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Posts posted by Sneaky

  1. Si estas usando de las ultimas versiones de hercules podrias almacenar los valores en variables globales, ya que como aumentaron a una capacidad mucho mas grande, no afectaria en lo absoluto ocupar 1 o 2 de esas variables, inclusive algunas mas, si quieres ser mas detallado, ejemplo, la fecha, hora, quien se lo dio, que le dio, cuanto le dio, etc.


    Si no, pues la unica manera para almacenar eso seria por SQL.


    Me avisas.

  2. Hello, just want to request this item bonus. It's called LifeSteal, I think there's a similar one already in, but I wanted it to be like this.


    LifeSteal, every hit will have a stolen percent (%) of the total HP of the enemy.


    bonus bLifeSteal, n%;


    maybe also another parameter with cooldown of seconds that will trigger the effect.


    bonus bLifeSteal, n%, x;


    Thank you! Actually it wouldn't be that hard to do, but I honestly don't know where these bonuses are. I think battle.c though.

  3. It really depends on the skill and which Job is using it. For example, you can use the Vulcan+Song+Change Guitar combo with clown and it will work if the delays are setted properly, but with minstrel, as far as I'm concerned, it does not work quite properly. From what I know it has something to do with the Sprites, the delay works differently even if the delay is set to 0.


    As if you just want to set the delay of any skill to 0 (even though it may not cast as fast as you want it to be, because of the issue I mentioned above), just do as JaBote said above+

  4. It's amazing how many people has contributed to Athena/RO Emu Community. Brings back memories, since I started back in late 2006, even though I haven't do much lately, it was a pleasure working with pretty much most of them, and being able to learn and get experience from everyone.



  5. hercules/conf/groups.conf





    Depending on the group you want to add it for...

            id: 0 /* group 0 is the default group for every new account */		name: "Player"		level: 0		inherit: ( /*empty list*/ )		commands: {				/* no commands by default */                //the commands must be added here		}


    To add a command the format is:


    commands: [true, false]


    being the first value @ and the second #


    commandname: [@,#]


    true to enable the command

    false to disable the command



    You may have posted on the wrong section though (Moved to General Support).


    Btw, would'nt be better adding the logs that was before in the /logs folder? I mean, i think i seen that folder and it used to log map-server.log, char-server.log and login-server.log when i get an error and it possibly crashed the server but before recorded something in the log.. That's very cool actually because helps you track crashes maybe

    The point was not having to go over the virtual machine in order to look up for an error.

  7. Maybe we could add a display message that tells the player to relogin when they open the cash shop and their out of sync?

    For example:

    "Cash Shop has been updated, please re-login to view the updated list" 

    This wouldn't work, or most likely it's not efficient, I'd rather make all players log again, would be the same thing if I just re-start the server.

  8. I was thinking the same, it would be a lot more useful but, what if you got many error, the chat display only allows X lines, if you have many error, it wouldn't display all of 'em, unless a npc messagebox pops up, allowing you to 'next' every x lines.

  9. So I just made it for my server. Right now I've just implemented it for @reloadscript, but the idea to to work with all possible reloads.


    Whenever you @reloadscript it announces to everyone if the reload was successful (it's really personal whether you want it to be broadcast, local, or self, etc.) or if it wasn't.

    It does not tell you the specific error in-game, but it just tells you if there was any error so you go to the console and check it up yourself.


    When could this be useful?

    Well I tend to make edits pretty often without checking the console, sometimes players tell me there's a bug, whether it's big or not, as I said I personally tend to make edits without testing, mostly when it's small thing, when you got experience you don't normally make mistakes in small scripts and stuff, but sometimes, people tend to miss things for x reasons so when you @reloadscript, it will tell you if it was successful or not.


    Allowing you to, re-check the script or go ahead to the console and check what was the mistake. Specially when it's a live server, having to open the virtual machine to check it's somehow annoying.


    It's just an idea, I find it useful (in my case) but it's really up to you guys.


    Image right below



    Don't put attention to the lightgreen box there, it was just something I added to check how the variable was doing.




  10. It's really up to you, I don't think Hercules should put a hand on that, at least not right now. I managed to balance (High Rate 3k/3k | 255/80 though) PvP for certain 3rd classes (I went on releasing 3rds 1 by 1, when I thought they were balanced, of course every new release had new mods for the ones that were already mod, but less work) with 2nds, instead of separating them, meaning, 2nd can give a good fight to 3rd, putting 3rds as different classes and forcing the user to have skill for this, just take a look into the formulas, and skill behaviors I modded lot of stuff, that was like a year & a half ago, I'm pretty unactive right now.


    i need more idea. for fair pvp and pve etc


    im thinking midrate 99/70


    If you ever played a server back then, 2004~2007 (or any? though recent servers when 3rd came out and that are using Pre-Renewal are pretty unbalanced), where you think PvP was pretty fair, you should base on that and mod 3rd classes to behave similar.

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