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About Ihurybro

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  1. The name of the aza or better saying of the item is not correct, you have to add the correct name, example: Alice_Doll or 1⁄2É'ÀÇ μå·11⁄2o , first in English and second strange symbols, remembering that to give an example, you have to know the name of the wing and add it to the date folder after adding.
  2. Kind of service like that, it's expensive. Because what you're asking is not a person, but several, see the pre requirement of the worker's role. I recommend you look for the most experienced person on LinkedIn, who develops the Back end and Front End web-site and negotiates with the programmer for the job. Remembering that programmer charges by the hour. In this type of Service you are looking for System Administrator or Computer Scientists for that type of Service. I'm still studying Computer Science, I'm in the fourth period, I've already had classes in HTML, JavaScript, CSS3 and PHP. However, I have no experience in the area.
  3. de nada. precisar e só mandar mensagem para min no meu e-mail [email protected] ou no meu site www.ragnashowrobr.com.br
  4. olá, fabioleda, poderia tirar um print e mandar aqui, para eu ver o erro?
  5. Check if you have an account on the rAthena website to download the file, you need to be logged on the rAthena website and then click again on the gefenia.rar link on the hercules website. and the download will start. because the link is still up and running.
  6. hello, the error is in the view of your item, where it is inside the folder of your emulator called db, the view of your item, you must put the view, I'll give you an example of an item view { Id: 5008 AegisName: "Puppy_Love" Name: "Puppy Love" Type: "IT_ARMOR" Buy: 20 Weight: 100 Def: 1 Job: { All: true Novice: false } Loc: "EQP_HEAD_TOP" Refine: false ViewSprite: 94 // see this and the image view, if you are using the original item. }, If you happen to be, you are not using items from the bro, and you are using your own custom item, I recommend creating a view, inside this of the datainfo folder. just look for the number of the viewSprite that is, At the top of the files where the date of your folder is the date of your game. Because I do not remember the name of the file, after finding and placing your view or rather saying the number of the image of your item, You must put the view number on your item as well. If you happen to be using a consumable item, you don't need a view, just a name.
  7. CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `GD_PK_TITLE` ( `char_id` int(11) unsigned NOT NULL, `var` int(11) unsigned NOT NULL ) ENGINE=MyISAM DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8; this is the sql table for this type of npc, if anyone there wants to use it, this is npc
  8. I added the two forms, one in text that is on top and the other in sql file with the name of the table. downloaded from my own phpmyadmin. Because the system works perfectly. remembering that it must be inside your emulator's database. See how the npc was doing after my test. I just changed the name Rank to Rank PVP The only change I made was to change the name, for my taste. SQL file: GD_PK_TITLE.sql
  9. ===================================== This is the sql GD_PK_TITLE is from GD_PK_TITLE2. I got the information inside the two script's own txt file. I just created the GD_PK_TITLE and GD_PK_TITLE2 sql table For both, it seems the same to me. ========================================= CREATE TABLE GD_PK_TITLE( char_id int(11) unsigned NOT NULL, var int(11) unsigned NOT NULL) ENGINE=MyISAM DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8; ========================================= Please take the test, because I haven't tested it ^ _ ^! I hope it works. Whatever and just send a message right here. I'm sorry, because I don't speak English, I'm Brazilian. I just tested the npc GD_PK_TITLE2.txt Because GD_PK_TITLE.txt is typo. and in GD_PK_TITLE2.txt It is with error in the npc, because the emulator hercules, does not use numbers in npc. Use it that way prontera,150,180.4 script Rank 4_GEFFEN_11,{
  10. hello, I also don't know if and here where you post about phpmyadmin error. But I will try to help you, even so. Could you tell me, if you use wampserver or xamp or another type of program that has phpmyadmin? or do you use any hosting?
