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Lil Troll

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Posts posted by Lil Troll

  1. I would love to upload video and screenies now but my internet is currently slow right now. I think my isp provider is currently having maintenance or what so ever. Even at speedtest i cannot reach 54kbps/ sec only 10-18kbps, I tried uploading some screenies but failed. I will upload  a video if i got spare time and when my internet speed returns back to normal. The script is in the features itself, you can get a hint of what do the script look like in above post(the video), but instead of making it automatic and checkcell water i made it on progressbar so that it will be more diversified. 

  2. Originally its from my post from other forums, I need to post this here too, so that many would be suggesting how to improve the whole script. And help me correct my mistakes, fix and find errors or bugs. I think it would work in this SVN too. As I read multiple times.

    Works best with "EffectOn"

    ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////---------------------------------------------------------------------////                          WORLD OF FISHING                           ////                     AUTHOR: LIL TROLL//COLDFIRE                     ////---------------------------------------------------------------------////                          RATHENA SCRIPT                             ////---------------------------------------------------------------------////                            Version 1.6                              ////---------------------------------------------------------------------////    FEATURES: (Modified Fishing Script)                              ////    Automatic Fishing Mode 1 (Lil-Troll Version):                    ////    - Fish Autohides After Caught                                    ////    - Non-Abusable     			                       ////    - Fishing with Animated BMP! ( Just make your own BMP-Cutins )   ////    - Fishing with Exp - Level!                                      ////    - Fishing with Titles Names                                      ////    - Fish Monster Encounter                                         ////      - Marine Sphere, Summon, Warper                                ////    - Jackpot & Lucky Treasure Box                                   ////    Automatic Fishing Mode 2 (Grass Version):                        ////    - Fish Autohides depends on settings.                            ////    - Plain Automatic Continuous Fishing.                            ////    Fishing Cutins(Animation) VS Progress Bar                        ////    Fish Box (Reward Storage)                	                       ////    - Fish Box with Exp - Level! Increase Storage Limit per Level!   ////    Fishing NPC (Fishing Guru)                               	       ////    - NPC automatically change and suits to desired toggle.          ////    Fishing Points (With toggles [On/Off] (Account-Based)  	       ////    - You can set Fishing Points to character based by removing "#"  ////    - You can pick mode from the toggle                              ////    Fishing Manual (Instructions,Statistics)                         ////    Fishing Ladder:                                                  ////    - Rank, Experience, Points, Fish Caught                          ////    - Successful Fishing, Fails, Monster Encounters, Reward Moments  // //    Idea/Concept:                                                    ////    Modified, Improved and Add "Flavor" to known fishing scripts.    ////    - Fishing Script By Grass0916                                    ////    - Fishing Script By Mercurial                                    ////    - Fishing Script By Pnuema                                       ////---------------------------------------------------------------------///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
    Idea Behind the Script:

    Fore more information regarding the script, for you to get a hint what this script does. You can refer below.

    To Do:


    #1: Added SQL - Ladder.
    #2: Fix major used of permanent global variables.
    #3: Added Fish Auto Hides.
    #4: Added Grass Fishing Version.

    - Fix major usage of variables.
    - To find Error and Bugs.
    - To decrease the length of the script without consuming too much resources.
    - Add skills, New features, I want to make it more diverse and fresh!
    - Make necessary variables transferred to SQL.
    - Automatically remove inactive rows in Fishing_System SQL(15days timeframe).
    - Add Manual Fishing feature.

    Change Logs:



    Older Versions:
    #1: Initial Release.
    #1: Added new modes, see toggles.
    #2: Fix warp bug on Fish Monster Encounter(Warper).
    #1: Reduce the length of the script.
    #2: Added new for statements.
    #1: Fix unaware bug, in longrun of fishing casting time will be instant.
    #2: Remove usage of too much perma vars. Thanks to Nanakiwurtz for pinpointing that out! 

    #1: Re-written and improve the whole script.
    #2: Added Ladder. Shop, Fishing Box Manual(Instructions, Etc.)
    #3: Added Fishing Manual(Statistics, Instructions, Requirements, Etc.),
    #4: New Toggles and Quests.


    #1: Improve Jackpot Scene and Lucky Treasure Box Scene.
    #2: Shorten the length of the script.


    #1: Improve usage of Progressbar VS Cutins, separated the two since sometimes irregularity happens. See new toggle "$@Cutins".


