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  1. Thanks, I thought it was something to do with how I configured the database itself. I found sql-connection.conf and changed things around. I think the permission issues came from screwing around with the default pi user before creating the new user. I'll probably rebuild it all once I have a better grasp of how everything is working together. Got it running properly now! I'll rebuild it tomorrow, test, and document it all.
  2. One of the things I ran into was having to sudo up for a lot of things, despite the "hercuser" I created having the same permissions as the original "pi" user. For instance, I had to use it to compile - "sudo ./configure". I also ran into issues with the SQL command syntax for creating the MySQL user. The Debian guide uses % instead of localhost, which didn't work for me. CREATE USER 'ragnarok'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY 'ragnarok'; GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON ragnarok.* to 'ragnarok'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY 'ragnarok' Then I had to run this instead of the "-prootpassword" bit because it kept giving me an error. mysql -u root -p hercuser_rag < main.sql mysql -u root -p hercuser_log < logs.sql It does look like I've done the databases incorrectly since I get "Unknown database 'ragnarok'" when it tries to connect to the Map DB Server and Character DB Server. Do you have any recommendations?
  3. Did you run into any issues following the Debian guide? There were a few syntax problems I ran into. Aside from fixing a few mistakes I made though, my Raspberry Pi 3 is running Hercules. Now to get my client functional on my gaming PC. I'd love to see your guide. I wrote down all the steps I took to build mine, but it's not perfect.
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