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About n0tm3

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  • Birthday May 30

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  1. sql_connection.conf sql_connection: { db_hostname: "" db_port: 3306 db_username: "testRO" db_password: "Test123#" db_database: "testro" //codepage:"" } character-server.conf // Server Communication username and password. userid: "s123" passwd: "p123" removed "//" from login_ip and char_ip map-server.conf // Interserver communication passwords, set in the login server database userid: "s123" passwd: "p123" removed "//" from map_ip inter-server.conf inter_configuration: { // Level range for sharing within a party party_share_level: 15 // FIXME: Split RE and pre-RE // Log configuration log: { // Log Inter Connections, etc.? log_inter: true // [UNUSED] Inter Log Filename inter_log_filename: "log/inter.log" // [LOGIN, MAP] Log database SQL connection sql_connection: { db_hostname: "" db_port: 3306 db_username: "testRO" db_password: "Test123#" db_database: "testro_logs" //codepage:"" } } SQL configuration. changed server connection account from s1 and p1 to s123 and p123. *I diffed my client with read data folder first. *Edited my clientinfo.xml ip address and server name. I am wondering about the port forward, because I dont remember doing that. can you please tell me how to do that in debian?
  2. Hi! can anybody please help me? I can log in to my server, even register in the login screen with _m or _f. but after server selection it wont connect to the character selection screen. It always say failed to connect to server. When I check the server console, there is no error.
  3. I am having the same problem, can you please tell me how you fixed it?
  4. I followed your instructions, but I am stuck. after selecting server, it wont continue to the character selection screen. it will only say failed to connect to server. whenever I look at the console of the herc emulator, there is no error. can you help me please?
  5. Hi! I was planning to make a server for my friends. We are like 15 to 25. Can a raspberry pi 2 be enough to be a server? Here is the specs: A 900MHz quad-core ARM Cortex-A7 CPU 1GB RAM
  6. Hi! can you please help me? I am trying to patch 2014-02-05, but every time that I am clicking the load client the nemo.exe stops working. I have tried running compatibility as windows 7 and 8, run as administrator but still having the same error. I am currently using windows 10 64-bit edit: got it to work with 2015 unpacked exe I found here.. thanks
  7. Hi! can you please make a tutorial on how to use this? I cant seem to get this to work. Thank you! Btw, you made a typo on your organizer spelling
  8. n0tm3

    Help with mycode

    ohh.. sorry.. I was trying to get the current refine of the equipped fallen angel wing. I was using the wrong method. wrong code (getrefine(EQI_GARMENT) right code to use getequiprefinerycnt(EQI_GARMENT)
  9. Hi there! I've tried to make a Fallen Angel Wing Enchanment NPC as similar to iROwiki's definition http://irowiki.org/wiki/Fallen_Angel_Wing_Enchants Features: I moved the npc to prontera. Removed the ASPD and Critical from the categories, because I can't find the items needed to enchant it. It automatically enchants the slots from the first to the third slot. Randomly put enchanment on slot 1 and 2 according to iroWiki, and fixed enchantment on the 3rd slot instead of adding possible enchants, I made it 100% chance of enchanting the enchants listed in the additional enchants. Has reset enchantment which requires Silvervine Fruite - ID6417. this is my first time to code in C, so feel free to post any bugs or suggestions here. fallenangelenchant.txt
  10. n0tm3

    Help with mycode

    I got it.. can someone please delete this thread.. thanks
  11. n0tm3

    Help with mycode

    I was trying to make an npc for my fallen angel wing enchant and I got stuck in this error.. can somebody please help? thanks <code> script error in line 13 column 16 parse_callfunc: expected ')' to close argument list 11: if (getequipid(EQI_GARMENT) == 2589) { 12: set .@menu$, "Enchant Archangel Wing"; 13: if(getrefine(EQI_GARMENT)>=7) { ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~^ 14: set .@menu1$, "Second Slot"; </code>
  12. Hi! can someone please spare me your script for the npc which will enchant the fallen/arc angel wing slots? I found the arc angel wing enchant npc in malangdo, but I can modify it to enchant all the item's slots.. it can only enchant the 4th slot.. Thank you in advance
  13. hey man! thank you so much for this.. I have been having problem with mysql for the past week and this helped me fixed it.
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