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schwierig last won the day on September 12 2013

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  1. Look at this line in skill.c if( rnd() % 100 > skill_lv * 8 || (dstmd && ((dstmd->guardian_data && dstmd->class_ == MOBID_EMPERIUM) || mob_is_battleground(dstmd))) ) There the fail chance is being evaluated, in this case a percent chance of skill_lv*8 and a random. Change it to your needs
  2. You have a packet_db? Hercules doesn't actually have a packet_db file.
  3. Ever searched for yourself? http://herc.ws/board/files/category/6-server-resources/
  4. What packet version are you using for your client and what packet version is defined in your mmo.h?
  5. The EXP rate shouldn't be changed to setup your server. Can you post your "conf/battle/exp.conf" ?
  6. Why aren't you just reading the thread? ITEM_ID:PRICEGrape:100
  7. Simple modification for Priest. I am using the Shield Reflect Statuschange from the Crusader and add it as an additional status on the Priest when the SL is cast. Though I can't make it reflect exactly 30% with that method, since it is using this table: http://ratemyserver.net/index.php?sk_name=Reflect+Shield&page=skill_db&sk_search=Search I could make a switch for the status effect itself, but I think that's a bit overkill considering on level 7 the difference is only 1%. In skill.c search for: if (skill_id == SL_SUPERNOVICE && dstsd && dstsd->die_counter && !(rnd()%100)) { //Erase death count 1% of the casts dstsd->die_counter = 0; pc_setglobalreg(dstsd,"PC_DIE_COUNTER", 0); clif->specialeffect(bl, 0x152, AREA); //SC_SOULLINK invokes status_calc_pc for us. } and place this after that: if (skill_id == SL_PRIEST) { clif->skill_nodamage(src,bl,skill_id,skill_lv, sc_start4(bl,SC_REFLECTSHIELD,100,7,skill_id,0,0,skill->get_time(skill_id,skill_lv)));} I have no idea how the others work. I don't even know if the HP modification is possible. Though I will take a look into the Knight issue. Everything else I can't help you with at this point.
  8. It's not that much of a difference if you got the variables in SQL or in your code. I would even say SQL is way better since you can reuse everything. Though an official map database would be the best option. I read about this being developed on rA but I have no idea if there is something similiar going on in Hercules.
  9. Nice! Would be so much easier with all maps in the SQL tables though :/
  10. The very easy ones: 2.Alchemist - Acid Terror Damage + 100% (I guess you want to double the damage here) search (battle.c): case AM_ACIDTERROR: skillratio += 40 * skill_lv; break; replace with: case AM_ACIDTERROR: skillratio += 40 * skill_lv; if (sc && sc->data[SC_SOULLINK] && sc->data[SC_SOULLINK]->val2 == SL_ALCHEMIST) skillratio *= 2; break; 5.Crusader - Shield-Chain damage by 200% (I guess you want to tripple the damage?) search (battle.c): case PA_SHIELDCHAIN: skillratio += 30 * skill_lv; break; replace with: case PA_SHIELDCHAIN: skillratio += 30 * skill_lv; if (sc && sc->data[SC_SOULLINK] && sc->data[SC_SOULLINK]->val2 == SL_CRUSADER) skillratio *= 3; break; 8.Rogue - You can use Single Strip through Full Chemical Protection by consumin Glistening Coat(Working only when the target has FCP or Full Chemical Protection), Increase Double Strafe damage by 150% - Strip: http://rathena.org/board/topic/87197-single-strip-bypass/ - DS Not sure if this works (no time to try) search (battle.c): case AC_DOUBLE:case MA_DOUBLE: skillratio += 10 * (skill_lv-1); break; replace with: case AC_DOUBLE:case MA_DOUBLE: skillratio += 10 * (skill_lv-1); if (sc && sc->data[SC_SOULLINK] && sc->data[SC_SOULLINK]->val2 == SL_ROGUE) skillratio *= 1.5; break; 9.Hunter - It gives 15% Chance of auto casting Falcon Assault when attacking. search (skill.c): // Automatic trigger of Blitz Beat if (pc_isfalcon(sd) && sd->status.weapon == W_BOW && (temp=pc->checkskill(sd,HT_BLITZBEAT))>0 && rnd()%1000 <= sstatus->luk*3 ) { rate = sd->status.job_level / 10 + 1; skill->castend_damage_id(src,bl,HT_BLITZBEAT,(temp<rate)?temp:rate,tick,SD_LEVEL); } place after that: if(pc_isfalcon(sd) && sd->status.weapon == W_BOW && sc && sc->data[SC_SOULLINK] && sc->data[SC_SOULLINK]->val2 == SL_HUNTER) { skill->castend_damage_id(src,bl,SN_FALCONASSAULT,temp,tick,0); } Looking up the other ones and will edit later I guess.
  11. Fetching before pulling is always a good idea. So people won't get confused when they use "git status" and get a message "Your branch is in front of origin master by 3 commits"
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