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Posts posted by phil

  1. This npc goes through all arrow types and converts them to quivers for a configurable cost.  It has the expected checks along the way such as ensuring you have enough arrows to turn into quivers, enough zeny etc.

    It does require one modification to npc/other/Global_Functions.txt, specifically this function needs to be added


    here's the npc "Quiver Queen"


    This was tested against hercules v2021.03.08

    Hope it helps someone.


    You are free to do whatever you want with the code - even repost it and take credit if you want.

  2. Name: Build Manager
    Creator: Cretino
    Version: 1.3
    Contributors: (@kerbiii: Found a bug, @Anisotropic Defixation: Make a list of bugged skills.  I made updates from 1.2->1.3)

    I made quite a few changes to this script which is why I feel it's worth posting here.  Read the changelog in the npc file to understand what was modified.
    Here's Cretino's original thread for reference

    Note: my modified version only works for servers where max stat value is 99.
    e.g. in conf/map/battle/player.conf

    // Max limit of char stats. (AGI, STR, etc.)
    max_parameter: 99

    I also only tested pre-re, no third jobs.

    NPC Features
    - You can create, load and delete stat/skill profiles
    - You can reset stats/skills

    To configure, go to line 588


    // Cost to reset player stats
    .reset_stats_cost = 10000;

    // Cost to reset player skills
    .reset_skills_cost = 10000;

    // Cost to create a new stats profile
    .create_stats_cost = .reset_stats_cost * 3;

    // Cost to create a new skills profile
    .create_skills_cost = .reset_skills_cost * 3;

    // Cost to load a stats profile
    .load_stats_cost = .reset_stats_cost * 2;

    // Cost to load a skills profile
    .load_skills_cost = .reset_skills_cost * 2;

    // Will check if player have max base level and job level to access the npc. (Max Level = 'MAX_LEVEL' constant)
    // false = Disabled
    .check_max_lv = false;

    Two modifications are needed for this npc to work.
    - Source modification as seen in this diff


    - Add this function to "npc/other/Global_Functions.txt"


    //== Function F_GetStatPointCost ==============================
    // Returns the total stat points it cost to reach the passed in value of a stat
    // example:
    // to get to 7 vit, it costs 12 stat points
    function    script    F_GetStatPointCost    {
        .@val = getarg(0);
        // have to subtract one since characters start with a single point
        .@tens = (.@val - 1) / 10;
        .@ones = (.@val - 1) % 10;

        return (.@tens * (.@tens * 5 + 15)) + (.@ones * (.@tens + 2));

    And finally, the npc script


    tested on hercules v2021.03.08

    Hope this helps someone :)


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