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Posts posted by Altair86

  1. A strange thing. I created second account and successfully connected to the game from second computer. But my characters from different accounts can't see each other O_o Every player has his own copy of the world (but they can send messages to each other). Can this problem be solved? Or it's a feature of this project?

    UPD: The problem is solved, It's a feature of Izlude and a map under Prontera. At Prontera we can see each other.

    Great Anacondaq and other developers are great too!!! I can play Ragnarok with my wife !

  2. anacondaq, thank you for answer.

    OK, I describe  problems more exactly.


    Criatura Academy F1 (iz_ac01): 91, 44. I can't move to (91,45). Cells are marked as walkable (they are green-square highlighted under cursor).

    I found a method to move the back part of the academy: if I pass between two tables, I can do it. But moving in this location seems as an "invisible labyrinth".

    Criatura Academy F2 104,27 (right portal upstairs). I am entering the portal, appearing on the 2nd floor and can't move. If I left the game and login again, i appear in the room on the F2 near 66,168. And I can walking in the room, but can't left the room. In the thief trainer room is same situation: I can't left the room (can't go from line x=83 to line x =84). (iz_ac_02) 83, 138, for example - can't move 84, 138.

    Prontara near 140,60, has an "invisible labyrinth" too. There is wide space between houses, cells seems walkable, but I can't pass through.

    Monster Attack problems.

    For example, Orc Warrior. THe file monster_db_conf says: Attack: [71, 33]. As I understand, it means attack between 71 and (71+33). Irowiki says 71-104, OK. Divine-Pride says 132 - 161 . Hmm. On EuRO damage from orcs was 100+. Iro differs from EuRo or irowiki lies? UPD: irowiki lies, on iRO orcs inflict 100+dmg.

    And when I set Attack to [71, 0],damage still has variance. With 8 vitdef my character receives ~50-70 dmg. It is strange.

    Monster Behaviour.

    Non-assist Hornets and non-aggressive Familiars. Maybe it is a bug, maybe feature of latest Korean patches, I don't know.


  3. And a little question. A monster behaviour and stats are differ from last official server I have played (euRO R.I.P.). Where is the best and most corresponding with kRO db, for correcting mistakes in mob_db.conf (and maybe in mob_skill_db.conf)? iRO Wiki or ratemyserver or maybe anything else?

    P.S. Maybe troubles are not with mob_db. Maybe wrong damage formula is applied? I have very low dmg from monsters. For example, Orc Warrior deals me (low-lvl archer) near 30 dmg.

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