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Everything posted by Helena

  1. Anyone any clue? >.< I get this same error when rotating the valves at the official wolfchef instance. Wonder what it is....
  2. I'm using a instance which worked on another emulator, but when I run it on this one I'm getting the following error: [Warning]: Unexpected type for argument 1. Expected string. [Debug]: Data: number value=-1 [Debug]: Function: instance_npcname [Debug]: Source (NPC): Entrance#man1 at man_lob (99,98) [Error]: script:instance_npcname: invalid instance NPC (instance_id: -1, NPC nam e: "-1".) [Debug]: Source (NPC): Entrance#man1 at man_lob (99,98) This is the script that's causing trouble. It's the warper, does anyone know where it went wrong?; man_lob,99,98,0 script Entrance#man1 2_M_THIEFMASTER,{ set .@pname$,strcharinfo(0); set .@guid,getcharid(2); dispbottom "Name: " + instance_npcname(has_instance2("1@manp")); if ((has_instance2("1@manp") >= 0) && (has_instance2("1@manp") != "0")) { set .@party_id,getcharid(1); if (.@party_id == 0) { dispbottom "Error! Player is currently not in a party!"; end; } getpartymember(.@party_id); set .@partymembercount,$@partymembercount; if (compare("BB solo",instance_npcname(has_instance2("1@manp")))) { if ((getcharid(0) != getpartyleader(.@party_id,2)) || (.@partymembercount != 1)) { dispbottom "Error! Only the party leader can enter the solo room with nobody else in the party."; end; } } if ((.@guid != 0) && ((.@guid == $bbguild[0]) || (.@guid == $bbguild[1]) || (.@guid == $bbguild[2]))) { mes "You have currently booked a guild room as well as a "+(compare("BB solo",instance_npcname(has_instance2("1@manp")))?"solo":"party")+" room, which one do you want to enter?"; if (select("Guild room:"+(compare("BB solo",instance_npcname(has_instance2("1@manp")))?"Solo":"Party")+" room") == 1) goto GuildRoom; } set .@pname$,strcharinfo(0); message .@pname$,.@pname$+" : I feel a bit dizzy ..."; sleep2 500; switch (rand(4)) { case 0: warp "1@manp",50,10; break; case 1: warp "1@manp",10,50; break; case 2: warp "1@manp",50,89; break; case 3: warp "1@manp",89,50; break; } } else if ((.@guid != 0) && ((.@guid == $bbguild[0]) || (.@guid == $bbguild[1]) || (.@guid == $bbguild[2]))) { GuildRoom: set .@pname$,strcharinfo(0); message .@pname$,.@pname$+" : I feel a bit dizzy ..."; sleep2 500; if (.@guid == $bbguild[0]) set .@gnui,1; else if (.@guid == $bbguild[1]) set .@gnui,2; else if (.@guid == $bbguild[2]) set .@gnui,3; switch (rand(4)) { case 0: warp "man_gu"+.@gnui,50,10; break; case 1: warp "man_gu"+.@gnui,10,50; break; case 2: warp "man_gu"+.@gnui,50,89; break; case 3: warp "man_gu"+.@gnui,89,50; break; } } else { message .@pname$,.@pname$+" : There are cables connected to that tree. Weird ..."; } end; } 1@manp,50,6,0 warp manp_01 1,1,man_lob,99,93 1@manp,6,50,0 warp manp_02 1,1,man_lob,99,93 1@manp,50,93,0 warp manp_03 1,1,man_lob,99,93 1@manp,93,50,0 warp manp_04 1,1,man_lob,99,93 man_pub,40,37,0 warp manp_06 1,1,man_lob,144,98 man_pub,32,206,0 warp manp_07 1,1,man_lob,144,98 man_pub,203,207,0 warp manp_08 1,1,man_lob,144,98 man_pub,191,40,0 warp manp_09 1,1,man_lob,144,98
  3. Still looking. Most replies in my bug report state that its working as intended, yet I'd love to remove the reflect. Anyone?
  4. Thank you Dastgir, I'll poke my colleagues then.
  5. Hey Hercules, Does anyone know ? I have this strange NPC changing sprite, cordinates and name each time I reload my scripts. I cant trace it because of this. It has taken the name of "Zetta", "Jc" and "Chanda" so far. When I search for those names in my script, nothing happens. I can't click on it, no dialogue (but no map server errors). It's always in prontera. Starting to think my server is haunted.
  6. There's a src mod item effect on rAthena available that nullifies the usage of ninja elemental stones/orbs made by Cydh. (https://rathena.org/board/topic/78271-item-bonus-bnoelestone-no-need-flame-ice-wind-stone-and-shadow-orb-on-skill-requirement/) I was wondering if someone could make a version of that for Hercules. Either a plugin or source edit. Thank you so much!
