules/src/plugins/rentitem2.c:93: undefined reference to `script'
    /.../.../Hercules/src/plugins/rentitem2.c:105: undefined reference to `pc'
    /tmp/ccn7ox2q.o: In function `atcommand_rentitem':
    /.../.../Hercules/src/plugins/rentitem2.c:45: undefined reference to `clif'
    /.../.../Hercules/src/plugins/rentitem2.c:52: undefined reference to `itemdb'
    /.../.../Hercules/src/plugins/rentitem2.c:72: undefined reference to `pet'
    /.../.../Hercules/src/plugins/rentitem2.c:85: undefined reference to `clif'
    /.../.../Hercules/src/plugins/rentitem2.c:80: undefined reference to `pc'
    /.../.../Hercules/src/plugins/rentitem2.c:81: undefined reference to `clif'
    /.../.../Hercules/src/plugins/rentitem2.c:63: undefined reference to `clif'
    /.../.../Hercules/src/plugins/rentitem2.c:67: undefined reference to `clif'
    /.../.../Hercules/src/plugins/rentitem2.c:55: undefined reference to `clif'
    collect2: ld returned 1 exit status
    make[1]: *** [../../plugins/rentitem2.so] Error 1
    make[1]: Leaving directory `/.../.../Hercules/src/plugins'
    make: *** [plugins] Error 2



    Hello did you make it work in linux?

    Yes I did

  9. Are there any scripts that has a function to get the experience gained from monster, less the tax from guild


    I can get the experience gained from killing monster via this command


            dispbottom("Base Experience: " + strmobinfo(6,killedrid));


    However, if I have a guild tax: it does't sync with the real experience gained by the player




    Exp: 92070 = 102300 less tax (the real experience added to the player)

    Exp: 102300 = normal experience gained when player killed a mob (from mob_db.conf)

  10. switch (jobname(Class)) {
        case "Acolyte":
            mes "I'm an Acolyte";
        case "Thief":
            mes "I'm a Thief";
        case "Merchant":
            mes "I'm a Merchant";



     Above example produces
    script error in file
    parse syntax: expect ':'
    (pointed in the double quotation mark after the case in `case "Acolyte"`)
    Please enlighten me... Thanks
    EDIT: fixed by just using the Class id for each job, thanks

  11. ...


    replace top with

    #include <stdio.h>
    #include <string.h>
    #include <stdlib.h>
    #include "common/hercules.h" /* Should always be the first Hercules file included! (if you don't make it first, you won't be able to use interfaces) */
    #include "common/HPMi.h"
    #include "common/timer.h"
    #include "map/script.h"
    #include "map/status.h"
    #include "map/pc.h"
    #include "map/clif.h"
    #include "map/pet.h"
    #include "map/script.h"
    #include "map/itemdb.h"
    #include "plugins/HPMHooking.h"
    #include "common/HPMDataCheck.h" /* should always be the last Hercules file included! (if you don't make it last, it'll intentionally break compile time) */

    Im not sure, but I think you can remove 

    #include <stdio.h>
    #include <string.h>
    #include <stdlib.h>



    Well errors are gone, and the ".so" file was successfully created. However, console says



    [Error]: script error in file 'npc/custom/.../cro-newbie.txt' line 17column 5
        parse_line: expect command, missing function name or calling undeclared function
        15:     mes "[The Newbie]";
    *   17:     rentitem2(25511,1,1,1);


    YAY! Got it, forgot to enable rentitem2 in conf/plugins.conf ... silly me ^__^ everything's working now

