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Everything posted by imustluvpain
Hello! Can i ask a little help with this Party vs. Party Script please? i wanted to add an announce on it. After the match, i wanted the npc to announce that the match has ended, congratulate the winner then the npc is open for match registration again. Thanks in advance and godbless! - script init -1,{ OnInit: //== CONFIG START ==// set $@charsymbol$,"#"; // Set the symbol of your char command ex. # set $@npcname$,"^009966War Organizer^000000"; // Set NPC name set $@party_mem,7; // Set minimum members per party, if a party has 6 members below including the leader, leader can't register his/her party set $@arena_map$,"guild_vs3"; // Set where you want the players to battle set $@team1_arena_mapX,15; // Set the starting X position of Team 1 set $@team1_arena_mapY,49; // Set the starting Y position of Team 1 set $@team2_arena_mapX,85; // Set the starting X position of Team 2 set $@team2_arena_mapY,49; // Set the starting Y position of Team 2 set $@starting_map$,"quiz_02"; // Set where you want the players to be warped after the player was killed. set $@starting_mapX,350; set $@starting_mapY,379; //== Set Winning Party Rewards ==// set $@reward_winitem_qnty,0; // Important, set to how many reward items you set below for the winning party setarray $@win_itemid[0],0; // Set the item id of the reward item setarray $@win_itemname$[0],"Red Potion", // Set the name of the reward item "Orange Potion", "Yellow Potion", "White Potion", "Blue Potion"; setarray $@win_itemnum[0],0; // Set the quantity of the reward //== Set Losing Party Rewards ==// set $@reward_loseitem_qnty,0; // Important, set to how many reward items you set below for losing party setarray $@lse_itemid[0],0; // Set the item id of the reward item setarray $@lse_itemname$[0],"Red Potion", // Set the name of the reward item "Orange Potion"; setarray $@lse_itemnum[0],0; // Set the quantity of the reward //== Set Draw Rewards ==// set $@reward_drawitem_qnty,0; // Important, set to how many reward items you set below for draw result setarray $@drw_itemid[0],0; // Set the item id of the reward item setarray $@drw_itemname$[0],"Yellow Potion", // Set the name of the reward item "White Potion"; setarray $@drw_itemnum[0],0; // Set the quantity of the reward //== CONFIG END ==// // Do not change configs below, this will reset in case the server unexpectedly shuts down set $@Battle_Start,0; set $@party_team,0; set $@party_team1,0; set $@party_team2,0; set $team1_mem,0; set $team2_mem,0; // RWC 3 enablenpc "WALL#41"; enablenpc "WALL#42"; enablenpc "WALL#43"; enablenpc "WALL#44"; enablenpc "WALL#45"; enablenpc "WALL#46"; enablenpc "WALL#47"; enablenpc "WALL#48"; enablenpc "WALL#49"; enablenpc "WALL#50"; enablenpc "WALL#51"; enablenpc "WALL#52"; enablenpc "WALL#53"; enablenpc "WALL#54"; enablenpc "WALL#55"; enablenpc "WALL#56"; enablenpc "WALL#57"; enablenpc "WALL#58"; enablenpc "WALL#59"; enablenpc "WALL#60"; enablenpc "WALL#61"; enablenpc "WALL#62"; enablenpc "WALL#63"; enablenpc "WALL#64"; // Now let's check if the event is on going or not (checks current server's time) // if the event is on going, Enable NPC and sends a message to the player upon logging in for(set .@q,0; .@q<=22; set .@q,.@q+2) { set .@count,.@count+1; if(gettime(3)>.@q && gettime(3)<=.@count) { set $@evt_start,1; enablenpc "PartyReg"; } set .@count,.@count+1; } end; } // Party Registration NPC quiz_02,350,389,3 script Party Registration::PartyReg 89,{ mes "["+$@npcname$+"]"; if(($@Battle_Start && getcharid(1)==$@party_team1) || ($@Battle_Start && getcharid(1)==$@party_team2) ) { mes "Hmm... Too bad for you, you didn't make it to win for your party. Cheer them up instead."; close; } if($@Battle_Start || $@party_team>=2) { mes "Battle is currently on"; mes "going. Party registration is"; mes "close during this time."; next; if(select("> Check current battle info.:> Leave") == 2){ mes "["+$@npcname$+"]"; mes "Come back to me and register your party after the battle between "+getpartyname($@party_team1)+" and "+getpartyname($@party_team2)+" has ended."; close; } mes "["+$@npcname$+"]"; if(!$@Battle_Start) { mes "The Battle already ended."; close; } set @standing_mem1,$@party_mem-$team2_mem; set @standing_mem2,$@party_mem-$team1_mem; mes "Battle Information"; mes "---"; mes "- " + getpartyname($@party_team1) + " Party : "; mes "Standing Members Left : " + @standing_mem1; mes "---"; mes "- " + getpartyname($@party_team2) + " Party : "; mes "Standing Members Left : " + @standing_mem2; next; mes "["+$@npcname$+"]"; if($team1_mem>$team2_mem) { mes "Current leading party is "+getpartyname($@party_team1); close; } else if($team1_mem<$team2_mem) { mes "Current leading party is "+getpartyname($@party_team2); close; } else { mes "Both Party has the same number of members that are still alive."; close; } } if(getcharid(1)==0) goto L_ContinueMain; if(getcharid(1)==$@party_team1 || getcharid(1)==$@party_team2) { mes getpartyleader(getcharid(1)) + ", your party leader already registered your party, please wait for the other team to register."; close; } L_ContinueMain: mes "Welcome "+strcharinfo(0)+"!"; mes "I am the War Arena Organizer"; next; switch(select("> Register")) { case 1: callsub R_Party; } R_Party: mes "["+$@npcname$+"]"; if ( callfunc("party_has_duplicate_job") ) { mes "It seems that someone in the party has the same class than another member. Please check again the requirements..."; close; } if ( $@partymembercount != 7 ) { mes "You have to be 7 on the team."; close; } if(getcharid(1)==0) { mes "I see that you have no party yet. Please form your party first before registering."; close; } mes "Party Name : "+strcharinfo(1); if(getpartyleader(getcharid(1),2)==getcharid(0)) { mes "Party Leader : You"; } else { mes "Party Leader : "+getpartyleader(getcharid(1)); } mes "-"; getpartymember(getcharid(1)); set @partymembercount,$@partymembercount; copyarray @partymembername$[0],$@partymembername$[0],@partymembercount; set @countmem,0; L_DisplayMem: if(@countmem == @partymembercount) goto L_Continue; set @countmem,@countmem+1; goto L_DisplayMem; L_Continue: mes "Party Members ("+(@countmem)+"/"+$@party_mem+")"; set @count,0; L_DisplayMember: if(@count == @partymembercount) goto L_Continue2; mes (@count + 1) + ". ^0000FF" + @partymembername$[@count] + "^000000"; set @count,@count+1; goto L_DisplayMember; L_Continue2: if($@Battle_Start || $@party_team>=2) { next; mes "Sorry but party registration is now close. Please re-register after the current battle progress has ended."; close; } if(getpartyleader(getcharid(1),2)!=getcharid(0)) { next; mes strcharinfo(0)+", If you have time, please find your Party Leader "+getpartyleader(getcharid(1))+" and let him/her register your party"; close; } if(@countmem>$@party_mem) { next; mes "This event requires you to form a party with only "+$@party_mem+" members including you. I'm sorry to say but you need to expel ^FF0000"+(@countmem-$@party_mem)+"^000000 more member(s)."; close; } if(@countmem<$@party_mem) { next; mes "This event requires you to form a party with "+$@party_mem+" members including you. You still need to recruit ^FF0000"+($@party_mem-@countmem)+"^000000 more member(s)."; close; } set $@party_team,$@party_team+1; if($@party_team==1) { set $@party_team1,getcharid(1); setarray $@mem_name1$[0],@partymembername$[0],@partymembername$[1],@partymembername$[2],@partymembername$[3],@partymembername$[4]; announce "Team "+getpartyname($@party_team1)+" registered on Team "+$@party_team+".",bc_all; goto L_Continue3; } if($@party_team==2) { set $@party_team2,getcharid(1); announce "Team "+getpartyname($@party_team2)+" registered on Team "+$@party_team+".",bc_all; setarray $@mem_name2$[0],@partymembername$[0],@partymembername$[1],@partymembername$[2],@partymembername$[3],@partymembername$[4]; goto L_Continue3; } L_Continue3: close2; if($@party_team==2) donpcevent "PvP_Func::OnStart"; end; OnPCDieEvent: getmapxy @map$,@x,@y,0; if($@Battle_Start && @map$==$@arena_map$ && getcharid(1)==$@party_team1) { set $team2_mem,$team2_mem+1; warp $@starting_map$,$@starting_mapX,$@starting_mapY; if($team2_mem==$@party_mem) { setcell $@arena_map$,80,55,80,44,cell_walkable,1; setcell $@arena_map$,19,55,19,44,cell_walkable,1; donpcevent "PvP_Func::OnTeam2Win2"; } end; } if($@Battle_Start && @map$==$@arena_map$ && getcharid(1)==$@party_team2) { set $team1_mem,$team1_mem+1; warp $@starting_map$,$@starting_mapX,$@starting_mapY; if($team1_mem==$@party_mem) { setcell $@arena_map$,80,55,80,44,cell_walkable,1; setcell $@arena_map$,19,55,19,44,cell_walkable,1; donpcevent "PvP_Func::OnTeam1Win2"; } end; } OnPCLogoutEvent: getmapxy @map$,@x,@y,0; if($@Battle_Start && @map$==$@arena_map$ && getcharid(1)==$@party_team1) { warp $@starting_map$,$@starting_mapX,$@starting_mapY; set $team2_mem,$team2_mem+1; mapannounce $@arena_map$,"User "+strcharinfo(0)+" of "+getpartyname($@party_team1)+" Team logged out of the game.",bc_all; if($team2_mem==$@party_mem) { setcell $@arena_map$,80,55,80,44,cell_walkable,1; setcell $@arena_map$,19,55,19,44,cell_walkable,1; donpcevent "PvP_Func::OnTeam2Win2"; } end; } if($@Battle_Start && @map$==$@arena_map$ && getcharid(1)==$@party_team2) { warp $@starting_map$,$@starting_mapX,$@starting_mapY; set $team1_mem,$team1_mem+1; mapannounce $@arena_map$,"User "+strcharinfo(0)+" of "+getpartyname($@party_team2)+" Team logged out of the game.",bc_all; if($team1_mem==$@party_mem) { setcell $@arena_map$,80,55,80,44,cell_walkable,1; setcell $@arena_map$,19,55,19,44,cell_walkable,1; donpcevent "PvP_Func::OnTeam1Win2"; } end; } OnPCLoadMapEvent: getmapxy @map$,@x,@y,0; if($@Battle_Start && @map$!=$@arena_map$ && getcharid(1)==$@party_team1) { warp $@starting_map$,$@starting_mapX,$@starting_mapY; set $team2_mem,$team2_mem+1; mapannounce $@arena_map$,""+strcharinfo(0)+" of "+getpartyname($@party_team1)+" party warped out of the battle arena.",bc_blue; if($team2_mem==$@party_mem) { setcell $@arena_map$,80,55,80,44,cell_walkable,1; setcell $@arena_map$,19,55,19,44,cell_walkable,1; donpcevent "PvP_Func::OnTeam2Win2"; } end; } if($@Battle_Start && @map$!=$@arena_map$ && getcharid(1)==$@party_team2) { warp $@starting_map$,$@starting_mapX,$@starting_mapY; set $team1_mem,$team1_mem+1; mapannounce $@arena_map$,""+strcharinfo(0)+" of "+getpartyname($@party_team2)+" party warped out of the battle arena.",bc_blue; if($team1_mem==$@party_mem) { setcell $@arena_map$,80,55,80,44,cell_walkable,1; setcell $@arena_map$,19,55,19,44,cell_walkable,1; donpcevent "PvP_Func::OnTeam1Win2"; } end; } } // Script where all functions are stored - script PvP_Func -1,{ OnStart: initnpctimer; set $@Battle_Start,1; setcell $@arena_map$,80,55,80,44,cell_walkable,0; setcell $@arena_map$,19,55,19,44,cell_walkable,0; announce "The Battle between "+getpartyname($@party_team1)+" and "+getpartyname($@party_team2)+" Party has engaged. Registered Party along with its members will be automatically warped to the arena after 10 seconds.",bc_all; gvgoff $@arena_map$; setnpctimer 0; startnpctimer; end; OnTimer5000: warpparty $@arena_map$,$@team1_arena_mapX,$@team1_arena_mapY,$@party_team1; warpparty $@arena_map$,$@team2_arena_mapX,$@team1_arena_mapY,$@party_team2; end; OnTimer30000: mapannounce $@arena_map$,"Players, you only have 30 seconds left to prepare for the Battle.",bc_all; end; OnTimer50000: mapannounce $@arena_map$,"The Battle will begin in 5 seconds.",bc_all; end; OnTimer51000: mapannounce $@arena_map$,"The Battle will begin in 4 seconds.",bc_all; end; OnTimer52000: mapannounce $@arena_map$,"The Battle will begin in 3 seconds.",bc_all; end; OnTimer53000: mapannounce $@arena_map$,"The Battle will begin in 2 seconds.",bc_all; end; OnTimer54000: mapannounce $@arena_map$,"The Battle will begin in 1 second.",bc_all; end; OnTimer55000: gvgon $@arena_map$; setcell $@arena_map$,80,55,80,44,cell_walkable,1; setcell $@arena_map$,19,55,19,44,cell_walkable,1; disablenpc "WALL#41"; disablenpc "WALL#42"; disablenpc "WALL#43"; disablenpc "WALL#44"; disablenpc "WALL#45"; disablenpc "WALL#46"; disablenpc "WALL#47"; disablenpc "WALL#48"; disablenpc "WALL#49"; disablenpc "WALL#50"; disablenpc "WALL#51"; disablenpc "WALL#52"; disablenpc "WALL#53"; disablenpc "WALL#54"; disablenpc "WALL#55"; disablenpc "WALL#56"; disablenpc "WALL#57"; disablenpc "WALL#58"; disablenpc "WALL#59"; disablenpc "WALL#60"; disablenpc "WALL#61"; disablenpc "WALL#62"; disablenpc "WALL#63"; disablenpc "WALL#64"; announce "The team "+getpartyname($@party_team1)+" vs "+getpartyname($@party_team2)+" battle has begun!",bc_all; mapannounce $@arena_map$,"You only have 5 minutes to eliminate all opponent's party members. Be quick!!!",bc_all; end; // After 5 Minutes, system will check the party who has the most number of member and will declare that party as a winner. // All variables will be resetted. OnTimer420000: if($team2_mem<$team1_mem) { donpcevent "PvP_Func::OnTeam1Win"; } else if ($team2_mem<$team1_mem) { donpcevent "PvP_Func::OnTeam2Win"; } else if ($team2_mem==$team1_mem || $team1_mem==$team2_mem) { donpcevent "PvP_Func::OnDraw"; } else { donpcevent "PvP_Func::OnNoWin"; } end; // This label will be called after the event has ended without registered parties OnNoWin: announce "The Battle has ended.",bc_all; gvgoff $@arena_map$; set $@party_team,0; set $@Battle_Start,0; set $team1_mem,0; set $team2_mem,0; set $@party_team1,0; set $@party_team2,0; setcell "guild_vs3",19,55,19,44,cell_walkable,0; setcell "guild_vs3",80,55,80,44,cell_walkable,0; enablenpc "WALL#41"; enablenpc "WALL#42"; enablenpc "WALL#43"; enablenpc "WALL#44"; enablenpc "WALL#45"; enablenpc "WALL#46"; enablenpc "WALL#47"; enablenpc "WALL#48"; enablenpc "WALL#49"; enablenpc "WALL#50"; enablenpc "WALL#51"; enablenpc "WALL#52"; enablenpc "WALL#53"; enablenpc "WALL#54"; enablenpc "WALL#55"; enablenpc "WALL#56"; enablenpc "WALL#57"; enablenpc "WALL#58"; enablenpc "WALL#59"; enablenpc "WALL#60"; enablenpc "WALL#61"; enablenpc "WALL#62"; enablenpc "WALL#63"; enablenpc "WALL#64"; stopnpctimer; sleep2 10000; areawarp $@arena_map$,12,87,87,12,$@starting_map$,$@starting_mapX,$@starting_mapY; end; OnEndNoWin: announce "The Battle has ended.",bc_all; gvgoff $@arena_map$; set $@party_team,0; set $@Battle_Start,0; set $team1_mem,0; set $team2_mem,0; set $@party_team1,0; set $@party_team2,0; set $@evt_start,0; setcell "guild_vs3",19,55,19,44,cell_walkable,0; setcell "guild_vs3",80,55,80,44,cell_walkable,0; enablenpc "WALL#41"; enablenpc "WALL#42"; enablenpc "WALL#43"; enablenpc "WALL#44"; enablenpc "WALL#45"; enablenpc "WALL#46"; enablenpc "WALL#47"; enablenpc "WALL#48"; enablenpc "WALL#49"; enablenpc "WALL#50"; enablenpc "WALL#51"; enablenpc "WALL#52"; enablenpc "WALL#53"; enablenpc "WALL#54"; enablenpc "WALL#55"; enablenpc "WALL#56"; enablenpc "WALL#57"; enablenpc "WALL#58"; enablenpc "WALL#59"; enablenpc "WALL#60"; enablenpc "WALL#61"; enablenpc "WALL#62"; enablenpc "WALL#63"; enablenpc "WALL#64"; stopnpctimer; sleep2 10000; areawarp $@arena_map$,12,87,87,12,$@starting_map$,$@starting_mapX,$@starting_mapY; end; OnDraw: announce "Team "+getpartyname($@party_team1)+" and Team "+getpartyname($@party_team2)+" has the same number of members standing in the arena, the battle result is a draw.",bc_all; for(set .@i,0; .@i<$@party_mem; set .@i,.@i+1) { for(set .@j,0; .@j<$@reward_drawitem_qnty; set .@j,.@j+1) { charcommand ""+$@charsymbol$+"item "+$@mem_name1$[.@i]+" "+$@drw_itemid[.@j]+" "+$@drw_itemnum[.@j]+""; } } for(set .@i,0; .@i<$@party_mem; set .@i,.@i+1) { for(set .@j,0; .@j<$@reward_drawitem_qnty; set .@j,.@j+1) { charcommand ""+$@charsymbol$+"item "+$@mem_name2$[.@i]+" "+$@drw_itemid[.@j]+" "+$@drw_itemnum[.