    #1: Improve usage of "IF STATEMENTS", shorten most of if statements.
    #2: Minor fix in the whole script.
    #3: Added Non-Abuse for Cuttins = 1. (Forgot to add this part in past releases, sorry!)
    #4: Added "$@FishingMode" Toggle, choose between LilTroll Version or Grass Version(New Feature).
    #5: Improve and decrease the length of some scenes(Fish Warper, Lucky Box, Marine Sphere, Monster Summon, Jackpot).
    #6: Fix Major usage of cutins. Now its pretty smooth! 
    #7: Added Fish Rank Cutins(Animation = $@FishRankCutins) -
    - Toggle 0 = Off, 1 = On.
    - Fishing will halt and Rank-Up Animation will appear then after, fishing will continue! POOOOWW!!! 

    Special Notes:


    If you cant fish, check what toggle you putted, also always check the fishing manual if youre lacking of requirements. I guess you should probably add dialogues to NPC that if you cannot fish open your Fishing Manual and "Check Requirements".



    The system automatically suits the changes between what Fishing Mode, And Toggle is set to. It includes NPC's automatic chaging, the variables, dialogues, condition, etc.


    If your toggle is 3 and above, Dont forget to make your own fishing quest for the players to be able to fish, if they finish the quest the "CanNowFish" will be set to "1", and new Menu will appear in Fishing Guru. Also instead of making your own "getitem" command in the quest script you made just paste this "callfunc "FishingQuestPrize";" just change this first. "$@FishingQuestRewards", "$@QuestAmounts" Must be the Fishing Manual,Box,and 2Main Equips(Rod,FishingHat).


    Progress Bar VS Cutins:
    #1 Progress Bar, usage of normal progress bar over animated cutins.
    - Pros: When you move while fishing, the cast will stop.
    - Cons: Very classic, other may see it as boring as hell.
    #2 Cutins(Animation):
    - Pros: Very fresh to community, good animation depends on your quality of cutins to be used.
    - Cons: I used "mes" command for the character to stop moving while fishing, because if player is able to move he might abuse the whole fishing. (I think this is ok, but to some it will be a bother i guess.) For the meantime this is my fix to abuse, Ticker is fine but I replaced it because it eats lots of memory. Also added permanent variable "FishingAbuse" secondary protection to abuse.


    Fishing Mode Toggle ($@FishingMode):
    - Toggle to pick between Lil-Troll version of fishing and Grass version of fishing.
    #1 Lil-Troll version:
    - Diversified fishing, got Encounters and Rewarding Moments features.
    #2 Grass version:
    - Automatic Non-Abusive Fishing, wherein the player will determine how many lure to be used in continuous automatic fishing.

    The GUIDE to Configure, the SETUP, the SQL QUERY is inside the script. Yes I know, the script is too long but am very sure this is so easy to configure! I added notes and marks so that Newbie like me wont be confused modifying the whole script. Please don`t criticize me so hard. Am really new to scripting yet am very eager to learn, I actually solved and manage to fix all the problems and bugs by hundreds of trials and error and a little bit of imitating scripting of other pros and a little help of other very good citizens. Well actually this is only part of the whole script. For some reason I wont upload the whole script and I will not upload any of my "BMP" or "Cutins" that i used in the script. 
    Please help me improve this script. If you found bugs or errors please pinpoint it to me so that I can actually fix that fast. Before releasing it to your server, please configure it right and check out what this script does. Please do suggest improvements, additional features, etc. to make the script more diverse and fresh. 
    Please always read the "Change Logs" and "Special Notes" when new updates are uploaded. And also If I release a newer version just copy the setup from your Configuration and the location of NPC to the new one. 
    A little thanks or appreciation of my work will pump-up my motivation to much improve the whole script.  Am very sure that all will gonna enjoy this script! Thanks and have fun! 
    P.S. I will make a video of the script if I got spare time.
    Original Cutins from Grass:

  3. I mange to fix the whole script and SQL thingy. 

    the problem are in this lines.

    if(query_sql("SELECT `fexp` FROM `fishing_system` WHERE `name`='"+strcharinfo(0)+"'",.@fe )){			for (.@i = 0; .@i < getarraysize($FishingEquips); .@i++) if(isequipped($FishingEquips[.@i])) {				set FishingNowExp,FishingNowExp+$FishingEquipsExp[.@i];  

    I just move the computation(for statement) before if(query_sql) and fix some typos then poof! it worked! :)

