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Posts posted by capWinters

  1. @meko, @4144

    Thanks for the answer, gentlemen, I was really unaware of the server delay due to these tables, as I am not the author and the script is also very old.

    What is the best way to give 100 points to those who destroyed the crowd and 50 points to those who survived the event? kindly.


    #Edit ...
    It is very complex for me.
    Changing your mind,
    is it possible instead of adding points, add item? for example:
    Whoever destroys the mob will win 100 PoringCoin (7539)
    And the rest of the clan will win 50?

    how do i do that please?

  2. Good evening ladies and gentlemen!

    I'm having problems with a script, and I tried to solve it anyway, seeing that my experience in scripts is very amateur, I come through this to ask you for help. please, of course.


    This script has to give 100 points only to those who destroy the chest.
    And 50 points for the rest of the guild.

    For those who destroyed the chest, he gives points without problems, but for the rest of the guild he is not giving it, and I am receiving this error.




    announce "[Wot] Os baús apareceram",8;
    monster "prt_are_in",178,140,"Bau do Tesouro",1324,1,"War of Treasure::OnThisMobDeath";
    set @GID,getcharid(0);
    set .@ACC,getcharid(3);
    query_sql "UPDATE `login` SET `pontoswot` = `pontoswot` +100 WHERE `account_id`="+.@ACC+"";
    announce "[Guerra do Tesouro] O jogador ["+strcharinfo(0)+"] do clã ["+getguildname(@GID)+"] acaba de destruir um dos baús!",8;
    atcommand "@cash 100";
    set .@GUILD,getcharid(2);
    query_sql "UPDATE `guild` SET `baus` = `baus` +1 WHERE `guild_id`="+.@GUILD+"";
    query_sql "UPDATE `guild` SET `pontosgwot` = `pontosgwot` +50 WHERE `guild_id`="+.@GUILD+"";



    ALTER TABLE `login` ADD `baus` INT( 11 ) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0';
    ALTER TABLE `login` ADD `pontoswot` INT( 11 ) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0';
    ALTER TABLE `guild` ADD `baus` INT( 11 ) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0';
    ALTER TABLE `guild` ADD `pontosgwot` INT( 11 ) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0';


    thank you all.

  3. Hey, community! All right?
    Can someone help me?

    I want to add a mapannounce 3 seconds before starting the race.

    A countdown. For example:


            mapannounce "turbo_n_1","3...",bc_yellow|bc_all;
            sleep 1000;
            mapannounce "turbo_n_1","2...",bc_yellow|bc_all;
            sleep 1000;
            mapannounce "turbo_n_1","1...",bc_yellow|bc_all;
            sleep 1000;

    But when I add mapannounce before the

    		set $CMisopen, 0;
    		announce "[Crazy Race]: The race has started!",bc_yellow|bc_all;

    The event starts at mapannounce "3 ...".
    And not after "[Crazy Race]: The race has started!" That is, it is possible to burn the start.


    Where did I go wrong? And how can I fix this?
    Thank you very much.



    prontera,159,151,3	script	Crazy Race	715,{
    set @npc$,"[^008000Crazy Race^000000]";
    	mes @npc$;
    	mes "Hi "+strcharinfo(0)+"!";
    	mes	"Welcome to the Crazy Race event portal.";
    	mes "What do you want?";
    	switch(select("- Join the event","- Info","Exit"))
    		case 1:
    			if (!$CMisopen) callsub mesclose, "Sorry, Crazy Race hasn't started yet!";
    			else if (countitem(12016) > 0) callsub mesclose, "You cannot enter Wind Potion!";
    			else if (countitem(662) > 0) callsub mesclose, "You cannot sign in with Official Badge!";
    			else if (countitem(12028) > 0) callsub mesclose, "You cannot enter Thunderbox!";
    			else if (checkriding()) callsub mesclose, "You cannot sign in with PecoPeco!";
    			else if (CheckCart()) callsub mesclose, "You cannot sign in with Cart!";
    			mes @npc$;
    			mes "Good luck!";
    			for(set @i,0; @i<=225; set @i,@i+1){sc_end @i;}
    			set $Campeao,0;
    			warp "turbo_n_1",54,364;
    			case 2:
    			mes @npc$;
    			mes "The event will require you very quickly and boldly.";
    			mes @npc$;
    			mes "The Crazy Race occurs every day every 4 hours.";
    			mes @npc$;
    			mes "After the start you will need to go through various obstacles and traps on 9 race tracks.";
    			mes @npc$;
    			mes "If you can reach 1st, 2nd or 3rd place, you will receive exclusive prizes according to your position.";
    			case 3:
    			mes @npc$;
    			mes "Ok, see you next time!";
    		mes getarg(0);
    		set $CMisopen, 1;
    		announce "[Crazy Race]: The race is about to start, you only have 5 minutes!",bc_yellow|bc_all;
    		mapannounce "turbo_n_1","3..",bc_yellow|bc_all;
    		sleep 1000;
    		mapannounce "turbo_n_1","2..",bc_yellow|bc_all;
    		sleep 1000;
    		mapannounce "turbo_n_1","1..",bc_yellow|bc_all;
    		sleep 1000;
    		set $CMisopen, 0;
    		announce "[Crazy Race]: The race has started!",bc_yellow|bc_all;
    turbo_n_1,63,350,5	script	Checagem	-1,1,30,{
    	OnInit: atcommand "@skilloff"; end;
    	OnClock1050: set $Check, 0; end;
    	OnClock1055: set $Check, 1; end;
    if($Check == 0){
    mes "[Crazy race]";
    mes	"===================================";
    mes "burned the start!";
    mes	"===================================";
    sleep2 1200; warp "turbo_n_1", 54, 364; end;



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