@j]+""; } } stopnpctimer; gvgoff $@arena_map$; set $@party_team,0; set $@Battle_Start,0; set $team1_mem,0; set $team2_mem,0; set $@party_team1,0; set $@party_team2,0; setcell "guild_vs3",19,55,19,44,cell_walkable,0; setcell "guild_vs3",80,55,80,44,cell_walkable,0; enablenpc "WALL#41"; enablenpc "WALL#42"; enablenpc "WALL#43"; enablenpc "WALL#44"; enablenpc "WALL#45"; enablenpc "WALL#46"; enablenpc "WALL#47"; enablenpc "WALL#48"; enablenpc "WALL#49"; enablenpc "WALL#50"; enablenpc "WALL#51"; enablenpc "WALL#52"; enablenpc "WALL#53"; enablenpc "WALL#54"; enablenpc "WALL#55"; enablenpc "WALL#56"; enablenpc "WALL#57"; enablenpc "WALL#58"; enablenpc "WALL#59"; enablenpc "WALL#60"; enablenpc "WALL#61"; enablenpc "WALL#62"; enablenpc "WALL#63"; enablenpc "WALL#64"; sleep2 10000; areawarp $@arena_map$,12,87,87,12,$@starting_map$,$@starting_mapX,$@starting_mapY; end; OnEndDraw: announce "Team "+getpartyname($@party_team1)+" and Team "+getpartyname($@party_team2)+" has the same number of members standing in the arena, the battle result is a draw.",bc_all; for(set .@i,0; .@i<$@party_mem; set .@i,.@i+1) { for(set .@j,0; .@j<$@reward_drawitem_qnty; set .@j,.@j+1) { charcommand ""+$@charsymbol$+"item "+$@mem_name1$[.@i]+" "+$@drw_itemid[.@j]+" "+$@drw_itemnum[.@j]+""; } } for(set .@i,0; .@i<$@party_mem; set .@i,.@i+1) { for(set .@j,0; .@j<$@reward_drawitem_qnty; set .@j,.@j+1) { charcommand ""+$@charsymbol$+"item "+$@mem_name2$[.@i]+" "+$@drw_itemid[.@j]+" "+$@drw_itemnum[.@j]+""; } } stopnpctimer; gvgoff $@arena_map$; set $@party_team,0; set $@Battle_Start,0; set $team1_mem,0; set $team2_mem,0; set $@party_team1,0; set $@party_team2,0; set $@evt_start,0; setcell "guild_vs3",19,55,19,44,cell_walkable,0; setcell "guild_vs3",80,55,80,44,cell_walkable,0; enablenpc "WALL#41"; enablenpc "WALL#42"; enablenpc "WALL#43"; enablenpc "WALL#44"; enablenpc "WALL#45"; enablenpc "WALL#46"; enablenpc "WALL#47"; enablenpc "WALL#48"; enablenpc "WALL#49"; enablenpc "WALL#50"; enablenpc "WALL#51"; enablenpc "WALL#52"; enablenpc "WALL#53"; enablenpc "WALL#54"; enablenpc "WALL#55"; enablenpc "WALL#56"; enablenpc "WALL#57"; enablenpc "WALL#58"; enablenpc "WALL#59"; enablenpc "WALL#60"; enablenpc "WALL#61"; enablenpc "WALL#62"; enablenpc "WALL#63"; enablenpc "WALL#64"; sleep2 10000; areawarp $@arena_map$,12,87,87,12,$@starting_map$,$@starting_mapX,$@starting_mapY; end; OnTeam1Win: announce "After 5 minutes of battle, "+getpartyname($@party_team1)+" party member survives more than "+getpartyname($@party_team2)+" party member and won the Battle!",bc_all; for(set .@i,0; .@i<$@party_mem; set .@i,.@i+1) { for(set .@j,0; .@j<$@reward_winitem_qnty; set .@j,.@j+1) { charcommand ""+$@charsymbol$+"item "+$@mem_name1$[.@i]+" "+$@win_itemid[.@j]+" "+$@win_itemnum[.@j]+""; } } for(set .@i,0; .@i<$@party_mem; set .@i,.@i+1) { for(set .@j,0; .@j<$@reward_loseitem_qnty; set .@j,.@j+1) { charcommand ""+$@charsymbol$+"item "+$@mem_name2$[.@i]+" "+$@lse_itemid[.@j]+" "+$@lse_itemnum[.@j]+""; } } set $@party_team,0; set $@Battle_Start,0; set $team1_mem,0; set $team2_mem,0; set $@party_team1,0; set $@party_team2,0; gvgoff $@arena_map$; setcell "guild_vs3",19,55,19,44,cell_walkable,0; setcell "guild_vs3",80,55,80,44,cell_walkable,0; enablenpc "WALL#41"; enablenpc "WALL#42"; enablenpc "WALL#43"; enablenpc "WALL#44"; enablenpc "WALL#45"; enablenpc "WALL#46"; enablenpc "WALL#47"; enablenpc "WALL#48"; enablenpc "WALL#49"; enablenpc "WALL#50"; enablenpc "WALL#51"; enablenpc "WALL#52"; enablenpc "WALL#53"; enablenpc "WALL#54"; enablenpc "WALL#55"; enablenpc "WALL#56"; enablenpc "WALL#57"; enablenpc "WALL#58"; enablenpc "WALL#59"; enablenpc "WALL#60"; enablenpc "WALL#61"; enablenpc "WALL#62"; enablenpc "WALL#63"; enablenpc "WALL#64"; stopnpctimer; sleep2 10000; areawarp $@arena_map$,12,87,87,12,$@starting_map$,$@starting_mapX,$@starting_mapY; end; OnEndTeam1Win: announce "After 5 minutes of battle, "+getpartyname($@party_team1)+" party member survives more than "+getpartyname($@party_team2)+" party member and won the Battle!",bc_all; for(set .@i,0; .@i<$@party_mem; set .@i,.@i+1) { for(set .@j,0; .@j<$@reward_winitem_qnty; set .@j,.@j+1) { charcommand ""+$@charsymbol$+"item "+$@mem_name1$[.@i]+" "+$@win_itemid[.@j]+" "+$@win_itemnum[.@j]+""; } } for(set .@i,0; .@i<$@party_mem; set .@i,.@i+1) { for(set .@j,0; .@j<$@reward_loseitem_qnty; set .@j,.@j+1) { charcommand ""+$@charsymbol$+"item "+$@mem_name2$[.@i]+" "+$@lse_itemid[.@j]+" "+$@lse_itemnum[.@j]+""; } } set $@party_team,0; set $@Battle_Start,0; set $team1_mem,0; set $team2_mem,0; set $@party_team1,0; set $@party_team2,0; set $@evt_start,0; gvgoff $@arena_map$; setcell "guild_vs3",19,55,19,44,cell_walkable,0; setcell "guild_vs3",80,55,80,44,cell_walkable,0; enablenpc "WALL#41"; enablenpc "WALL#42"; enablenpc "WALL#43"; enablenpc "WALL#44"; enablenpc "WALL#45"; enablenpc "WALL#46"; enablenpc "WALL#47"; enablenpc "WALL#48"; enablenpc "WALL#49"; enablenpc "WALL#50"; enablenpc "WALL#51"; enablenpc "WALL#52"; enablenpc "WALL#53"; enablenpc "WALL#54"; enablenpc "WALL#55"; enablenpc "WALL#56"; enablenpc "WALL#57"; enablenpc "WALL#58"; enablenpc "WALL#59"; enablenpc "WALL#60"; enablenpc "WALL#61"; enablenpc "WALL#62"; enablenpc "WALL#63"; enablenpc "WALL#64"; stopnpctimer; sleep2 10000; areawarp $@arena_map$,12,87,87,12,$@starting_map$,$@starting_mapX,$@starting_mapY; end; OnTeam2Win: announce "After 5 minutes of battle, "+getpartyname($@party_team2)+" party member survives more than "+getpartyname($@party_team1)+" party member and won the Battle!",bc_all; for(set .@i,0; .@i<$@party_mem; set .@i,.@i+1) { for(set .@j,0; .@j<$@reward_winitem_qnty; set .@j,.@j+1) { charcommand ""+$@charsymbol$+"item "+$@mem_name2$[.@i]+" "+$@win_itemid[.@j]+" "+$@win_itemnum[.@j]+""; } } for(set .@i,0; .@i<$@party_mem; set .@i,.@i+1) { for(set .@j,0; .@j<$@reward_loseitem_qnty; set .@j,.@j+1) { charcommand ""+$@charsymbol$+"item "+$@mem_name1$[.@i]+" "+$@lse_itemid[.@j]+" "+$@lse_itemnum[.@j]+""; } } set $@party_team,0; set $@Battle_Start,0; set $team1_mem,0; set $team2_mem,0; set $@party_team1,0; set $@party_team2,0; gvgoff $@arena_map$; setcell "guild_vs3",19,55,19,44,cell_walkable,0; setcell "guild_vs3",80,55,80,44,cell_walkable,0; enablenpc "WALL#41"; enablenpc "WALL#42"; enablenpc "WALL#43"; enablenpc "WALL#44"; enablenpc "WALL#45"; enablenpc "WALL#46"; enablenpc "WALL#47"; enablenpc "WALL#48"; enablenpc "WALL#49"; enablenpc "WALL#50"; enablenpc "WALL#51"; enablenpc "WALL#52"; enablenpc "WALL#53"; enablenpc "WALL#54"; enablenpc "WALL#55"; enablenpc "WALL#56"; enablenpc "WALL#57"; enablenpc "WALL#58"; enablenpc "WALL#59"; enablenpc "WALL#60"; enablenpc "WALL#61"; enablenpc "WALL#62"; enablenpc "WALL#63"; enablenpc "WALL#64"; stopnpctimer; sleep2 10000; areawarp $@arena_map$,12,87,87,12,$@starting_map$,$@starting_mapX,$@starting_mapY; end; OnEndTeam2Win: announce "After 5 minutes of battle, "+getpartyname($@party_team2)+" party member survives more than "+getpartyname($@party_team1)+"'s Party member and won the Battle!",bc_all; for(set .@i,0; .@i<$@party_mem; set .@i,.@i+1) { for(set .@j,0; .@j<$@reward_winitem_qnty; set .@j,.@j+1) { charcommand ""+$@charsymbol$+"item "+$@mem_name2$[.@i]+" "+$@win_itemid[.@j]+" "+$@win_itemnum[.@j]+""; } } for(set .@i,0; .@i<$@party_mem; set .@i,.@i+1) { for(set .@j,0; .@j<$@reward_loseitem_qnty; set .@j,.@j+1) { charcommand ""+$@charsymbol$+"item "+$@mem_name1$[.@i]+" "+$@lse_itemid[.@j]+" "+$@lse_itemnum[.@j]+""; } } set $@party_team,0; set $@Battle_Start,0; set $team1_mem,0; set $team2_mem,0; set $@party_team1,0; set $@party_team2,0; set $@evt_start,0; disablenpc "PartyReg"; gvgoff $@arena_map$; setcell "guild_vs3",19,55,19,44,cell_walkable,0; setcell "guild_vs3",80,55,80,44,cell_walkable,0; enablenpc "WALL#41"; enablenpc "WALL#42"; enablenpc "WALL#43"; enablenpc "WALL#44"; enablenpc "WALL#45"; enablenpc "WALL#46"; enablenpc "WALL#47"; enablenpc "WALL#48"; enablenpc "WALL#49"; enablenpc "WALL#50"; enablenpc "WALL#51"; enablenpc "WALL#52"; enablenpc "WALL#53"; enablenpc "WALL#54"; enablenpc "WALL#55"; enablenpc "WALL#56"; enablenpc "WALL#57"; enablenpc "WALL#58"; enablenpc "WALL#59"; enablenpc "WALL#60"; enablenpc "WALL#61"; enablenpc "WALL#62"; enablenpc "WALL#63"; enablenpc "WALL#64"; stopnpctimer; sleep2 10000; areawarp $@arena_map$,12,87,87,12,$@starting_map$,$@starting_mapX,$@starting_mapY; end; OnTeam1Win2: announce "Team "+getpartyname($@party_team1)+" smashed all the member of Team "+getpartyname($@party_team2)+" and won the Battle!",bc_all; for(set .