  7. Hey Hercules. Can someone please tell me what I'm doing wrong here? I'm trying to make a new zone that restricts the use of certain items, it works wonderfully. However, as soon as I add the pvp mapflag to it, the whole thing messes up. This is what I put in the map_zone_db.conf under the PvP zone: mapflags: ( "nocashshop", "pvp", ) Also in the same file my custom zone, you can see it inherits the pvp zone: { name: "Restricted PvP" inherit: ( "PvP", "Restricted" ) }, Then the zone (in zone.txt): prontera mapflag zone Restricted PvP The no cashshop works, the pvp part works too but as said above it turns the rest of my zone settings null and void. If I remove the pvp mapflag, the items will be disabled again. It's almost as if it overrides my restricted items and forces it to become a pvp map solely. I wish for it to have both, a pvp setting and restricted items. I've also tried to add a pvp mapflag in the mapflag/pvp.txt file but that also disables my zone settings. So weird...
  8. Thank you so much! I was using an old version of your patcher so couldn't find this specific patch. +1
  9. Hi Hercules, Can anyone share a "enable aura over level 99" hex for the nemo patcher or tell me how to change it manually? I have diffed the perfect client but just misses that feature. I'm aware Shin's diff patcher has it but I'm specifically looking for nemo cause it's much more user friendly. The issue I'm facing is that i can see other players aura's past level 99 but not my own (already done all the server-sided configurations though so I'm pretty ure this is the issue). Thanks.
  10. Hi Hercules, Was wondering if there is a voting system invented within the community yet that does NOT support point receiving without filling in the captcha. If not, can someone help me achieve this? I've tried multiple so far but without desired result. Each vote 4 points system makes it so that you gain vote points as soon as you click the "vote now" button regardless if you fill the captcha or not. This is not fair, because players gain points without actually helping the server. Did some research and I came across some sources that said that once you click the vote link you're no longer in your own server's webcode so it is no longer within your control what happens after, which may be true but this makes me wonder how games like iris online have managed to do it? They use the same voting sites like RO servers use and unlike in our flux system(s), you're forced to fill the captcha or simply gain no points (how it should be). Hoping for someone to help out.
  11. I wonder, since the server used as counter argument in my bug report was Aegis and not kRO, why was my bug report closed? Also... anyone got a kRO Whitesmith to his/her disposal that we could borrow?
  12. I sadly do not have the sources available to test that. If someone else could, that would be great.
  13. That's what I thought, but someone proved me otherwise by showing an Aegis screenshot which includes CT reflect. Source: https://github.com/HerculesWS/Hercules/issues/1212
  14. Those screenshots were posted by someone else, however I am using Pre-RE and CT is being reflected. On previous (eAthena and Aegis) servers I've played, CT was never reflected before and it still isn't on eAthena (can't say for rAthena and 3CeAm though). Despite it being official, I think this is broken. CT is the only real high damage dealing skill a WS has, they have no long range skill or whatsoever to take their enemies down another way. They're a joke against professors already and now with CT being reflectable, they will just kill themselves when facing an LK/Pala that has Valk mant and an OL armor because the WS's HP will run out faster than theirs. Regardless of our take on it, it is official so nothing must be wrong with it. Either way, I'd still love to change it.
  15. I filed a bug report for this, thinking it was a bug, but someone said it's official behavior. Apparently Cart Termination can be reflected with items/cards such as orc lord, while it bypasses skills such as reflect shield. Despite it being official behavior I would really like to change it. Can someone help me make it so that the CT skill can't be reflected with cards, items or skills? Thanks a lot!
  16. Ah okay, thanks for clarifying Dastgir!
  17. Is someone else experiencing this? Sometimes the map server gives an error message that I put a case or a wrong place or that a case shouldn't be used in that situation. When I fix it and reload the scripts, it either says the exact opposite (that a case should be used), or it brings up another script with misplaced cases that was not mentioned earlier. Is there a way to ignore forced upper or lower cases? Whether or not I add/remove a case, the scripts generally continue working just fine, but I'd like getting rid of unnecessary map server errors. Thank you!
  18. I'll try this thanks. Okay I'll add you! About to go out for the night though so this probably wont be until tomorrow. ^^ Thanks you both in advance.
  19. I know of this command, but I need it looping 5 seconds every 1 minute when no one is in the map.
  20. Hi hercules, I have a request. I've made a raid script that lets players run through que_qaru01. But apparently the way i scripted it, is that @killmonster activated the next set of monster spawns (because OnMobKilled), so say a party dies doing the raid and leaves the map I cant easily clear the map through another @killmonster. This means that i need to do several @killmonsters in a row to get rid of all monsters. Preferably once every 5 seconds for one minute straight so all my monster spawns can be killed 1 by 1. Can someone help me doing this? I'd like for it to happen when no one is in the map anymore. Preferably with a "set killmonster,0;" and "set killmonster,1" while the killing/clearing is going on, so i can easily attach a (if killmonster = 1){ mes "can't enter, sorry"; close; } to the warp NPC so players cant access during this 1 minute. Does that make any sense? I hope someone can help me out! Rep up for my savior.
