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About fabioguimaraes10

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  • Birthday 07/13/1980

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    salvador bahia

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  1. hello good afternoon everyone I would like someone to help me because I'm new in this area of creating ragnarok I have this npc there I need to put more buffs in there but I don't know where to look for these codes that are inside the agi bençao imposito script would you have a specific site that shows this I also need this npc to show a delay time of 20s I also need to remove from the emulator that name that appears on the roulette I went to see the part of diffaring the hexed I tried to disable it and it does not work where there is hide roulette it does not work and just 1 more thing that cash shop that is on the ragnarok screen pasted close from that little map how do I activate it thanks for your attention prontera,159,185,4 script BuffVIP 435,{ OnTouch: if (getgroupid()<1) goto naovip; skilleffect 8,0; sc_start SC_ENDURE,360000,10; skilleffect 33,0; sc_start SC_ANGELUS,360000,10; skilleffect 74,0; sc_start SC_MAGNIFICAT,360000,5; skilleffect 75,0; sc_start SC_GLORIA,360000,5; skilleffect 66,0; sc_start SC_IMPOSITIO,360000,5; skilleffect 34,0; sc_start SC_BLESSING,360000,10; skilleffect 29,0; sc_start SC_INCREASEAGI,360000,10; percentheal 100,100; close; }
  2. olá boa tarde a todos eu gostaria que alguem me ajudasse pois eu sou novo nessa area de criaçao de ragnarok eu estou com esse npc ai eu preciso colocar mais buffs ai dentro mais nao sei onde buscar esses codigos que tem dentro do script de agi bençao imposito manos teria algum site especifico que mostre isso eu preciso tambem que esse npc mostre um tempo de delay de 20s eu tambem preciso retirar do emulador aquele nome que aparece roulete eu fui ver na parte de diffar o hexed eu tentei desativar e nao funcina onde tem hide rolete nao funciona e so mais 1 coisa aquela loja de cash shop que fica na tela do ragnarok colado perto daquele pequeno mapa como eu ativo ele obrigado pela atençao BufferVip.txt
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