@i,0; .@i<$@party_mem; set .@i,.@i+1) { for(set .@j,0; .@j<$@reward_winitem_qnty; set .@j,.@j+1) { charcommand ""+$@charsymbol$+"item "+$@mem_name1$[.@i]+" "+$@win_itemid[.@j]+" "+$@win_itemnum[.@j]+""; } } for(set .@i,0; .@i<$@party_mem; set .@i,.@i+1) { for(set .@j,0; .@j<$@reward_loseitem_qnty; set .@j,.@j+1) { charcommand ""+$@charsymbol$+"item "+$@mem_name2$[.@i]+" "+$@lse_itemid[.@j]+" "+$@lse_itemnum[.@j]+""; } } set $@party_team,0; set $@Battle_Start,0; set $team1_mem,0; set $team2_mem,0; set $@party_team1,0; set $@party_team2,0; gvgoff $@arena_map$; setcell "guild_vs3",19,55,19,44,cell_walkable,0; setcell "guild_vs3",80,55,80,44,cell_walkable,0; enablenpc "WALL#41"; enablenpc "WALL#42"; enablenpc "WALL#43"; enablenpc "WALL#44"; enablenpc "WALL#45"; enablenpc "WALL#46"; enablenpc "WALL#47"; enablenpc "WALL#48"; enablenpc "WALL#49"; enablenpc "WALL#50"; enablenpc "WALL#51"; enablenpc "WALL#52"; enablenpc "WALL#53"; enablenpc "WALL#54"; enablenpc "WALL#55"; enablenpc "WALL#56"; enablenpc "WALL#57"; enablenpc "WALL#58"; enablenpc "WALL#59"; enablenpc "WALL#60"; enablenpc "WALL#61"; enablenpc "WALL#62"; enablenpc "WALL#63"; enablenpc "WALL#64"; stopnpctimer; sleep2 10000; areawarp $@arena_map$,12,87,87,12,$@starting_map$,$@starting_mapX,$@starting_mapY; end; OnTeam2Win2: announce "Team "+getpartyname($@party_team2)+" smashed all the member of Team "+getpartyname($@party_team1)+"and won the Battle!",bc_all; for(set .@i,0; .@i<$@party_mem; set .@i,.@i+1) { for(set .@j,0; .@j<$@reward_winitem_qnty; set .@j,.@j+1) { charcommand ""+$@charsymbol$+"item "+$@mem_name2$[.@i]+" "+$@win_itemid[.@j]+" "+$@win_itemnum[.@j]+""; } } for(set .@i,0; .@i<$@party_mem; set .@i,.@i+1) { for(set .@j,0; .@j<$@reward_loseitem_qnty; set .@j,.@j+1) { charcommand ""+$@charsymbol$+"item "+$@mem_name1$[.@i]+" "+$@lse_itemid[.@j]+" "+$@lse_itemnum[.@j]+""; } } set $@party_team,0; set $@Battle_Start,0; set $team1_mem,0; set $team2_mem,0; set $@party_team1,0; set $@party_team2,0; gvgoff $@arena_map$; setcell "guild_vs3",19,55,19,44,cell_walkable,0; setcell "guild_vs3",80,55,80,44,cell_walkable,0; enablenpc "WALL#41"; enablenpc "WALL#42"; enablenpc "WALL#43"; enablenpc "WALL#44"; enablenpc "WALL#45"; enablenpc "WALL#46"; enablenpc "WALL#47"; enablenpc "WALL#48"; enablenpc "WALL#49"; enablenpc "WALL#50"; enablenpc "WALL#51"; enablenpc "WALL#52"; enablenpc "WALL#53"; enablenpc "WALL#54"; enablenpc "WALL#55"; enablenpc "WALL#56"; enablenpc "WALL#57"; enablenpc "WALL#58"; enablenpc "WALL#59"; enablenpc "WALL#60"; enablenpc "WALL#61"; enablenpc "WALL#62"; enablenpc "WALL#63"; enablenpc "WALL#64"; stopnpctimer; sleep2 10000; areawarp $@arena_map$,12,87,87,12,$@starting_map$,$@starting_mapX,$@starting_mapY; end; } function script StartEvent { enablenpc "PartyReg"; set $@evt_start,1; announce "The Battle has begun.",bc_all; return; } function script EndEvent { if (!$@Battle_Start && $@party_team<2) { setcell $@arena_map$,80,55,80,44,cell_walkable,1; setcell $@arena_map$,19,55,19,44,cell_walkable,1; donpcevent "PvP_Func::OnEndNoWin"; } else if ($team2_mem<$team1_mem) { setcell $@arena_map$,80,55,80,44,cell_walkable,1; setcell $@arena_map$,19,55,19,44,cell_walkable,1; donpcevent "PvP_Func::OnEndTeam1Win"; } else if ($team2_mem<$team1_mem) { setcell $@arena_map$,80,55,80,44,cell_walkable,1; setcell $@arena_map$,19,55,19,44,cell_walkable,1; donpcevent "PvP_Func::OnEndTeam2Win"; } else if ($team2_mem==$team1_mem || $team1_mem==$team2_mem) { setcell $@arena_map$,80,55,80,44,cell_walkable,1; setcell $@arena_map$,19,55,19,44,cell_walkable,1; donpcevent "PvP_Func::OnEndDraw"; } else { setcell $@arena_map$,80,55,80,44,cell_walkable,1; setcell $@arena_map$,19,55,19,44,cell_walkable,1; donpcevent "PvP_Func::OnEndNoWin"; } end; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ////RWC 3/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// guild_vs3,19,55,0 script WALL#41 1905,{ } guild_vs3,19,54,0 duplicate(WALL#41) WALL#42 1905 guild_vs3,19,53,0 duplicate(WALL#41) WALL#43 1905 guild_vs3,19,52,0 duplicate(WALL#41) WALL#44 1905 guild_vs3,19,51,0 duplicate(WALL#41) WALL#45 1905 guild_vs3,19,50,0 duplicate(WALL#41) WALL#46 1905 guild_vs3,19,49,0 duplicate(WALL#41) WALL#47 1905 guild_vs3,19,48,0 duplicate(WALL#41) WALL#48 1905 guild_vs3,19,47,0 duplicate(WALL#41) WALL#49 1905 guild_vs3,19,46,0 duplicate(WALL#41) WALL#50 1905 guild_vs3,19,45,0 duplicate(WALL#41) WALL#51 1905 guild_vs3,19,44,0 duplicate(WALL#41) WALL#52 1905 guild_vs3,80,55,0 duplicate(WALL#41) WALL#53 1905 guild_vs3,80,54,0 duplicate(WALL#41) WALL#54 1905 guild_vs3,80,53,0 duplicate(WALL#41) WALL#55 1905 guild_vs3,80,52,0 duplicate(WALL#41) WALL#56 1905 guild_vs3,80,51,0 duplicate(WALL#41) WALL#57 1905 guild_vs3,80,50,0 duplicate(WALL#41) WALL#58 1905 guild_vs3,80,49,0 duplicate(WALL#41) WALL#59 1905 guild_vs3,80,48,0 duplicate(WALL#41) WALL#60 1905 guild_vs3,80,47,0 duplicate(WALL#41) WALL#61 1905 guild_vs3,80,46,0 duplicate(WALL#41) WALL#62 1905 guild_vs3,80,45,0 duplicate(WALL#41) WALL#63 1905 guild_vs3,80,44,0 duplicate(WALL#41) WALL#64 1905 function script party_has_duplicate_job { set .@party_id, getarg( 0, getcharid(1) ); // Need to have a party. if ( !.@party_id ) { return -1; } // Loading party members variables getpartymember .@party_id, 1; getpartymember .@party_id, 2; // Keep rid attached. set .@rid, playerattached(); // Check all members for ( set .@i,0; .@i<$@partymembercount; set .@i, .@i+1 ) { // Online user if ( isloggedin( $@partymemberaid[.@i], $@partymembercid[.@i]) ) { // Attach the member to access "Class" attachrid( $@partymemberaid[.@i] ); if ( compare( .@tmp_class$ + "|", "|" + Class + "|" ) ) { if ( .@rid ) attachrid(.@rid); else detachrid; return 1; } set .@tmp_class$, .@tmp_class$ + "|" + Class; } // Offline user (use sql) else { set .@sql$, .@sql$ + ( .@sql_i ? "OR " : "" ) + "`char_id`='" + $@partymembercid[.@i] + "' "; set .@sql_i, .@sql_i + 1; } } // SQL for offline users if ( getstrlen(.@sql$) ) { // get class from offline members set .@count, query_sql("SELECT `class` FROM `char` WHERE " + .@sql$, .@class ); // Check the class. for ( set .@i, 0; .@i<.@count; set .@i, .@i+1 ) { if ( compare( .@tmp_class$ + "|", "|" + .@class[.@i] + "|" ) ) { if ( .@rid ) attachrid(.@rid); else detachrid; return 1; } set .@tmp_class$, .@tmp_class$ + "|" + .@class[.@i]; } } // Restore RID. if ( .@rid ) attachrid(.@rid); else detachrid; return 0; } - script RWC -1,{ // Settings // GM LVL Allowed set .gmlvl,99; OnWhisperGlobal: if(getgmlevel() <= .gmlvl) goto N_Authority; switch(select("Reset:")) { case 1: stopnpctimer; gvgoff $@arena_map$; set $@party_team,0; set $@Battle_Start,0; set $team1_mem,0; set $team2_mem,0; set $@party_team1,0; set $@party_team2,0; set $@evt_start,0; dispbottom "Reset OK."; close; N_Authority: dispbottom "You cannot use this commands anymore."; close; } }
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- script
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R>Last man standing pvp with prize
imustluvpain replied to imustluvpain's question in Script Requests
up -