  11. Depois de você adicionar os commandos, você tem que reiniciar o servidor, se você tiver usando linux, usa sv desligar e depois sv ligar no programa putty. Agora se você tiver usando o windows e só fechar o emulador char-server.bat , login-server.bat , map-server.bat e depois cliclar em run-server.bat Que os comandos ira funcionar. ========================================================== After you add the commands, you have to restart the server, if you are using linux, use sv disconnect and then sv connect to the putty program. Now if you are using windows and just close the char-server.bat emulator, login-server.bat, map-server.bat and then click on run-server.bat That the commands will work.
  12. Sorry, I just found out the error, <TAB> the MAP NAME was missing from the mapflag sending another, in the correct way. this one below and the correct one! =================================================== Desculpa, acabei de descobrir o erro, faltava <TAB> NO NOME DO MAPA AO mapflag mandando outro, com modo correto. este aqui em baixo e o correto! =================================================== Heads up: this script that is below is working on the updated emulator. ================================================ Atenção: esté scrip que ta em baixo está funcionando no emulador atualizados. //===== hercules Script ======================================= //= SALA VIP E COM SAIDA E POR ULTIMO DESATIVANDO OS @COMMANDS //===== Current Version: ===================================== //= 1.0 //========== Data da Criação ================================= // entre 27/03/2021 ao 28/03/2021 //===== Compatible With: ===================================== //= HERCULES - ULTIMA VERSÃO //===== Description: ========================================= // simples npc scrip, que redireciona o personagem // para Sala VIP. //======== Autor ============================================= // IHURY FERREIRA // https://ragnashowrobr.com.br //=========================================================== // por favor não remova os creditos! //=========================================================== //Sé tiver duvidas entrar em contato pelo meu site ou Hercules. //============================================================ prontera,162,185,4 script Sala VIP 4_GEFFEN_11,{ if( getgroupid() < 1 ) { mes "["+strnpcinfo(0)+"]"; mes "Eu só poço enviar os aventureiros"; mes "Que obteve o ticket vip!"; mes "adiquire serviço vip."; mes "Pelo Site ou Npc Voto por pontos."; close; } if( getgroupid() >= 1 ) { mes "["+strnpcinfo(0)+"]"; mes "Seja Bem vindo senhor(a) "+strcharinfo(0)+"!"; mes "Gostaria de ir para Sala vip?"; next; switch(select("Sim","Não") == 1) { case 0: mes "ok, Estarei aqui se acaso mudar"; mes "De ideia!"; close; case 1: mes "Volte Sempre!"; warp "sec_in01",85,167; end; } } } sec_in01,95,168,4 script SAIDA 4_GEFFEN_11,{ if( getgroupid() >= 1 ) { mes "["+strnpcinfo(0)+"]"; mes "Olá senhor(a), "+strcharinfo(0)+"!"; mes "Gostaria de voltar para prontera?"; next; switch(select("Sim","Não") == 1) { case 0: mes "["+strnpcinfo(0)+"]"; mes "ok, Estarei aqui se acaso mudar"; mes "De ideia!"; close; case 1: mes "["+strnpcinfo(0)+"]"; mes "Volte Sempre!"; warp "prontera",155,188; end; } } } sec_in01 mapflag nobranch sec_in01 mapflag noicewall sec_in01 mapflag nomemo sec_in01 mapflag nopenalty sec_in01 mapflag noreturn sec_in01 mapflag nosave sec_in01 mapflag noskill sec_in01 mapflag noteleport sec_in01 mapflag novending sec_in01 mapflag nowarp sec_in01 mapflag nowarpto sec_in01 mapflag loadevent
  13. olá você ta no suporte errado, aqui e Support inglês. ========================================== hello you are in the wrong support, here and Support English. ========================================== Sobre ativar comandos você tem que copiar o comando e colocar no commands. Exemplo: groups: ( { id: 0 /* group 0 is the default group for every new account */ name: "Player" level: 0 inherit: ( /*empty list*/ ) commands: { /* no commands by default */ commands: true // << é aqui que você adiciona os comandos para play normal! go: true rates: true autoloot: true warp: true } permissions: { /* without this basic permissions regular players could not * trade or party */ can_trade: true can_party: true } },