  12. 	CC	rentitem2.c
    /tmp/ccn7ox2q.o: In function `plugin_init':
    /.../.../Hercules/src/plugins/rentitem2.c:206: undefined reference to `showmsg'
    /.../.../Hercules/src/plugins/rentitem2.c:205: undefined reference to `showmsg'
    /.../.../Hercules/src/plugins/rentitem2.c:201: undefined reference to `showmsg'
    /tmp/ccn7ox2q.o: In function `buildin_rentitem2':
    /.../.../Hercules/src/plugins/rentitem2.c:129: undefined reference to `script'
    /.../.../Hercules/src/plugins/rentitem2.c:156: undefined reference to `showmsg'
    /.../.../Hercules/src/plugins/rentitem2.c:148: undefined reference to `itemdb'
    /.../.../Hercules/src/plugins/rentitem2.c:180: undefined reference to `pc'
    /.../.../Hercules/src/plugins/rentitem2.c:182: undefined reference to `clif'
    /.../.../Hercules/src/plugins/rentitem2.c:137: undefined reference to `itemdb'
    /.../.../Hercules/src/plugins/rentitem2.c:150: undefined reference to `showmsg'
    /.../.../Hercules/src/plugins/rentitem2.c:140: undefined reference to `showmsg'
    /tmp/ccn7ox2q.o: In function `buildin_getequipexpiretick':
    /.../.../Hercules/src/plugins/rentitem2.c:93: undefined reference to `script'
    /.../.../Hercules/src/plugins/rentitem2.c:105: undefined reference to `pc'
    /tmp/ccn7ox2q.o: In function `atcommand_rentitem':
    /.../.../Hercules/src/plugins/rentitem2.c:45: undefined reference to `clif'
    /.../.../Hercules/src/plugins/rentitem2.c:52: undefined reference to `itemdb'
    /.../.../Hercules/src/plugins/rentitem2.c:72: undefined reference to `pet'
    /.../.../Hercules/src/plugins/rentitem2.c:85: undefined reference to `clif'
    /.../.../Hercules/src/plugins/rentitem2.c:80: undefined reference to `pc'
    /.../.../Hercules/src/plugins/rentitem2.c:81: undefined reference to `clif'
    /.../.../Hercules/src/plugins/rentitem2.c:63: undefined reference to `clif'
    /.../.../Hercules/src/plugins/rentitem2.c:67: undefined reference to `clif'
    /.../.../Hercules/src/plugins/rentitem2.c:55: undefined reference to `clif'
    collect2: ld returned 1 exit status
    make[1]: *** [../../plugins/rentitem2.so] Error 1
    make[1]: Leaving directory `/.../.../Hercules/src/plugins'
    make: *** [plugins] Error 2