Hi guys! I need some help with this FFA Script please. I was hoping if someone can edit it, players will have to register to the NPC and wait for a certain time for example 3mins before all registered players be warped to the FFA Arena? And if possible, to add a announcement of the winner and reset the npc after the match. Thanks in advance! // -------------------------------------// // ----------- Free For All ------------// // ------------- By: Butch -------------// // ---------- Rewrite by: Bio ----------// // A simple Free for all script // // -------------------------------------// // ------------- Changelog -------------// // 1.0 - The one made by Butch. // // 2.0 - Rewrite by Bio: // // Easy Configuration // // Use of Event Labels // // Added Min and Max Players // // -------------------------------------// // -- FFA Core - script ::ffa_core FAKE_NPC,{ end(); OnInit: // -- Configuration .WAITINGROOM_TEXT$ = "[Free For All]"; // Text to be displayed on Waiting Room .MIN_PLAYER = 5; // How many Players are needed to start .MAX_PLAYER = 0; // Maximum number of Players allowed. Must be higher than '1' (0 to disable this limit) .REWARD_PLAYER = 1; // Reward Players? Use 0 or 1 (0: off / 1: on) .REWARD_NAMEID = 25002; // Reward ID .REWARD_AMOUNT = 1; // Reward Amount .ANNOUNCE_COLOR$ = "0x00b89d"; // FFA announce's color .WINNER_DISP_COLOR$ = "0x00FFFF"; // FFA winner announce's color .ATCMD_NAME$ = "startffa"; // @name of atcommand to force start announce. .ATCMD_LEVEL = 60; // Min GroupID which can use this command. .ATCMD_CHRLV = 99; // Min GroupID which can use this char command. // -- Initializing bindatcmd(.ATCMD_NAME$,"ffa_core::OnStartEvent",.ATCMD_LEVEL, .ATCMD_CHRLV); .STATUS = 0; // Info: 0 - Off | 1 - Waiting for start | 2 - Running waitingroom(.WAITINGROOM_TEXT$, 0); end(); OnStartEvent: .STATUS = 1; announce("Free for all will start in 1 minute.", bc_all, .ANNOUNCE_COLOR$); sleep(60000); if ( getmapusers("guild_vs5") >= .MIN_PLAYER ) { for ( .@i = 5; .@i > 0; .@i-- ) { mapannounce("guild_vs5", sprintf("FFA starts in [%d]", .@i), .ANNOUNCE_COLOR$); } announce("guild_vs5", "FFA has started!! Go kill'em all!!", bc_all, .ANNOUNCE_COLOR$); .STATUS = 2; setmapflag("guild_vs5", mf_gvg); removemapflag("guild_vs5", mf_noskill); initnpctimer(); // Time Limit of 30 minutes end(); } // Else: Fall Through OnStopEvent: OnTimer1800000: stopnpctimer(); .STATUS = 0; removemapflag("guild_vs5", mf_gvg); setmapflag("guild_vs5", mf_noskill); mapwarp("guild_vs5", "prontera", 156, 149); end(); OnPCKillEvent: if ( getmapusers("guild_vs5") != 1 ) { announce(sprintf("FFA Current players - %d.", getmapusers("guild_vs5")), bc_self, .ANNOUNCE_COLOR$); } else if ( getmapusers("guild_vs5") == 1 ) { dispbottom("You are a winner of Event Free for all. Congratz!", .WINNER_DISP_COLOR$); announce(sprintf("Free For All Winner: %s", strcharinfo(0)), bc_all, .WINNER_DISP_COLOR$); getitem(.REWARD_NAMEID, .REWARD_AMOUNT); mapwarp("guild_vs5", "prontera", 156, 149); // TODO: make dest map configurable (I'm too lazy to do it now haha) donpcevent("ffa_core::OnStopEvent"); } end(); // Common end command for conditions above. OnPCLoadMapEvent: if ( strcharinfo(3) == "guild_vs5" ) { if ( getmapusers("guild_vs5") >= .MIN_PLAYER && !.STATUS ) { donpcevent("ffa_core::OnStartEvent"); } } end(); } // ------ FFA Warper -------// prontera,147,149,6 script Free For All 999,{ .STATUS = getvariableofnpc(.STATUS, "ffa_core"); .MAX_PLAYER = getvariableofnpc(.MAX_PLAYER, "ffa_core"); mes("[^FF0000Agent Mil^000000]"); mes("What do you want?"); next(); .@choice = select("Enter ^FFA500FFA Arena^000000", "Nothing"); if ( .@choice == 2 ) { mes("[^FF0000Agent Mil^000000]"); mes("Okay, see you next time."); } else if ( .STATUS > 1 ) { mes("[^FF0000Agent Mil^000000]"); mes("Entrance for Free for all is not available at the moment"); } else if ( .MAX_PLAYER > 1 && getmapusers("guild_vs5") >= .MAX_PLAYER ) { mes("[^FF0000Agent Mil^000000]"); mes("Maximum number of players reached, try again in next match."); } else { if ( getcharid(1) ) { mes("^ff0000* Please leave your party."); close; } else if ( getcharid(2) ) { mes("^ff0000* Please leave your guild."); close; } else { // TODO: Why use this coordinates if we want to warp randomly? // Isn't better replace this switch and warp with just 'warp("guild_vs5", 0, 0);'? switch (rand(3)) { case 0: .@x = 18; .@y = 50; break; case 1: .@x = 50; .@y = 77; break; case 2: .@x = 81; .@y = 49; break; case 3: .@x = 49; .@y = 22; break; } warp("guild_vs5", .@x, .@y); } } close(); // Common close command for all conditions above. } // -- Mapflags guild_vs5 mapflag loadevent guild_vs5 mapflag partylock guild_vs5 mapflag guildlock guild_vs5 mapflag notrade guild_vs5 mapflag nodrop
- battleground
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After making a new directory sir, should i config inter-server.conf?
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- hbg.c
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I should just take the plugins?
- 8 replies
- hbg.c
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I should copy and replace my trunk files with these https://github.com/HerculesWS/Hercules sir?
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- hbg.c
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Hi guys. just wondering how can i enable this npc all the time? so i won't have to manually enable it and players can use it anytime. thanks in advance! // -----------------------------// // ------- Free For All --------// // -------- By : Butch ---------// // A simple Free for all script // // -----------------------------// guild_vs5,48,51,6 script FFA Master 999,{ if(getmapusers("guild_vs5") != 1) { mes "[^FF0000FFA Master^000000]"; mes "Current players - ^FF0000"+ getmapusers("guild_vs5") +"^000000."; close; } else if(getmapusers("guild_vs5") == 1) { dispbottom "You are a winner of Event Free for all. Congratz!"; donpcevent "Free For All::OnStopEvent"; announce "Free for all winner : "+ strcharinfo(0) +"", bc_all, "0xFFCE00"; getitem 25002,1; // Reward warp "prontera", 156,149; end; } } // ------ FFA Warper -------// prontera,147,149,6 script Free For All 999,{ if (.start != 1) { mes "[^FF0000Agent Mil^000000]"; mes "Free for all is not available at the moment"; close; } mes "[^FF0000Agent Mil^000000]"; mes "What do you want?"; switch(select("Free for all")) { case 1: if( getcharid(1) ) { mes "Please leave your party."; close; } if( getcharid(2) ) { mes "Please leave your guild."; close; } else switch(rand(3)) { case 0: .@x = 18; .@y = 50; break; case 1: .@x = 50; .@y = 77; break; case 2: .@x = 81; .@y = 49; break; case 3: .@x = 49; .@y = 22; break; } warp "guild_vs5", .@x,.@y; break; } close; OnStartEvent: OnClock1245: OnClock1645: OnClock2045: OnClock0045: OnClock0445: OnClock0845: .start = 1; disablenpc "FFA Master"; announce "Free for all will start in 5 minutes.", bc_all, "0x00b89d"; sleep 120000; announce "Free for all will start in 3 minutes.", bc_all, "0x00b89d"; sleep 120000; announce "Free for all will start in 1 minute.", bc_all, "0x00b89d"; sleep 60000; announce "Free for all has started!", bc_all, "0x00b89d"; .start = 2; enablenpc "FFA Master"; sleep 2000; if ( !getmapusers("guild_vs5") ) goto OnStopEvent; mapannounce "guild_vs5", "FFA starts in 5", bc_map; sleep 1000; mapannounce "guild_vs5", "FFA starts in 4", bc_map; sleep 1000; mapannounce "guild_vs5", "FFA starts in 3", bc_map; sleep 1000; mapannounce "guild_vs5", "FFA starts in 2", bc_map; sleep 1000; mapannounce "guild_vs5", "FFA starts in 1", bc_map; sleep 1000; mapannounce "guild_vs5", "GO! Kill all!", bc_map; setmapflag "guild_vs5", mf_gvg; removemapflag "guild_vs5", mf_noskill; end; OnStopEvent: .start = 0; disablenpc "FFA Master"; removemapflag "guild_vs5", mf_gvg; setmapflag "guild_vs5", mf_noskill; end; OnInit: bindatcmd("startevent",strnpcinfo(1)+"::OnStartEvent",60,99); waitingroom "[Free For All]",0; end; } guild_vs5 mapflag partylock guild_vs5 mapflag guildlock guild_vs5 mapflag notrade guild_vs5 mapflag nodrop
Hercules Battlegrounds
imustluvpain replied to Sephus's topic in PvP, WoE, GvG, & Battleground Releases
Do you have the latest herc? it says unknown sir -
it says unknown sir?
