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Posts posted by Inukaze

  1. I already had make answer before but no responses from anyone, and because of that i put the questions on the introduction xD. ->


    Well right now i had notice various bugs with the server & client of that offline version like

    1. Rebellion skills don't work the mayor part

    2. Skill "convenio" of Archbishop don't work

    3. Kagerou / Obero sprites don't exist on that client version, neither map geffenia01.rsw

    4. Mapcache of Academia Criature Floor 2 don't work

    5. The server don't include the plugin of mapcache for regenerate the mapcache file


    Well i need to test all clases on game to write down which are not working.


    i want to enable and edit the "Kafra Shop" but i don't had idea if that is possible because i want things like : Alpaca, HD Elenium, HD Oredicon, Anemos Shield, etc . . .

  2. i had notice various bugs with the server & client of this offline version like :

    1. Rebellion skills don't work the mayor part

    2. Skill "convenio" of Archbishop don't work

    3. Kagerou / Obero sprites don't exist on that client version, neither map geffenia01.rsw

    4. Mapcache of Academia Criature Floor 2 don't work

    5. The server don't include the plugin of mapcache for regenerate the mapcache file


    Well i need to test all clases on game to write down which are not working.


    i want to enable and edit the "Kafra Shop" but i don't had idea if that is possible because i want things like : Alpaca, HD Elenium, HD Oredicon, Anemos Shield, etc . . .

  3. Thank you very much i had learn a lot with that information

    and yes using the "SQLite Manager" from "OpenServer" icon inside the Advance Context Menu i can edit the database and the characters


    Modifying the files, i remove the limit of level 99 and i put on 175, and well, i notice in the mayor part of files, looks like the max nivel supported are 150, but well i just go to try if work or not



    max_lv: 175


    Well open each text file on the server i notice i found one called "translations.conf" and contain an example of how should add translation for just change a line on the main configuration for the server takes the translations



    The file content :



    //================= Hercules Database =====================================
    //=       _   _                     _
    //=      | | | |                   | |
    //=      | |_| | ___ _ __ ___ _   _| | ___  ___
    //=      |  _  |/ _ \ '__/ __| | | | |/ _ \/ __|
    //=      | | | |  __/ | | (__| |_| | |  __/\__ \
    //=      \_| |_/\___|_|  \___|\__,_|_|\___||___/
    //================= License ===============================================
    //= This file is part of Hercules.
    //= http://herc.ws - http://github.com/HerculesWS/Hercules
    //= Copyright (C) 2015-2020 Hercules Dev Team
    //= Hercules is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
    //= it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
    //= the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
    //= (at your option) any later version.
    //= This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
    //= but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
    //= GNU General Public License for more details.
    //= You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
    //= along with this program.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
    //================= More Information ======================================
    //= http://herc.ws/board/topic/8687-hercules-ultimate-localization-design/
    //================= Description ===========================================
    // Translations generated with —-generate-translations
    // should be pointed to here

    translations: (
        // "db/Spanish", // (Example)
        // The .po files in the language folder should have the same directory
        // structure as the generating scripts:
        //  - db/Spanish/conf/messages_conf.po
        //  - db/Spanish/npc/MOTD_txt.po
        //  - db/Spanish/npc/airports/airship_txt.po
        //  - ...


    i need to learn what are the files i want to translate :D for do it.


    well i decide move the custom npcs healer & warper on comodo map :


    comodo,209,143,6    duplicate(Healer)    Healer#com    4_PORING



    comodo,199,143,4    duplicate(Warper)    Warper#com    4_F_VALKYRIE


    Finally i found 3 bugs on that version of server

    1 -> Izlude Criatura Academy, Floor 2. the characters can't move, if you use fly wing you can get inside some rooms with npcs, but if you try to exit from room walking you can't walk, on some point if you use a lot of flywings, your characters just appears in the middle of black zone.


    Reading a lot on internet, i found its a problem of "MapCache" of server, well i don't know by the moment how i can fix it.


    2 -> Oboro Characters, sprites/textures missing


    3 -> Geffenia Dungeon 01, missing map i had extract from International Ragnarok from Steam and i put inside "data\geffenia01.rsw" and work.


    and well various maps had an error because you can walk like in some parts of south of prontera. like near the Eden NPC.



  4. Hi there again i had the follow dunnos :


    1 - How remove the notificacion / ask for the "Teleport" skill at level 1 ?