  13. 	MAKE	mt19937ar
    make[1]: Entering directory `/.../.../Hercules/3rdparty/mt19937ar'
    make[1]: Nothing to be done for `all'.
    make[1]: Leaving directory `/.../.../Hercules/3rdparty/mt19937ar'
    	MAKE	libconfig
    make[1]: Entering directory `/.../.../Hercules/3rdparty/libconfig'
    make[1]: Nothing to be done for `all'.
    make[1]: Leaving directory `/.../.../Hercules/3rdparty/libconfig'
    	MAKE	common_sql
    make[1]: Entering directory `/.../.../Hercules/src/common'
    make[1]: Nothing to be done for `sql'.
    make[1]: Leaving directory `/.../.../Hercules/src/common'
    Reconfiguring with options: 
    config.status: creating Makefile
    config.status: creating src/common/Makefile
    config.status: creating 3rdparty/mt19937ar/Makefile
    config.status: creating 3rdparty/libconfig/Makefile
    config.status: creating src/char/Makefile
    config.status: creating src/login/Makefile
    config.status: creating src/map/Makefile
    config.status: creating src/plugins/Makefile
    config.status: creating src/tool/Makefile
    config.status: creating src/test/Makefile
    config.status: creating tools/HPMHookGen/Makefile
    config.status: creating tools/doxygen/Makefile
    	MAKE	plugins
    make[1]: Entering directory `/.../.../Hercules/src/plugins'
    	PLUGIN	sample
    	PLUGIN	db2sql
    	PLUGIN	HPMHooking_char
    	PLUGIN	HPMHooking_login
    	PLUGIN	HPMHooking_map
    	CC	rentitem2.c
    rentitem2.c: In function 'plugin_init':
    rentitem2.c:193: warning: implicit declaration of function 'GET_SYMBOL'
    rentitem2.c:193: warning: nested extern declaration of 'GET_SYMBOL'
    rentitem2.c:193: warning: assignment makes pointer from integer without a cast
    rentitem2.c:194: warning: assignment makes pointer from integer without a cast
    rentitem2.c:195: warning: assignment makes pointer from integer without a cast
    rentitem2.c:196: warning: assignment makes pointer from integer without a cast
    rentitem2.c:197: warning: assignment makes pointer from integer without a cast
    /tmp/ccP0MSOU.o: In function `plugin_init':
    /.../.../Hercules/src/plugins/rentitem2.c:193: undefined reference to `GET_SYMBOL'
    /.../.../Hercules/src/plugins/rentitem2.c:193: undefined reference to `script'
    /.../.../Hercules/src/plugins/rentitem2.c:194: undefined reference to `GET_SYMBOL'
    /.../.../Hercules/src/plugins/rentitem2.c:194: undefined reference to `clif'
    /.../.../Hercules/src/plugins/rentitem2.c:195: undefined reference to `GET_SYMBOL'
    /.../.../Hercules/src/plugins/rentitem2.c:195: undefined reference to `pet'
    /.../.../Hercules/src/plugins/rentitem2.c:196: undefined reference to `GET_SYMBOL'
    /.../.../Hercules/src/plugins/rentitem2.c:196: undefined reference to `itemdb'
    /.../.../Hercules/src/plugins/rentitem2.c:197: undefined reference to `GET_SYMBOL'
    /.../.../Hercules/src/plugins/rentitem2.c:197: undefined reference to `pc'
    /.../.../Hercules/src/plugins/rentitem2.c:206: undefined reference to `showmsg'
    /.../.../Hercules/src/plugins/rentitem2.c:205: undefined reference to `showmsg'
    /.../.../Hercules/src/plugins/rentitem2.c:201: undefined reference to `showmsg'
    /tmp/ccP0MSOU.o: In function `buildin_rentitem2':
    /.../.../Hercules/src/plugins/rentitem2.c:129: undefined reference to `script'
    /.../.../Hercules/src/plugins/rentitem2.c:156: undefined reference to `showmsg'
    /.../.../Hercules/src/plugins/rentitem2.c:148: undefined reference to `itemdb'
    /.../.../Hercules/src/plugins/rentitem2.c:180: undefined reference to `pc'
    /.../.../Hercules/src/plugins/rentitem2.c:182: undefined reference to `clif'
    /.../.../Hercules/src/plugins/rentitem2.c:137: undefined reference to `itemdb'
    /.../.../Hercules/src/plugins/rentitem2.c:150: undefined reference to `showmsg'
    /.../.../Hercules/src/plugins/rentitem2.c:140: undefined reference to `showmsg'
    /tmp/ccP0MSOU.o: In function `buildin_getequipexpiretick':
    /.../.../Hercules/src/plugins/rentitem2.c:93: undefined reference to `script'
    /.../.../Hercules/src/plugins/rentitem2.c:105: undefined reference to `pc'
    /tmp/ccP0MSOU.o: In function `atcommand_rentitem':
    /.../.../Hercules/src/plugins/rentitem2.c:45: undefined reference to `clif'
    /.../.../Hercules/src/plugins/rentitem2.c:52: undefined reference to `itemdb'
    /.../.../Hercules/src/plugins/rentitem2.c:72: undefined reference to `pet'
    /.../.../Hercules/src/plugins/rentitem2.c:85: undefined reference to `clif'
    /.../.../Hercules/src/plugins/rentitem2.c:80: undefined reference to `pc'
    /.../.../Hercules/src/plugins/rentitem2.c:81: undefined reference to `clif'
    /.../.../Hercules/src/plugins/rentitem2.c:63: undefined reference to `clif'
    /.../.../Hercules/src/plugins/rentitem2.c:67: undefined reference to `clif'
    /.../.../Hercules/src/plugins/rentitem2.c:55: undefined reference to `clif'
    collect2: ld returned 1 exit status
    make[1]: *** [../../plugins/rentitem2.so] Error 1
    make[1]: Leaving directory `/.../.../Hercules/src/plugins'
    make: *** [plugins] Error 2

    Sorry I'm not really used on debugging c

  14. Please correct me I'm wrong, I'm trying to add this feature but then; first let me say what I've d


    1. Placed rentitem2.c inside 'src\plugins'

    2. edited conf/plugins.conf file


    plugins_list: [
        /* Enable HPMHooking when plugins in use rely on Hooking */


    compiled using linux (centos 6)
    make clean
    make sql
    started the server using ./athena-start start then there's an error  saying
    HPM:plugin_load: failed to load 'plugins/rentitem2.so' (error: plugins/rentitem2.so: cannot open shared object file: no such file or directory)!
    HPM:plugin_load: failed to load 'plugins/rentitem2.so' (error: plugins/rentitem2.so: cannot open shared object file: no such file or directory)!
    HPM:plugin_load: failed to load 'plugins/rentitem2.so' (error: plugins/rentitem2.so: cannot open shared object file: no such file or directory)!




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