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yes sir there is 4_EP16_SPIEGEL inside my constrants.conf
Yes sir. i want to enable it all the time
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Hi guys. I'm having this error after adding hBG.c plugin from http://herc.ws/board/topic/14083-hercules-battlegrounds/ . Hoping for some help please. Thanks in advance! In file included from hBG.c:44: ../plugins/HPMHooking.h:25: error: nested redefinition of 'enum HPluginHookType' ../plugins/HPMHooking.h:25: error: redeclaration of 'enum HPluginHookType' ../plugins/HPMHooking.h:26: error: redeclaration of enumerator 'HOOK_TYPE_PRE' ../common/HPMi.h:75: note: previous definition of 'HOOK_TYPE_PRE' was here ../plugins/HPMHooking.h:27: error: redeclaration of enumerator 'HOOK_TYPE_POST' ../common/HPMi.h:76: note: previous definition of 'HOOK_TYPE_POST' was here In file included from hBG.c:44: ../plugins/HPMHooking.h:46:42: error: HPMHooking/HPMHooking.Defs.inc: No such file or directory ../plugins/HPMHooking.h:48:1: warning: "addHookPre" redefined In file included from ../common/hercules.h:35, from hBG.c:15: ../common/HPMi.h:110:1: warning: this is the location of the previous definition In file included from hBG.c:44: ../plugins/HPMHooking.h:53:1: warning: "addHookPost" redefined In file included from ../common/hercules.h:35, from hBG.c:15: ../common/HPMi.h:111:1: warning: this is the location of the previous definition In file included from hBG.c:44: ../plugins/HPMHooking.h:60:1: warning: "hookStop" redefined In file included from ../common/hercules.h:35, from hBG.c:15: ../common/HPMi.h:114:1: warning: this is the location of the previous definition In file included from hBG.c:44: ../plugins/HPMHooking.h:61:1: warning: "hookStopped" redefined In file included from ../common/hercules.h:35, from hBG.c:15: ../common/HPMi.h:115:1: warning: this is the location of the previous definition hBG.c: In function 'hBG_send_guild_member_list': hBG.c:599: error: 'struct mmo_charstatus' has no member named 'class' hBG.c: In function 'hBG_add_rank_points': hBG.c:1559: error: too few arguments to function 'clif->disp_message' hBG.c:1560: error: 'struct HPMi_interface' has no member named 'hooking' hBG.c:1564: error: too few arguments to function 'clif->disp_message' hBG.c:1565: error: 'struct HPMi_interface' has no member named 'hooking' hBG.c: In function 'npc_parse_unknown_mapflag_pre': hBG.c:3202: error: 'struct HPMi_interface' has no member named 'hooking' hBG.c: In function 'clif_charnameupdate_pre': hBG.c:3236: error: 'struct HPMi_interface' has no member named 'hooking' hBG.c: In function 'skill_check_condition_castbegin_pre': hBG.c:3247: error: 'struct HPMi_interface' has no member named 'hooking' hBG.c: In function 'skillnotok_pre': hBG.c:3255: error: 'struct HPMi_interface' has no member named 'hooking' hBG.c: In function 'skill_castend_nodamage_id_pre': hBG.c:3304: error: 'struct HPMi_interface' has no member named 'hooking' hBG.c: In function 'status_get_guild_id_pre': hBG.c:3325: error: 'struct HPMi_interface' has no member named 'hooking' hBG.c: In function 'status_get_emblem_id_pre': hBG.c:3345: error: 'struct HPMi_interface' has no member named 'hooking' hBG.c: In function 'bg_team_leave_pre': hBG.c:3364: error: 'struct HPMi_interface' has no member named 'hooking' hBG.c: In function 'guild_isallied_pre': hBG.c:3404: error: 'struct HPMi_interface' has no member named 'hooking' hBG.c: In function 'plugin_init': hBG.c:3593: error: 'HPMHOOK_pre_npc_parse_unknown_mapflag' undeclared (first use in this function) hBG.c:3593: error: (Each undeclared identifier is reported only once hBG.c:3593: error: for each function it appears in.) hBG.c:3593: error: expected ')' before numeric constant hBG.c:3593: error: 'struct HPMi_interface' has no member named 'hooking' hBG.c:3593: warning: left-hand operand of comma expression has no effect hBG.c:3594: error: 'HPMHOOK_pre_clif_charnameupdate' undeclared (first use in this function) hBG.c:3594: error: expected ')' before numeric constant hBG.c:3594: error: 'struct HPMi_interface' has no member named 'hooking' hBG.c:3594: warning: left-hand operand of comma expression has no effect hBG.c:3595: error: 'HPMHOOK_pre_status_get_guild_id' undeclared (first use in this function) hBG.c:3595: error: expected ')' before numeric constant hBG.c:3595: error: 'struct HPMi_interface' has no member named 'hooking' hBG.c:3595: warning: left-hand operand of comma expression has no effect hBG.c:3596: error: 'HPMHOOK_pre_status_get_emblem_id' undeclared (first use in this function) hBG.c:3596: error: expected ')' before numeric constant hBG.c:3596: error: 'struct HPMi_interface' has no member named 'hooking' hBG.c:3596: warning: left-hand operand of comma expression has no effect hBG.c:3597: error: 'HPMHOOK_pre_map_quit' undeclared (first use in this function) hBG.c:3597: error: expected ')' before numeric constant hBG.c:3597: error: 'struct HPMi_interface' has no member named 'hooking' hBG.c:3597: warning: left-hand operand of comma expression has no effect hBG.c:3598: error: 'HPMHOOK_pre_guild_isallied' undeclared (first use in this function) hBG.c:3598: error: expected ')' before numeric constant hBG.c:3598: error: 'struct HPMi_interface' has no member named 'hooking' hBG.c:3598: warning: left-hand operand of comma expression has no effect hBG.c:3599: error: 'HPMHOOK_pre_skill_check_condition_castbegin' undeclared (first use in this function) hBG.c:3599: error: expected ')' before numeric constant hBG.c:3599: error: 'struct HPMi_interface' has no member named 'hooking' hBG.c:3599: warning: left-hand operand of comma expression has no effect hBG.c:3600: error: 'HPMHOOK_pre_skill_not_ok' undeclared (first use in this function) hBG.c:3600: error: expected ')' before numeric constant hBG.c:3600: error: 'struct HPMi_interface' has no member named 'hooking' hBG.c:3600: warning: left-hand operand of comma expression has no effect hBG.c:3601: error: 'HPMHOOK_pre_skill_castend_nodamage_id' undeclared (first use in this function) hBG.c:3601: error: expected ')' before numeric constant hBG.c:3601: error: 'struct HPMi_interface' has no member named 'hooking' hBG.c:3601: warning: left-hand operand of comma expression has no effect hBG.c:3602: error: 'HPMHOOK_pre_bg_team_leave' undeclared (first use in this function) hBG.c:3602: error: expected ')' before numeric constant hBG.c:3602: error: 'struct HPMi_interface' has no member named 'hooking' hBG.c:3602: warning: left-hand operand of comma expression has no effect hBG.c:3605: error: 'HPMHOOK_post_clif_pLoadEndAck' undeclared (first use in this function) hBG.c:3605: error: expected ')' before numeric constant hBG.c:3605: error: 'struct HPMi_interface' has no member named 'hooking' hBG.c:3605: warning: left-hand operand of comma expression has no effect hBG.c:3606: error: 'HPMHOOK_post_clif_pUseSkillToId' undeclared (first use in this function) hBG.c:3606: error: expected ')' before numeric constant hBG.c:3606: error: 'struct HPMi_interface' has no member named 'hooking' hBG.c:3606: warning: left-hand operand of comma expression has no effect hBG.c:3607: error: 'HPMHOOK_post_clif_getareachar_pc' undeclared (first use in this function) hBG.c:3607: error: expected ')' before numeric constant hBG.c:3607: error: 'struct HPMi_interface' has no member named 'hooking' hBG.c:3607: warning: left-hand operand of comma expression has no effect hBG.c:3608: error: 'HPMHOOK_post_pc_update_idle_time' undeclared (first use in this function) hBG.c:3608: error: expected ')' before numeric constant hBG.c:3608: error: 'struct HPMi_interface' has no member named 'hooking' hBG.c:3608: warning: left-hand operand of comma expression has no effect hBG.c:3664:89: error: macro "addBattleConf" passed 4 arguments, but takes just 3 hBG.c: In function 'server_preinit': hBG.c:3664: error: 'addBattleConf' undeclared (first use in this function) hBG.c:3665:96: error: macro "addBattleConf" passed 4 arguments, but takes just 3 hBG.c:3666:90: error: macro "addBattleConf" passed 4 arguments, but takes just 3 hBG.c:3667:95: error: macro "addBattleConf" passed 4 arguments, but takes just 3 hBG.c:3668:95: error: macro "addBattleConf" passed 4 arguments, but takes just 3 hBG.c:3669:96: error: macro "addBattleConf" passed 4 arguments, but takes just 3 hBG.c:3670:94: error: macro "addBattleConf" passed 4 arguments, but takes just 3 hBG.c:3671:93: error: macro "addBattleConf" passed 4 arguments, but takes just 3 hBG.c:3672:93: error: macro "addBattleConf" passed 4 arguments, but takes just 3 make[1]: *** [../../plugins/hBG.so] Error 1 make[1]: Leaving directory `/root/trunk/src/plugins' make: *** [plugins] Error 2
- 8 replies
- hbg.c
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Hercules Battlegrounds
imustluvpain replied to Sephus's topic in PvP, WoE, GvG, & Battleground Releases
How to fix this error sir? Thanks in advance! -
