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  1. Released the tutorial on how to install https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v4B0TwGaioU
  2. if i recall correctly, xampp uses apache right? If it does, i could make a guide for it.
  3. https://github.com/nodecp/nodecp/wiki/Installation
  4. will do that is a theme only, i released a post in the Projects section about nodecp itself.
  5. Version 1.1


    Modern Theme This theme is made specifically for nodecp only. Supported version is Version 1.0 and future versions. Maintained by me(Universe creator of nodecp). SFD Means, StaticFileDir meaning that this would work on apache and nginx. If you would like to know how to configure them, refer to our wiki By Downloading this File, you agree to: Not claim it as your own Sell this theme Redistribute it saying that you own it.
  6. View File Modern Theme - NodeCP [SFD Support] Modern Theme This theme is made specifically for nodecp only. Supported version is Version 1.0 and future versions. Maintained by me(Universe creator of nodecp). SFD Means, StaticFileDir meaning that this would work on apache and nginx. If you would like to know how to configure them, refer to our wiki By Downloading this File, you agree to: Not claim it as your own Sell this theme Redistribute it saying that you own it. Submitter Universe Submitted 06/06/19 Category Web Resources  
  7. RELEASED! CODE: https://github.com/nodecp/nodecp/ DOWNLOAD: https://github.com/nodecp/nodecp/releases/tag/1.0-Hercules
  8. Join our Discord to get updated when there are new updates!
  9. New Control Panel Hey guys! So i'm building a new Control Panel for Herc. The code will use the same code as the Control Panel i built for rA. I will update both constantly. Currently, i havn't finished the new Update for the Control Panel for rA. Once that's done, i would modify it to work for Herc. As that update uses new code design. Which would make it much cleaner and developer friendly for module creators. Github I have made an organization which would contain all the Control Panels. The github repo would contain two Folders, rAthena and Hercules. Inside those folders would be .zip files of the Control Panels. [Click Me to Go to the Github Repo]
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