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Everything posted by Kei

  1. i'm using hercules.. before i warp to that area chat_createpcchat(sd, "AFK", "", 2, 2); also execute so when i'm to that area the charoom disappear
  2. how can make this one to execute first and if the char is in the map it will execute the another thing pc->setpos(sd, mapindex_name2id( MAP_VIP_LOUNGE ), 160, 150, CLR_TELEPORT); sprintf(atcmd_output, msg_txt(5), sd->bl.x, sd->bl.y); clif->message(fd, atcmd_output);
  3. is it compatible?? heres the code /*==========================================* @afk by [cr0wmaster]* Features: 1z required to use. Venders are forbidden to use this command.*------------------------------------------*/int atcommand_afk(const int fd, struct map_session_data* sd, const char* command, const char* message){nullpo_retr(-1, sd);if (sd->vender_id) //check if that player's vending [cr0wmaster]{clif_displaymessage(fd, "You can't use this command while you're vending.");}elseif(sd->status.zeny >= 1) { sd->status.zeny += -1; clif_updatestatus(sd, SP_ZENY); sd->state.logout = 1;clif_authfail_fd(fd, 15); } else { clif_displaymessage(fd, "You do not have enough money to use this command."); clif_displaymessage(fd, "@afk failed."); }return 0;} and how can i make it to make a pub when they execute the commands? and written in the pub is AFK?
  4. well i need it to teleport me to the map i desired example i set it to prontera .. then if i execute the command it will warp me directly to prontera. yes script will do.. but i need it for my custom commands
  5. bump! need someone help me
  6. how can make this one to teleport to my desired map?? pc->setpos(sd, sd->mapindex, x, y, CLR_TELEPORT); sprintf(atcmd_output, msg_txt(5), sd->bl.x, sd->bl.y); clif->message(fd, atcmd_output);
  7. heres the http://rathena.org/board/files/get/6149889413877e493847b5170bebec35/13607-@autopots_3.patch
  8. i found this autopots in rathena and i'm thinking to put it in my server but i'm thinking if its compatible with hercules??
  9. is there a skill or buffs(not berserk skill) that will prevent you to use pots??
  10. thanks for the reply what i'm going to do in delay_rate?? i'm going to make it 0?? cuz i try to make it 0 and my champ skill has a delay i think
  11. i'm making a server where theres no delay... but don't know how to remove it.. is there a guide or someone tell me?? thanks in advance
  12. thanks.. but i have a question how can i download this http://k3dt.eu/Ragexe/unpacked/Diffs/2013-08-07aRagexe.xdiff ??
  13. where can i find the latest data folder that is compatible with 20130807??
  14. is it compatible with alexandra latest data folder??
  15. which client is better to use 2012-04-10 or 2013/? if 2013 what date?? thanks
  16. i want to add another race how can i do it?? is there a guide for it? thanks in advance
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