Hello. I tried the Queue BG rewrite by KUBIX link: http://herc.ws/board/topic/12349-queue-bg-rewrite/#entry71761 , but i have this problem with the Battle Recruiter NPC. What should i do please? i can't click on the npc. Thanks in advance! Here's the npc scrip and screenshot of the problem: function script cleanBgQuests { for(.@i = 8500; .@i < 8511; .@i ++) if( (.@i != 8506 && questprogress(.@i, PLAYTIME) ) ) erasequest .@i; return; } - script Battle_Register FAKE_NPC,{ end; OnJoinBG: mes "^D2691E[Battle Requiter]^000000"; mes "Welcome to the Battleground register service."; next; if( select( "Register:Close" ) == 2) close; if( questprogress(8506, PLAYTIME) ) erasequest 8506; else if( questprogress(8506, PLAYTIME) == 1 ) { mes "^D2691E[Battle Requiter]^000000"; mes "You are a Deserter. You can't participate until the indicator goes off"; close; } if( getcharid(4) ) { mes "^D2691E[Battle Requiter]^000000"; mes "You already in Battle Group."; close; } .@qid1 = queueiterator( $@Croix_Duplicate ); .@qid2 = queueiterator( $@Guill_Duplicate ); for( .@i = 0; .@i < .BG_Max[ .Index ]; .@i ++ ) { if( qiget(.@qid1) == ( .MultipleCheck == 1? getcharid(0):getcharip() ) || qiget(.@qid2) == ( .MultipleCheck == 1? getcharid(0):getcharip() ) ) { mes "^D2691E[Battle Requiter]^000000"; mes "You already in queue."; close; } } cleanBgQuests(); switch( .Battle_State ) { default: case 0: case 2: mes "^D2691E[Battle Requiter]^000000"; mes "Queue not available. Try again later or contact your administrator."; close; case 1: // idle if( getarraysize( $@Croix_QID ) < .BG_Max[ .Index ] || getarraysize( $@Guill_QID ) < .BG_Max[ .Index ] ) { if( getarraysize( $@Croix_QID ) > getarraysize( $@Guill_QID ) ) { if( !queueadd( $@Guill_Duplicate, ( .MultipleCheck == 1? getcharid(0):getcharip() ) ) ) { mes "^D2691E[Battle Requiter]^000000"; mes "You already in queue"; close; } $@Guill_QID[ $@Guill ] = getcharid(3); $@Guill ++; if( .debug ) debugmes strcharinfo(0) + " guillame"; } else if( getarraysize( $@Croix_QID ) < getarraysize( $@Guill_QID ) ) { if( !queueadd( $@Croix_Duplicate, ( .MultipleCheck == 1? getcharid(0):getcharip() ) ) ) { mes "^D2691E[Battle Requiter]^000000"; mes "You already in queue"; close; } $@Croix_QID[ $@Croix ] = getcharid(3); $@Croix ++; if( .debug ) debugmes strcharinfo(0) + " croix"; } else { if( !queueadd( $@Croix_Duplicate, ( .MultipleCheck == 1? getcharid(0):getcharip() ) ) ) { mes "^D2691E[Battle Requiter]^000000"; mes "You already in queue"; close; } $@Croix_QID[ $@Croix ] = getcharid(3); $@Croix ++; if( .debug ) debugmes strcharinfo(0) + " croix"; } mes "^D2691E[Battle Requiter]^000000"; mes "Added to queue."; close; } mes "^D2691E[Battle Requiter]^000000"; mes "Queue is full"; close; case 3: // Beginning, other can join. if( getarraysize( $@Croix_QID ) < .BG_Max[ .Index ] || getarraysize( $@Guill_QID ) < .BG_Max[ .Index ] ) { if( getarraysize( $@Croix_QID ) > getarraysize( $@Guill_QID ) ) { if( !queueadd( $@Guill_Duplicate, ( .MultipleCheck == 1? getcharid(0):getcharip() ) ) ) { mes "^D2691E[Battle Requiter]^000000"; mes "You already in queue"; close; } $@Guill_QID[ $@Guill ] = getcharid(3); $@Guill ++; if( .BG_Names$[ .Index] == "Conquest" ) if( $@Guill_BG == getvariableofnpc( .Atacker, "Conquest" ) ) bg_single( $@Guill_BG, .BG_Map$[ .Index ], .BG_AtackerX, .BG_AtackerY ); else bg_single( $@Guill_BG, .BG_Map$[ .Index ], .BG_DefenerX, .BG_DefenerY ); else bg_single( $@Guill_BG, .BG_Map$[ .Index ], .BG_GuillX[ .Index ], .BG_GuillY[ .Index ] ); if( .debug ) debugmes strcharinfo(0) + " guillame"; } else if( getarraysize( $@Croix_QID ) < getarraysize( $@Guill_QID ) ) { if( !queueadd( $@Croix_Duplicate, ( .MultipleCheck == 1? getcharid(0):getcharip() ) ) ) { mes "^D2691E[Battle Requiter]^000000"; mes "You already in queue"; close; } $@Croix_QID[ $@Croix ] = getcharid(3); $@Croix ++; if( .BG_Names$[ .Index] == "Conquest" ) if( $@Croix_BG == getvariableofnpc( .Atacker, "Conquest" ) ) bg_single( $@Croix_BG, .BG_Map$[ .Index ], .BG_AtackerX, .BG_AtackerY ); else bg_single( $@Croix_BG, .BG_Map$[ .Index ], .BG_DefenerX, .BG_DefenerY ); else bg_single( $@Croix_BG, .BG_Map$[ .Index ], .BG_CroixX[ .Index ], .BG_CroixY[ .Index ] ); if( .debug ) debugmes strcharinfo(0) + " croix"; } else { if( !queueadd( $@Croix_Duplicate, ( .MultipleCheck == 1? getcharid(0):getcharip() ) ) ) { mes "^D2691E[Battle Requiter]^000000"; mes "You already in queue"; close; } $@Croix_QID[ $@Croix ] = getcharid(3); $@Croix ++; if( .BG_Names$[ .Index] == "Conquest" ) if( $@Croix_BG == getvariableofnpc( .Atacker, "Conquest" ) ) bg_single( $@Croix_BG, .BG_Map$[ .Index ], .BG_AtackerX, .BG_AtackerY ); else bg_single( $@Croix_BG, .BG_Map$[ .Index ], .BG_DefenerX, .BG_DefenerY ); else bg_single( $@Croix_BG, .BG_Map$[ .Index ], .BG_CroixX[ .Index ], .BG_CroixY[ .Index ] ); if( .debug ) debugmes strcharinfo(0) + " croix"; } mes "^D2691E[Battle Requiter]^000000"; mes "Added to queue."; close; } mes "^D2691E[Battle Requiter]^000000"; mes "Queue is full"; close; } OnInit: // = BG Rewards: $@BG_RewardID = 7773; // (War Badge) $@BG_WinnerAmount = 15; // Reward amount for winning team $@BG_LooserAmount = 10; // Reward amount for loosing team $@BG_TieAmount = 5; // Reward amount for Tie. // = Flavius Score (Kills for end game): $@Flavius_Score = 99; // ===== Multiple Windows checking by ? // = 1 - Disabled // = 2 - IP .MultipleCheck = 1; // ===== BG Colors setarray .BG_Color$[0], "0xDDA0DD", "0x7CCD7C", "0xFFA500"; // ===== BG NPC & Arena Names setarray .BG_Names$[0], "Rush", "Flavius TD", "Conquest"; setarray .BG_Arena$[0], "Rush", "Flavius_TD", "Conquest"; // ===== BG Player Amount setarray .BG_Min[0], 2, 2, 2; setarray .BG_Max[0], 30, 30, 30; // ===== BG Locations setarray .BG_Map$[0], "rush_cas04", "bat_b03", "schg_cas06"; // ===== BG X/Y Coordinates setarray .BG_GuillX[0], 270, 390, 264; setarray .BG_GuillY[0], 292, 10, 379; setarray .BG_CroixX[0], 270, 10, 295; setarray .BG_CroixY[0], 288, 290, 379; bindatcmd "joinbg", strnpcinfo(0) + "::OnJoinBG", 0, 99; bindatcmd "leavebg", strnpcinfo(0) + "::OnLeaveBG", 0, 99; // ===== Time to flood in seconds. .Flood_Time = 180; // ===== Enable debug mode? .debug = false; $@RegNPC$ = strnpcinfo(0) + "::OnBGRotate"; OnBGRotate: if( ( .Index += 1 ) > ( getarraysize( .BG_Names$ ) - 1 ) ) .Index = 0; if( $@Croix_Duplicate ) queuedel $@Croix_Duplicate; if( $@Guill_Duplicate ) queuedel $@Guill_Duplicate; if( $@Guill_BG ) bg_destroy $@Guill_BG; if( $@Croix_BG ) bg_destroy $@Croix_BG; // ===== Queue with Gepard ID $@Croix_Duplicate = queue(); $@Guill_Duplicate = queue(); deletearray $@Croix_QID[0], getarraysize( $@Croix_QID ); deletearray $@Guill_QID[0], getarraysize( $@Guill_QID ); .Leavers = 0; .Battle_State = 1; .BG_Tick = 0; .Player2Start = ( .BG_Min[ .Index ] * 2 ) - ( queuesize( $@Croix_Duplicate ) + queuesize( $@Guill_Duplicate ) ) ; announce "Battleground -- " + .BG_Names$[ .Index ] + " -- (" + .Player2Start + ") more players to start.", bc_all, .BG_Color$[ .Index ]; initnpctimer; end; OnTimer30000: .Player2Start = ( .BG_Min[ .Index ] * 2 ) - ( queuesize( $@Croix_Duplicate ) + queuesize( $@Guill_Duplicate ) ) ; if( .Player2Start <= 0 ) { if( .BG_Names$[ .Index] == "Conquest" ) { donpcevent "Conquest::OnSetRotation"; .BG_Map$[ .Index ] = getvariableofnpc( .Castle$, "Conquest" ); .BG_GuillX[ .Index ] = getvariableofnpc( .GX, "Conquest" ); .BG_GuillY[ .Index ] = getvariableofnpc( .GY, "Conquest" ); .BG_CroixX[ .Index ] = getvariableofnpc( .CX, "Conquest" ); .BG_CroixY[ .Index ] = getvariableofnpc( .CY, "Conquest" ); .BG_DefenerX = getvariableofnpc( .DX, "Conquest" ); .BG_DefenerY = getvariableofnpc( .DY, "Conquest" ); .BG_AtackerX = getvariableofnpc( .AX, "Conquest" ); .BG_AtackerY = getvariableofnpc( .AY, "Conquest" ); } $@Guill_BG = bg_create_team( .BG_Map$[ .Index ], .BG_GuillX[ .Index ], .BG_GuillY[ .Index ], .BG_Arena$[ .Index ] + "::OnGuillameQuit", .BG_Arena$[ .Index ] + "::OnGuillameDie" ); $@Croix_BG = bg_create_team( .BG_Map$[ .Index ], .BG_CroixX[ .Index ], .BG_CroixY[ .Index ], .BG_Arena$[ .Index ] + "::OnCroixQuit", .BG_Arena$[ .Index ] + "::OnCroixDie"); .Battle_State = 2; freeloop(1); for( .c = 0; .c < getarraysize( $@Croix_QID ); .c ++ ) { if( !isloggedin( $@Croix_QID[ .c ] ) ) .Leavers ++; else bg_join_team( $@Croix_BG, $@Croix_QID[ .c ] ); } for( .g = 0; .g < getarraysize( $@Guill_QID ); .g ++ ) { if( !isloggedin( $@Guill_QID[ .g ] ) ) .Leavers ++; else bg_join_team( $@Guill_BG, $@Guill_QID[ .g ] ); } freeloop(0); announce "Battleground -- " + .BG_Names$[ .Index ] + " -- Beginning.", bc_all, .BG_Color$[ .Index ]; donpcevent .BG_Arena$[ .Index ] + "::OnStartBattleground"; .Battle_State = 3; stopnpctimer; end; } if( .BG_Flood < gettimetick(2) ) { .BG_Tick ++; if( .BG_Tick >= 10 ) { stopnpctimer; donpcevent strnpcinfo(0) + "::OnBGRotate"; end; } announce "Battleground -- " + .BG_Names$[ .Index ] + " -- (" + .Player2Start + ") more players to start.", bc_all, .BG_Color$[ .Index ]; .BG_Flood = gettimetick(2) + .Flood_Time; } initnpctimer; end; f OnLeaveBG: .@Q_IT1 = queueiterator( $@Croix_Duplicate ); .@Q_IT2 = queueiterator( $@Guill_Duplicate ); if( qiget(.@Q_IT1) == ( .MultipleCheck == 1? getcharid(0):getcharip() ) ) { queueremove( $@Croix_Duplicate, ( .MultipleCheck == 1? getcharid(0):getcharip() ) ); for( .@a = 0; .@a < getarraysize( $@Croix_QID ); .@a ++ ) if( $@Croix_QID[ .@a ] == getcharid(3) ) deletearray $@Croix_QID[ .@a ], 1; $@Croix --; } else if( qiget(.@Q_IT2) == ( .MultipleCheck == 1? getcharid(0):getcharip() ) ) { queueremove( $@Guill_Duplicate, ( .MultipleCheck == 1? getcharid(0):getcharip() ) ); for( .@a = 0; .@a < getarraysize( $@Guill_QID ); .@a ++ ) if( $@Guill_QID[ .@a ] == getcharid(3) ) deletearray $@Guill_QID[ .@a ], 1; $@Guill --; } else { message strcharinfo(0), "You are not in queue."; end; } if( getcharid(4) ) { bg_leave(); warp "SavePoint", 0, 0; } end; } prontera,158,174,3 script Battle Recruiter#Main 4_EP16_SPIEGEL,{ doevent "Battle_Register::OnJoinBG"; end; } // ==== NPC Duplicates prontera,153,173,6 duplicate(Battle Recruiter#Main) Battle Recruiter#A 4_EP16_SPIEGEL
Sir should i remove: OnClock1245: OnClock1645: OnClock2045: OnClock0045: OnClock0445: OnClock0845 Its up to you. Those cause the everything below the label 'OnEventStart' to trigger at those times. Sir what should i do if i wanted the npc to be used at anytime the players want to use it without timers?
