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Posts posted by Senos

  1. I'm creating some new items, I have several ready, then post here.

    In time I will create more items, hugs!

    ps: missed some bonuses and effects, then I'll add, I'm not a long time.


    @ps: I made some fixes, here is the link: http://pastebin.com/raw.php?i=BnVGiVYB 1.1

    @ps²: Added support for 3rds, who had forgotten -> http://pastebin.com/raw.php?i=X2WQaJ2v 1.2

  2.  This setting indicates required luk to gain complete immunity. // Esta configuração também indica a quantidade de Luk necessária para a imunidade total do jogador.

    Acho que esse trecho explica, caso não consiga com a configuração, eu procuro algo referente pra você.

  3. Ué, se você realmente desfez a alteração na source, você terá que configurar essas opções:

    -// Required luk to gain inmunity to status changes.-// Luk increases resistance by closing the gap between natural resist and max -// linearly. This setting indicates required luk to gain complete immunity.-// Eg: 40 vit -> 40% resist. 150 luk -> +50% of the missing gap. -//     So 40% + (50% of 60%) = 70%-pc_luk_status_def: 300-mob_luk_status_def: 300


  4. Isso é sim um delay do gráfico, já obtive esse tipo de problema, se não for realmente o delay gráfico, é o HP, pois se for um HP mínimo o tempo consequentemente na armadilha será menor que o esperado, veja suas configurações.

  5. Prueba este: 

    	mes "["+strnpcinfo(1)+"]";	mes "Olá "+strcharinfo(0)+", estás indo para batalha?";	select ("Claro que si!:Que es esto?:Fin de la conversacion");	next;	mes "["+strnpcinfo(1)+"]";	if (@menu == 1) {		setarray .jobs, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0; // Jobs prohibido.		set .level, 99; // Level necesario.		for (set @i, 0; @i < getarraysize(.jobs); set @i, @i+1) {			if (Class == .jobs[@i]) {				mes "Usted no tiene Job requisitado.";				close;			}			else {				if (BaseLevel != .level) {					mes "Usted no tiene level suficiente.";					close;				}				mes "¡Buena suerte!";				close2;				warp "tontera",666,666;				end;			}		}	}	if (@menu == 2) {		mes "Es una arena de batalha!";		close;	}	if (@menu == 3) close;


    Creado por mí, configurar:

    		setarray .jobs, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0; // Jobs prohibido.		set .level, 99; // Level necesario.



  6. jpnazar


    I would do differently, because this way the person can go to @warp command.
    prontera,165,177,3	script	PvP Warper	106,{	if ( !agitcheck() || !agitcheck2() )		 if (select("Sim!:Não")) == 2 close;		 warp "pvp_y_1-2",0,0;		announce strcharinfo(0)+"has entered the PvP Room!",0;	end;}
    I would make an invisible script, would use OnPcLoadMapEvent + Strcharinfo(3) because checking if the player is on the map, then the check can do, there also block the command @warp.
    -	script	Checking	-1,{	OnPcLoadMapEvent:		if (strcharinfo(3) == "pvp_y_1-2") {			if (!agitcheck() || !agitcheck2()) end;			warp "prontera",150,150;			dispbottom "War of Emperium Startss!";		}	end;}


  7. Hi Guys i wanna request private mvp room where a mvp summoner summons mvp

    i have tried eathena script it causes server crash please help


    Regards nash


    Post the script and post the errors (crashes). ;)




    This script is good, but many labels, can be reshaped.
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