  4. Hi guys can someone teach me how to properly fix these ladder. 


    prontera,159,150,4	script	Fishing Ladder	723,{	mainmenu:	menu "Rank",FRank;		FRank: 			set .@frank,query_sql("SELECT `name`, `flevel`, `fexp`, `fpoints`, `fcaught` FROM `fishing_system` ORDER BY flevel DESC LIMIT 5",.@n$,.@fl,.@fe,.@fp,.@fc);			mes "Hall Of Fame: Fishing Ladder"; 			mes "^ff0000Name^000000:^ff5500[ FL ]^000000:^005500[ FE ]^000000:^55007f[ FP ]^000000:^55ffff[ FC ]^000000";			for(set .@i,1; .@i <= .@frank; set .@i,.@i++) {			mes .@i+". ["+.@n$[0]+"] ("+.@fl[0]+") ("+.@fe[0]+") ("+.@fp[0]+") ("+.@fc[0]+")"; 			//cutin $FishingLadderRank$,3; 			}			next;			menu "^005500[ Return ]^000000",mainmenu; 			close;


    function	script	Fishing_Exp	{ 	callfunc "Fishing_Points";	set .@fe,FishingNowExp;              							if(query_sql("SELECT `fexp` FROM `fishing_system` WHERE `name`='"+strcharinfo(0)+"'",.@fe )){			for (.@i = 0; .@i < getarraysize($FishingEquips); .@i++) if(isequipped($FishingEquips[.@i])) {				set FishingNowExp,FishingNowExp+$FishingEquipsExp[.@i];          			}       			query_sql("UPDATE `fishing_system` SET `fexp`='"+.@fe+"' WHERE `name`='"+strcharinfo(0)+"'");		}		else {			query_sql("INSERT INTO `fishing_system` (`account_id`,`char_id`,`name`,`itemID`,`itemcount`,`flevel`,`fexp` ) VALUES ('"+getcharid(3)+"','"+getcharid(0)+"','"+strcharinfo(0)+"','0','0','0','"+escape_sql(.@fe)+"' )");		}	if( FishingNowExp >= $FishingExpMax[ FishingLevel ] ) { 		for ( set .@i, 1 ; .@i <= $FRankUpCutins ; set .@i, .@i + 1 ) {			cutin $FRankUpPicNames$ + .@i, 1 ; 			sleep2 $FLRankPerPic;                         					set .@fl,FishingLevel;									}				if(query_sql("SELECT `flevel` FROM `fishing_system` WHERE `name`='"+strcharinfo(0)+"'",.@fl )){					set FishingLevel, FishingLevel + 1 ; set FishingNowExp, 0 ;          				dispbottom "Congratulations! Fishing Rank is promoted to ^ff0000" + $FishingLevelName$[ FishingLevel ] + "^000000" ;      				query_sql("UPDATE `fishing_system` SET `flevel`='"+.@fl+"' WHERE `name`='"+strcharinfo(0)+"'");			}		else {			query_sql("INSERT INTO `fishing_system` (`account_id`,`char_id`,`name`,`flevel` ) VALUES ('"+getcharid(3)+"','"+getcharid(0)+"','"+strcharinfo(0)+"','0','0','"+escape_sql(.@fl)+"' )");		}		for (.@i = 0; .@i < getarraysize($SpecialFXLVL); .@i++) 		specialeffect2 $SpecialFXLVL[.@i];    						} 	if( FishingLevel >= 50) set FishingNowExp,FishingNowExp + 0;return ; }function	script	Fishing_Points	{	if($FishingPointsToggle == 1) {    							set .@fp,#FishingPoints;              		if(query_sql("SELECT `fpoints` FROM `fishing_system` WHERE `name`='"+strcharinfo(0)+"'",.@fp )){			for (.@i = 0; .@i < getarraysize($FishingEquips); .@i++) if(isequipped($FishingEquips[.@i])) {  // Fishing Equip if equip bonus points.			set #FishingPoints,#FishingPoints+$FishingEquipsPts[.@i];			}			set #FishingPoints,#FishingPoints+$FishingPoints[FishingLevel]; 	        				query_sql("UPDATE `fishing_system` SET `fpoints`='"+.@fp+"' WHERE `name`='"+strcharinfo(0)+"'");		}		else {			query_sql("INSERT INTO `fishing_system` (`account_id`,`char_id`,`name`,`itemID`,`itemcount`,`flevel`,`fexp`,`fpoints` ) VALUES ('"+getcharid(3)+"','"+getcharid(0)+"','"+strcharinfo(0)+"','0','0','0','0','"+escape_sql(.@fp)+"' )");		} 	}		return; }


    DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `fishing_system`;DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `fishingbox`;CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `fishing_system` (`account_id` int(11) unsigned NOT NULL default '0',`char_id` int(11) unsigned NOT NULL default '0',`name` varchar(30) NOT NULL DEFAULT '',`itemID` INT( 11 ) NOT NULL ,`itemcount` INT( 11 ) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',`flevel` INT( 11 ) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',`fexp` INT( 11 ) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',`fpoints` INT( 11 ) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',`fcaught` INT( 11 ) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0') ENGINE = MYISAM COMMENT = 'Lil Troll World of Fishing'; 
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