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Posts posted by danielpqb

  1. 4 hours ago, malufett said:

    at pc.c under pc_useitem you will see the item delay function which is under if( sd->inventory_data[n]->delay > 0 ) { where you need to do is add a variable on sd and that will hold all delays that has been activated..so stack all those add a tick check then clear once the delay duration has lapse...

    Thank you for your help.

    Actually I didn't understand what you mean with "add a variable on sd", but after hours of trouble I came to a solution that works:

    if( sd->inventory_data[n]->delay > 0 ) {
    		ARR_FIND(0, MAX_ITEMDELAYS, i, sd->item_delay[i].nameid == nameid );
    		if( nameid == ITEMID_RED_POTION || nameid == ITEMID_YELLOW_POTION || nameid == ITEMID_WHITE_POTION ) {
    			sd->item_delay[1].nameid = ITEMID_RED_POTION;
    			sd->item_delay[2].nameid = ITEMID_YELLOW_POTION;
    			sd->item_delay[3].nameid = ITEMID_WHITE_POTION;
    			if( i == MAX_ITEMDELAYS ) /* item not found. try first empty now */
    				ARR_FIND(0, MAX_ITEMDELAYS, i, !sd->item_delay[i].nameid );
    		if( i < MAX_ITEMDELAYS ) {
    			if( sd->item_delay[i].nameid ) {// found
    				if( DIFF_TICK(sd->item_delay[i].tick, tick) > 0 ) {
    					int e_tick = (int)(DIFF_TICK(sd->item_delay[i].tick, tick)/1000);
    //					clif->msgtable_num(sd, MSG_SECONDS_UNTIL_USE, e_tick + 1); // [%d] seconds left until you can use
    					return 0; // Delay has not expired yet
    			} else {// not yet used item (all slots are initially empty)
    				sd->item_delay[i].nameid = nameid;
    			if( sd->item_delay[1].nameid == ITEMID_RED_POTION || sd->item_delay[2].nameid == ITEMID_YELLOW_POTION || sd->item_delay[3].nameid == ITEMID_WHITE_POTION ){
    				sd->item_delay[1].tick = tick + 5000;
    				sd->item_delay[2].tick = tick + 5000;
    				sd->item_delay[3].tick = tick + 5000;
    				goto limpartudo;
    			if (!(nameid == ITEMID_BOARDING_HALTER && pc_hasmount(sd))) {
    				sd->item_delay[i].tick = tick + sd->inventory_data[n]->delay;
    		} else {// should not happen
    			ShowError("pc_useitem: Exceeded item delay array capacity! (nameid=%d, char_id=%d)\n", nameid, sd->status.char_id);
    		//clean up used delays so we can give room for more
    		for(i = 0; i < MAX_ITEMDELAYS; i++) {
    			if( DIFF_TICK(sd->item_delay[i].tick, tick) <= 0 ) {
    				sd->item_delay[i].tick = 0;
    				sd->item_delay[i].nameid = 0;

    I wonder if you could help me with a better solution, because my code is an outrage to the community. hahahahahah

    I thank you all for the good cooperation!

  2. Yes I was doing this, but if I put 5 seconds delay on each Potion, would be possible to alternate using Red then Orange then Yellow then White Potion. So the character would spam potions anyway.

    I was looking for something on pc.c file but I don't know much about the commands.

  3. I think it is almost impossible, because you would need a new custom item for each equipment. You can't recreate the item changing the equipment location using the same ID.

    Maybe I'm wrong, but I'm almost sure of it.

  4. 4 hours ago, Juan Meissner said:

    I know one way to do that, go to conf\map\battle\items.conf and change  that:

    item_use_interval: 5000.


    It gonna make a delay between using items.


    This way will create a delay for all items, so I won't be able to use other items like Yggleaf etc.

    Nevertheless, I appreciate your comment.

  5. Hi,

    I was trying to create an item group delay. I tried editing itemdb.c and pc.c but didn't have any success.

    To be more specific, let me give you an example of what I want:

    If I consume a Red Potion, I'd like that the Orange, Yellow, White and the Red Potions get the same delay to use again (let's say 5 seconds). So it won't be possible to use any potion again if I consumed a Red, Orange, Yellow or White Potion in the last 5 seconds.

    I hope what I have requested is possible.

    In the meantime, thank you for your attention.

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