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Everything posted by thairoinfo

  1. tomb is spawned too fast that may issues when player picks an item I found this source in rathena's git but i don't know how to adapt into Herc one /** * Tomb spawn time calculations * @param nd: NPC data */ int mvptomb_setdelayspawn(struct npc_data *nd) { if (nd->u.tomb.spawn_timer != INVALID_TIMER) delete_timer(nd->u.tomb.spawn_timer, mvptomb_delayspawn); nd->u.tomb.spawn_timer = add_timer(gettick() + battle_config.mvp_tomb_delay, mvptomb_delayspawn, nd->bl.id, 0); return 0; } /** * Tomb spawn with delay (timer function) * @param tid: Timer ID * @param tick: Time * @param id: Block list ID * @param data: Used for add_timer_func_list */ int mvptomb_delayspawn(int tid, unsigned int tick, int id, intptr_t data) { struct npc_data *nd = BL_CAST(BL_NPC, map_id2bl(id)); if (nd) { if (nd->u.tomb.spawn_timer != tid) { ShowError("mvptomb_delayspawn: Timer mismatch: %d != %d\n", tid, nd->u.tomb.spawn_timer); return 0; } nd->u.tomb.spawn_timer = INVALID_TIMER; clif_spawn(&nd->bl); } return 0; } /** * Create and display a tombstone on the map * @param md: the mob to create a tombstone for * @param killer: name of player who killed the mob * @param time: time of mob's death * @author [GreenBox] */ void mvptomb_create(struct mob_data *md, char *killer, time_t time) { struct npc_data *nd; if ( md->tomb_nid ) mvptomb_destroy(md); CREATE(nd, struct npc_data, 1); nd->bl.id = md->tomb_nid = npc_get_new_npc_id(); nd->ud.dir = md->ud.dir; nd->bl.m = md->bl.m; nd->bl.x = md->bl.x; nd->bl.y = md->bl.y; nd->bl.type = BL_NPC; safestrncpy(nd->name, msg_txt(NULL,656), sizeof(nd->name)); nd->class_ = 565; nd->speed = 200; nd->subtype = NPCTYPE_TOMB; nd->u.tomb.md = md; nd->u.tomb.kill_time = time; nd->u.tomb.spawn_timer = INVALID_TIMER; if (killer) safestrncpy(nd->u.tomb.killer_name, killer, NAME_LENGTH); else nd->u.tomb.killer_name[0] = '\0'; map_addnpc(nd->bl.m, nd); if(map_addblock(&nd->bl)) return; status_set_viewdata(&nd->bl, nd->class_); status_change_init(&nd->bl); unit_dataset(&nd->bl); mvptomb_setdelayspawn(nd); }
  2. so I want Tombs will be spawned after mvp died in 2-5 seconds do you guys have any suggestions thank you
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