    2 - I want to add custom npc for buy SP Healing items and set the price (well reading the custom scripts i have a minimal idea, but which programming lenguage is this "lua" ?)


    3 - If possible remove the limit of 15 levels of EXP Share in party modifying some file in the configuration of server?


    4 - Activate the "swap" of "equipment" without waiting (insta swap) [We can't use looks like is disabled]


    5 - In which file i can set the rates? because on ratemyserver i know exists servers with rates like



    6 - How to add things to the "Navigator System" ? If possible to add another option apart of "all, mob, npc . . ." for example "item" or "drop" for add information which npc sell that item and/or which monster drop that specific item ?


    Because without internet we use the navigation system and we notice with that client version and server some npcs don't appears on the navigation system, i try to make the quest for my character can make "Carrot Juice" [Juice Making Quest] for my pet Lunatic, and the third "Marx Hansen" i can't found using it.


    7 - Finally, Where are the user accounts and characters stored ? Because if i want upgrade server-side & client side to the latest version i prefer backup this information first.


    Exist some documentation from where i can start a full-translation of the client to spanish ?

    Thanks for read all, and i am sorry for my bad english xD

  5. Hello there - i am inukaze, i am from venezuela, and well i play ragnarok from 2002. After some things with the oficial servers (change of free play to cost play, and well a lot of players for some years don't play on official servers for a while, and well after WarpPortal make free to play the game again, and some days ago i can restore my first account, because the older versions of official site, don't have methods for recovery accounts and/or password, but right now yes)


    Well some weeks ago i had found this ->


    I love it, because i ever want to do that, and here its prepare just for extract, re-organize files and use. This works perfectly for my and my friends we live on a building, but 3 friends of mine don't have internet, and well, they really never had play ragnarok before, with this they make a offline server, we play on a Intranet :D

    But some things we notice during gameplay, we want to learn how modify certain things on the server configuration. Just because that pack need to add some documentation for people never had use it before.


    Well the things with the server are the follow :

    1 - How remove the notificacion / ask for the "Teleport" skill at level 1 ?


    2 - I want to add custom npc for buy SP Healing items and set the price (well reading the custom scripts i have a minimal idea, but which programming lenguage is this "lua" ?


    3 - If possible remove the limit of 15 levels of EXP Share in party modifying some file in the configuration of server?


    4 - Activate the "swap" of "equipment" without waiting (insta swap) [We can't use looks like is disabled]


    5 - In which file i can set the rates? because on ratemyserver i know exists servers with rates like



    6 - How to add things to the "Navigator System" ? If possible to add another option apart of "all, mob, npc . . ." for example "item" or "drop" for add information which npc sell that item and/or which monster drop that specific item ?


    Because without internet we use the navigation system and we notice with that client version and server some npcs don't appears on the navigation system, i try to make the quest for my character can make "Carrot Juice" [Juice Making Quest] for my pet Lunatic, and the third "Marx Hansen" i can't found using it.


    7 - Finally, Where are the user accounts and characters stored ? Because if i want upgrade server-side & client side to the latest version i prefer backup this information first.


    Exist some documentation from where i can start a full-translation of the client to spanish ?

    Thanks for read all, and i am sorry for my bad english xD

  6. Hi there, thank you very much for this package i love it :D speciall here on venezuela i use for LAN Party with a friends, they no have internet connection and this package let us play Ragnarok Online, offline :D

    Well 12 hours ago, we started to play on LAN Server, without internet, just Ad Hoc Wifi Intranet.
    We notice the follow things :


    1 - In Criatura Academia happends various bugs, when you go to the superior floors, characters freeze, but if you exit to login screen and log in again, the character appears in a random room, and its not possible exit from there walking, becuase the portal to exit does not exist


    2 - In the Gunslinger quest, the text are cut, and now appears the full list of item you should search to complete the change job quest.


    Dunnos :

    A) How i can fix the before two points ?


    B) Which files i must edit to make a full translation from english to spanish. i really want to translate.


    C) Where i can fix the name "morocc" for "morroc" for navigation system, and name map ?


    F) Someone had a Tutorial divided by documents / videos how modify some things of server, becuase i try to use "Server Database Editor" and well i not had idea which paths i must set to make ease edit things of server


    E) Which i must edit for set for cards sell price to npcs ?


    Thank you very much for any useful answer and/or clear answer you can gave me :D

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