  21. Helena


    Aaw Annie, Dastgir, where art thou?
  22. Hello all, i wanted to attach the old card remover to an item so i turned it into a callfunc thing. Everything works perfectly except, when I'm done removing cards, it leaves a clickable invisible chat bubble on the cell I used it. I'm not sure why it does this, if i cancel the progress somewhere in the middle, it doesn't do this, only when the progress it a success. Does anyone know why? I've used different endings of the script (delitem with close only, close2 with delitem after, some ends, etc) Hoping for someone who can help. function script F_DeCard { set .faildestroy,0; // Should the card remover have a chance of failure that destroys items? 1 = Yes, 0 = No. mes "[Safe Un-Card Ticket]"; mes "Which item would you like to be un-carded? Take note that the item has to be equipped!"; next; setarray .@position$[1], "Head","Body","Left hand","Right hand","Robe","Shoes","Accessory 1","Accessory 2","Head 2","Head 3"; set .@menu$,""; for( set .@i,1; .@i <= 10; set .@i,.@i+1 ) { if( getequipisequiped(.@i) ) set .@menu$, .@menu$ + .@position$[.@i] + "-" + "[" + getequipname(.@i) + "]"; set .@menu$, .@menu$ + ":"; } set .@part,select(.@menu$); if(!getequipisequiped(.@part)) { mes "[Safe Un-Card Ticket]"; mes "You're not wearing anything there that I can remove cards from."; close; } if(getequipcardcnt(.@part) == 0) { mes "[Safe Un-Card Ticket]"; mes "There are no cards compounded on this item."; close; } set .@cardcount,getequipcardcnt(.@part); if (!checkweight(1202,(.@cardcount+1))) { mes "^3355FFYou're carrying too much stuff. Put some items in Kafra Storage before proceeding."; close; } mes "[Safe Un-Card Ticket]"; mes "This item has " + .@cardcount + " card(s) compounded on it. Do you wish to proceed?"; next; if(select("Yes.:Nevermind.") == 2) { close; } successremovecards .@part; delitem 20318,1; next; mes "[Safe Un-Card Ticket]"; mes "Success!"; close; }
  23. Can anyone point me in the right direction? I'm using Dastgir's auraset plugin, (which is very awesome by the way!) but unfortunately many of the potential auras do not last longer than 15 minutes (more or less, I didn't actually time it). For the aura to be consistent a character needs to keep switching maps. If the character idles for too long, the aura will wear off after so many minutes. Does anyone know in what file I can increase the duration? Thanks a lot!
  24. Helena


    Hi Annie, the console gives an error when i make plugins Any idea what it is? I'm using charms 1.1 Thanks a lot for the release btw.
  25. I think you might want to look into the job_db.conf file. Inherit: ("Other_Job_Name") // Base job from which this job will inherit its max weight, base ASPD set and HP/SP table. InheritHP: ("Other_Job_Name") // Base job from which this job will inherit its HP table (if different). InheritSP: ("Other_Job_Name") // Base job from which this job will inherit its SP table (if different). Weight: Max Weight (int, defaults to 20000, units in Weight/10) BaseASPD: { // Base ASPD for specific weapon type (optional) Fist: 0~2000 (int, defaults to 2000) Dagger: 0~2000 (int, defaults to 2000) Sword: 0~2000 (int, defaults to 2000) TwoHandSword: 0~2000 (int, defaults to 2000) Spear: 0~2000 (int, defaults to 2000) TwoHandSpear: 0~2000 (int, defaults to 2000) Axe: 0~2000 (int, defaults to 2000) TwoHandAxe: 0~2000 (int, defaults to 2000) Mace: 0~2000 (int, defaults to 2000) TwoHandMace: 0~2000 (int, defaults to 2000) Rod: 0~2000 (int, defaults to 2000) Bow: 0~2000 (int, defaults to 2000) Knuckle: 0~2000 (int, defaults to 2000) Instrumen: 0~2000 (int, defaults to 2000) Whip: 0~2000 (int, defaults to 2000) Book: 0~2000 (int, defaults to 2000) Katar: 0~2000 (int, defaults to 2000) Revolver: 0~2000 (int, defaults to 2000) Rifle: 0~2000 (int, defaults to 2000) GatlingGun: 0~2000 (int, defaults to 2000) Shotgun: 0~2000 (int, defaults to 2000) GrenadeLauncher: 0~2000 (int, defaults to 2000) FuumaShuriken: 0~2000 (int, defaults to 2000) TwoHandRod: 0~2000 (int, defaults to 2000) } HPTable:[1, .... 150] (int array) // Reference table for base HP per level SPTable:[1, .... 150] (int array) // Reference table for base SP per levelYou can see the first one for Base ASPD is for fist. If you scroll down a bit, you can see for the job Novice, fist is set at 500. Adjust accordingly. Thanks for the reply but I've checked this too. Is there no easier way other than adjust all 1 by 1? Through server-wide script perhaps (if thats possible)? I.e doppel card effect upon loginevent?
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