Hi guys! Just wondering how can i remove the timer and make it usable all the time? Thanks in advance! // ============================= /* Free for All: http://herc.ws/board/topic/13863-rlast-man-standing-pvp-with-prize/ ---------------------------- by: Legend compatible w/: Hercules ---------------------------- special thanks to: * Annieruru ---------------------------- Description: * Free for all event like last man standing * Can be activated through command "@ffa" * Also can be activated every hour * You can set your own number of winners * Configurable settings (npc name, maps, minimum level to participate, maximum recognized winners, rewards, restricted jobs.) * Significant mapflags were set */ // ============================= prontera,156,157,4 script Request#2 4_CAT_DOWN,{ doevent "Request#2::OnMenu"; end; OnActivate: // activated by the GM if (agitcheck()) || (agitcheck2()){ mes .npc$; mes "WoE is in progress."; close; } if (.checkffa > 0) { mes .npc$; mes "Event is in progress."; close; } OnMinute00: // activated every hour if (agitcheck()) || (agitcheck2()) end; if (.checkffa > 0) end; .checkffa = 1; announce .npc$+": Registration for the event is now open for 3 minutes!",bc_all; initnpctimer; end; OnTimer150000: announce .npc$+": 30 seconds left before the registration will be closed.",bc_all; end; OnTimer180000: .checkffa = 2; if ( .psize <= .maxwin) { announce .npc$+": The Event has been cancelled! Not enough participants.",bc_all; callsub Reset_evt_stats; end; } announce .npc$+": Registration is now closed!",bc_all; end; OnTimer185000: mapannounce .pvpmap$,.npc$+": The Event will occur in a few moments!",bc_blue; end; OnTimer187000: mapannounce .pvpmap$,.npc$+": Get ready in 3!",bc_blue; end; OnTimer188000: mapannounce .pvpmap$,.npc$+": 2!",bc_blue; end; OnTimer189000: mapannounce .pvpmap$,.npc$+": 1!",bc_blue; end; OnTimer190000: stopnpctimer; mapannounce .pvpmap$,.npc$+": Good luck everyone!",bc_blue; setmapflag .pvpmap$, mf_pvp_noguild; removemapflag .pvpmap$, mf_noskill; pvpon .pvpmap$; end; OnMenu: mes .npc$; mes "Good day "+strcharinfo(0)+"!"; mes "How may I help you?"; next; switch(select("Information:Join")){ case 1: mes .npc$; mes "Minimum Base Level: ^FF0000"+.minblvl+"^000000"; mes "Restricted Jobs:"; for( .@z = 0; .@z < .rjsize; .@z++ ) { mes ( .@z +1 ) +". ^FF0000"+jobname (.resjob[.@z])+"^000000"; } close; case 2: if (!.checkffa) { mes .npc$; mes "Event isn't activated, come back later."; close; } if (.checkffa == 2) { mes .npc$; mes "Event is in progress, come back later."; close; } if (BaseLevel < .minblvl) { mes .npc$; mes "You need to"; mes "have ^FF0000"+.minblvl+"^000000 Base level or more than"; mes "before you can participate."; close; } for( .@z = 0; .@z < .rjsize; .@z++ ) { if (Class == .resjob[.@z] ){ mes .npc$; mes "Your job is restricted to join this event."; close; } } sc_end SC_ALL; percentheal 100,100; warp .pvpmap$,0,0; .regaid[.psize] = getcharid(3); .psize++; end; } OnPCDieEvent: OnPCLogoutEvent: if (strcharinfo(3) != .pvpmap$) end; while (.regaid != getcharid(3) && .@i < .psize) .@i++; deletearray .regaid[.@i],1; .psize--; if (.psize > .maxwin) end; if (.checkffa > 0) { announce .npc$+": The Event is now over! We already have our winners!",bc_all; for (.@i = 0; .@i < .psize; ++.@i){ getitem .ritem,.rcount,.regaid[.@i]; } } callsub Reset_evt_stats; end; Reset_evt_stats: removemapflag .pvpmap$, mf_pvp_noguild; setmapflag .pvpmap$, mf_noskill; pvpoff .pvpmap$; .checkffa = 0; deletearray .regaid; .psize = 0; mapwarp .pvpmap$,.extmap$,.extx,.exty,0; end; OnInit: bindatcmd "ffa",strnpcinfo(3)+"::OnActivate",99,99; // CONFIGURATION .npc$ = "[ Free for All ]"; // NPC name .pvpmap$ = "pvp_n_1-5"; // Set your FFA Map .minblvl = 99; // Set minimum base level who can enter .maxwin = 2; // Set the maximum winners .ritem = 7227; // Set the item id of the reward .rcount = 5; // Set reward amount .extmap$ = "prontera"; // Set exit map .extx = 150; // Exit map "x" coordinate .exty = 150; // Exit map "y" coordinate setarray .resjob[0], 0,4001; // This list serves as the restricted jobs .rjsize = getarraysize (.resjob); // DO NOT TOUCH THIS // MAPFLAGS setmapflag .pvpmap$, mf_noskill; pvpoff .pvpmap$; //--- setmapflag .pvpmap$, mf_nowarpto; setmapflag .pvpmap$, mf_nocommand; setmapflag .pvpmap$, mf_nowarp; setmapflag .pvpmap$, mf_nosave; setmapflag .pvpmap$, mf_noteleport; setmapflag .pvpmap$, mf_nomemo; setmapflag .pvpmap$, mf_novending; setmapflag .pvpmap$, mf_nobranch; end; }
- 3 replies
- battleground
- ffa
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R>Last man standing pvp with prize
imustluvpain replied to imustluvpain's question in Script Requests
Sir how can i remove the timer? and make it usable all the time? thanks sir! -
Hi sir. Where can i get ironbridge map? thanks in advance Some errors? Do you add item_db2.conf? How to fix this issue sir?
Sir should i remove: OnClock1245: OnClock1645: OnClock2045: OnClock0045: OnClock0445: OnClock0845
// -----------------------------// // ------- Free For All --------// // -------- By : Butch ---------// // A simple Free for all script // // -----------------------------// guild_vs5,48,51,6 script FFA Master 999,{ if(getmapusers("guild_vs5") != 1) { mes "[^FF0000FFA Master^000000]"; mes "Current players - ^FF0000"+ getmapusers("guild_vs5") +"^000000."; close; } else if(getmapusers("guild_vs5") == 1) { dispbottom "You are a winner of Event Free for all. Congratz!"; donpcevent "Free For All::OnStopEvent"; announce "Free for all winner : "+ strcharinfo(0) +"", bc_all, "0xFFCE00"; getitem 25002,1; // Reward warp "prontera", 156,149; end; } } // ------ FFA Warper -------// prontera,147,149,6 script Free For All 999,{ if (.start != 1) { mes "[^FF0000Agent Mil^000000]"; mes "Free for all is not available at the moment"; close; } mes "[^FF0000Agent Mil^000000]"; mes "What do you want?"; switch(select("Free for all")) { case 1: if( getcharid(1) ) { mes "Please leave your party."; close; } if( getcharid(2) ) { mes "Please leave your guild."; close; } else switch(rand(3)) { case 0: .@x = 18; .@y = 50; break; case 1: .@x = 50; .@y = 77; break; case 2: .@x = 81; .@y = 49; break; case 3: .@x = 49; .@y = 22; break; } warp "guild_vs5", .@x,.@y; break; } close; OnStartEvent: OnClock1245: OnClock1645: OnClock2045: OnClock0045: OnClock0445: OnClock0845: .start = 1; disablenpc "FFA Master"; announce "Free for all will start in 5 minutes.", bc_all, "0x00b89d"; sleep 120000; announce "Free for all will start in 3 minutes.", bc_all, "0x00b89d"; sleep 120000; announce "Free for all will start in 1 minute.", bc_all, "0x00b89d"; sleep 60000; announce "Free for all has started!", bc_all, "0x00b89d"; .start = 2; enablenpc "FFA Master"; sleep 2000; if ( !getmapusers("guild_vs5") ) goto OnStopEvent; mapannounce "guild_vs5", "FFA starts in 5", bc_map; sleep 1000; mapannounce "guild_vs5", "FFA starts in 4", bc_map; sleep 1000; mapannounce "guild_vs5", "FFA starts in 3", bc_map; sleep 1000; mapannounce "guild_vs5", "FFA starts in 2", bc_map; sleep 1000; mapannounce "guild_vs5", "FFA starts in 1", bc_map; sleep 1000; mapannounce "guild_vs5", "GO! Kill all!", bc_map; setmapflag "guild_vs5", mf_gvg; removemapflag "guild_vs5", mf_noskill; end; OnStopEvent: .start = 0; disablenpc "FFA Master"; removemapflag "guild_vs5", mf_gvg; setmapflag "guild_vs5", mf_noskill; end; OnInit: waitingroom "[Free For All]",0; end; } guild_vs5 mapflag partylock guild_vs5 mapflag guildlock guild_vs5 mapflag notrade guild_vs5 mapflag nodrop Hi just wondering how can i start this npc and use it anytime? Thanks in advance!
hi guys! just wondering how to change font using nemo? what should i change inside clientinfo.xml? if you could please share step by step guide it would be awesome! thanks in advance!
- change font
- font
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Thank you so much!
- 2 replies
- npc
- warper npc
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Hello. I'd like to request for a classic quest npc please. maybe around 5 npc's if possible or any. Thanks in advance!
Thanks sir! I'll try it out.
Solved* i just had to use the "make" command for the plugins and start athena. Since i recompiled ita