  14. Hello! I don't know much, but I tried ^ _ ^ But what I created, I can't disable @warp and among others because the command of hercules is different, this npc that you have there and the old version of the year 2013 is the cronus emulator. I did it here, all I have to do is disable the map commands. if you can disable it, tell me ^ _ ^ ================================================================================== olá Não sei muito , mais tentei ^_^ Só que o que eu criei , não consigo desativar o @warp e entre outros pois o comando do hercules e diferente, este npc que você tem ai e versão antiga do ano 2013 é do emulador cronus. fiz esté aqui , só falta desativar os comandos do mapa. sé você conseguir desativar , me fala ^_^ ================================================================================== prontera,162,185,4 script Sala VIP 4_GEFFEN_11,{ if( getgroupid() < 1 ) { mes "["+strnpcinfo(0)+"]"; mes "Eu só poço enviar os aventureiros"; mes "Que obteve o ticket vip!"; mes "adiquire serviço vip."; mes "Pelo Site ou Npc Voto por pontos."; close; } if( getgroupid() > 1 ) { mes "["+strnpcinfo(0)+"]"; mes "Seja Bem vindo senhor(a) "+strcharinfo(0)+"!"; mes "Gostaria de ir para Sala vip?"; next; switch(select("Sim","Não") == 1) { case 0: mes "ok, Estarei aqui se acaso mudar"; mes "De ideia!"; close; case 1: mes "Volte Sempre!"; warp "sec_in01",85,167; end; } } } sec_in01,95,168,4 script SAIDA 4_GEFFEN_11,{ if( getgroupid() > 1 ) { mes "["+strnpcinfo(0)+"]"; mes "Olá senhor(a), "+strcharinfo(0)+"!"; mes "Gostaria de voltar para prontera?"; next; switch(select("Sim","Não") == 1) { case 0: mes "["+strnpcinfo(0)+"]"; mes "ok, Estarei aqui se acaso mudar"; mes "De ideia!"; close; case 1: mes "["+strnpcinfo(0)+"]"; mes "Volte Sempre!"; warp "prontera",155,188; end; } } } sec_in01 mapflag nobranch sec_in01 mapflag noicewall sec_in01 mapflag nomemo sec_in01 mapflag nopenalty sec_in01 mapflag noreturn sec_in01 mapflag nosave sec_in01 mapflag noskill sec_in01 mapflag noteleport sec_in01 mapflag novending sec_in01 mapflag nowarp sec_in01 mapflag nowarpto sec_in01 mapflag loadevent na ultima linha onde tá os mapa e mapflag etc. da erro no emulador. pois esté comando não funciona no emulador hercules. Foi desativado, se usa de outra maneira , pois eu não sei como desativar. esses de baixo.(Da erro no emulador). mais o de cima que eu criei ta funcionando. Só falta desativar o @warp entre outros. ================================================================ on the last line where are the maps and mapflag etc. of the error in the emulator. because this command does not work in the hercules emulator. It was deactivated, if you use it in another way, because I don't know how to deactivate it. the ones below (from the emulator error). plus the top one that I created is working. It only remains to disable @warp among others. ================================================================= sec_in01 mapflag nobranch sec_in01 mapflag noicewall sec_in01 mapflag nomemo sec_in01 mapflag nopenalty sec_in01 mapflag noreturn sec_in01 mapflag nosave sec_in01 mapflag noskill sec_in01 mapflag noteleport sec_in01 mapflag novending sec_in01 mapflag nowarp sec_in01 mapflag nowarpto sec_in01 mapflag loadevent
  15. Seu itemInfo está na versão kro, recomendo modificar para sua linguá. é sua pasta data do seu ragnarok também, recomendo pega de algum servidor privado. Your itemInfo is in the kro version, I recommend modifying it for your language. it's your ragnarok's date folder too, I recommend taking it from some private server.
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