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Posts posted by Valiente


    Yes, I do. :o

    I think the problem in your client is your dataluafiles514lua filesquestquest_function.lub

    copy the dataluafiles514lua filesquest2013quest_function.lua in dataluafiles514lua filesquest and make sure to change it to .lub

    That file doesn't even exist in my lubfiles.

  2. This is something I inquired about on the Git project page; Currently, it's not compatible because Hercules makes usage of two fields for atk / matk, and equip_level became equip_level_min and equip_level_max. Xantara's CP is written for rAthena, which still uses the atk:matk and equip_level fields.


    I'm in the process of trying to find someone to update the item module contents so that the control panel supports latest Hercules. This will happen hopefully sooner rather than later.


    RE: http://herc.ws/board/topic/1692-flux-item-monster-database-issues/


    As for your having issues skipping the install page, go into your config/application.php file and modify the session key to a different name, or, clear your browser cookies.


    Flux skips the installation process when I delete the schemas inside these folders: FLUX_ROOT/data/schemas/charmapdb/ and FLUX_ROOT/data/schemas/logindb/

    Should I really delete these schemas? I believe they are necessary for the installation.



    Hi, i have modified the fluxcp modules to make it compatible with hercules,


    you can try the attachment below.


    This file goes to modulesitem


    It's working fine with me using hercules database, hope it helps. :)


    It doesn't work. :(

  3. I have activated the debugmode and error reporting to show the errors about why my item database is not showing any items at all.


    This is the error that I am receiving: MySQL error (SQLSTATE: 42S22, ERROR: 1054): Unknown column 'attack' in 'field list'


    Do any of you guys have any idea what's causing this? I have tried reinstalling flux cp many many times and I have also tried using a different version.


    I am trying to create a pre-renewal server.


    Thank you for any help you guys may offer.

  4. //My optioninfo.lua inside SaveData folderCmdOnOffList = {  ["/battlemode"] = 0,  ["/notrade"] = 0,  ["/noshift"] = 0,  ["/noctrl"] = 1,  ["/skillfail"] = 1,  ["/notalkmsg"] = 0,  ["/notalkmsg2"] = 0,  ["/showname"] = 1,  ["/fog"] = 1,  ["/aura"] = 1,  ["/window"] = 0,  ["/miss"] = 1,  ["/q1"] = 0,  ["/q2"] = 0,  ["/effect"] = 1,  ["/bgm"] = 1,  ["/sound"] = 1,  ["/loginout"] = 1,  ["/shopping"] = 1,  ["/stateinfo"] = 1,  ["/snap"] = 0,  ["/itemsnap"] = 0,  ["/skillsnap"] = 1,  ["/hoai"] = 0,  ["/merai"] = 0,  ["/camera"] = 0,  ["/btg"] = 1,  ["/lightmap"] = 1}OptionInfoList = {  Window_XPos = -1,  Window_YPos = -1,  Trilinear = 0,  Bgm_Volume = 100,  Effect_Volume = 100,  AutoOpen1to1Window = 1,  AutoOpen1to1Window_Friend = 1,  PlaySound_Open1to1Window = 1,  Simplicity_SkillList = 0,  Show_SkillDescript = 0,  ChangeChatMode = 1,  LockMouse = 0,  ChannelCopID = 0,  Outdoor_ViewLatitude = -45,  Outdoor_ViewDistance = 400,  Indoor_ViewLatitude = -45,  Indoor_ViewDistance = 300,  SkinName = "<Basic Skin>",  MouseExclusive = 1,  WIDTH=800,  HEIGHT=600,  BITPERPIXEL=16}

    My data folder:



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