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Everything posted by cazen

  1. solved. create/edit your own tables. do not download pre-made ones.
  2. is there a max exp value on herc? id like to make my max level to lv255, with same length of leveling time you need to level from 98 to 99 on vanilla setting. a level grind center style server. Pre-Renewal Hercules 32-bit for Windows Build revision: '202112010' Git revision (src): '33e1de6c866c4adc6d2da695736f66b9694439f5' Git revision (scripts): '33e1de6c866c4adc6d2da695736f66b9694439f5' from lvl 98 exp of 174,405,000, youll need an exp of 343,210,000 to reach lv99. that 168,805,000 difference. thats what i tried to set on my setting for column editor as initial number and increase by but due to value limitation of notepad++ on the value field at only 7 character i rounded it. so my settings on column editor was 3,432,100 on initial number and 1,690,000 on increase by and just added the 00 on each end and ended up with this table. but i only manage to level up around lv110 for both baselevel and joblevel. please help me find my error, or suggestion on what i should do instead. thank you. please see table and screenshot. yes i followed the instructions on https://wiki.herc.ws/wiki/Edit_Max_Level. compiling using Hercules-16.sln and successfully compiled with no errors. TranscendedClasses: { MaxLevel: 255 Exp: [ 10, 18, 28, 40, 85, 123, 168, 220, 278, 400, 481, 613, 731, 875, 1038, 1213, 1400, 1575, 1775, 2268, 2604, 2786, 3136, 3506, 4130, 4796, 5508, 6264, 9645, 12392, 14220, 16159, 18209, 21649, 24451, 27401, 30499, 33748, 47342, 58160, 64711, 71573, 78749, 90144, 99312, 108870, 118816, 129154, 174196, 213220, 238080, 264150, 291427, 329640, 363155, 398116, 434526, 472381, 610848, 731828, 806448, 884232, 965180, 1073896, 1170382, 1270556, 1374422, 1481976, 1850800, 3389616, 3666333, 3953534, 4251217, 4559382, 5129260, 5488173, 5859059, 6241919, 7374168, 9570662, 10458427, 11380262, 12336168, 13326144, 14994907, 16130400, 17304206, 18516326, 19766760, 29216160, 34949880, 40930560, 55017900, 71510400, 106974000, 146061000, 174405000, 343210000, 512210000, 681210000, 850210000, 1019210000, 1188210000, 1357210000, 1526210000, 1695210000, 1864210000, 2033210000, 2202210000, 2371210000, 2540210000, 2709210000, 2878210000, 3047210000, 3216210000, 3385210000, 3554210000, 3723210000, 3892210000, 4061210000, 4230210000, 4399210000, 4568210000, 4737210000, 4906210000, 5075210000, 5244210000, 5413210000, 5582210000, 5751210000, 5920210000, 6089210000, 6258210000, 6427210000, 6596210000, 6765210000, 6934210000, 7103210000, 7272210000, 7441210000, 7610210000, 7779210000, 7948210000, 8117210000, 8286210000, 8455210000, 8624210000, 8793210000, 8962210000, 9131210000, 9300210000, 9469210000, 9638210000, 9807210000, 9976210000, 10145210000, 10314210000, 10483210000, 10652210000, 10821210000, 10990210000, 11159210000, 11328210000, 11497210000, 11666210000, 11835210000, 12004210000, 12173210000, 12342210000, 12511210000, 12680210000, 12849210000, 13018210000, 13187210000, 13356210000, 13525210000, 13694210000, 13863210000, 14032210000, 14201210000, 14370210000, 14539210000, 14708210000, 14877210000, 15046210000, 15215210000, 15384210000, 15553210000, 15722210000, 15891210000, 16060210000, 16229210000, 16398210000, 16567210000, 16736210000, 16905210000, 17074210000, 17243210000, 17412210000, 17581210000, 17750210000, 17919210000, 18088210000, 18257210000, 18426210000, 18595210000, 18764210000, 18933210000, 19102210000, 19271210000, 19440210000, 19609210000, 19778210000, 19947210000, 20116210000, 20285210000, 20454210000, 20623210000, 20792210000, 20961210000, 21130210000, 21299210000, 21468210000, 21637210000, 21806210000, 21975210000, 22144210000, 22313210000, 22482210000, 22651210000, 22820210000, 22989210000, 23158210000, 23327210000, 23496210000, 23665210000, 23834210000, 24003210000, 24172210000, 24341210000, 24510210000, 24679210000, 24848210000, 25017210000, 25186210000, 25355210000, 25524210000, 25693210000, 25862210000, 26031210000, 26200210000, 26369210000, 26538210000, 26707210000 ]
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