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Posts posted by Sai

  1. How does bubblegum works? or how does it applies the 100% increase


    let say the drop rate of an item is currently 90% so if you use bubblegum it should be 180% right? why does items are not dropping even if it has 180% chance of drop

  2. 1. Attack a monster using normal attack ( example a archer normal attack on a barricade )  ( use /nc )

    2. During the normal attack use a skill ( in my example I will use double strafe )

    3. There is a random delay before the skill use will trigger.


    I tested this on my local and production server.


    Hope someone can answer my inquiry

  3. Does the delay removes when server is restarted?


    If it doesnt is there a permanent delay?


    Is there a way to put delay on channel chat?

    @channel setopt <channelname> MessageDelay <seconds 1 -10>


    Does the delay removes when server is restarted?


    If it doesnt is there a permanent delay?


    Suggest no. 2: Can you add also a time interval on every messages to preventing spamming?

    it makes use of the existent config on chat delay
    	if (battle_config.min_chat_delay) {		if (DIFF_TICK(sd->cantalk_tick, gettick()) > 0) {			return;		}		sd->cantalk_tick = gettick() + battle_config.min_chat_delay;	}
    as for your other suggestion im not sure the benefits, can you elaborate o-o?


    Is there a way to set the delay on using #map permanently??

  4. I received a report regarding Clashing Spiral damage seems like its too low. I tested it also and it gave a small amount of damage is this really the clashing spiral damage for pre-renewal? I'm also aware of the weight base damage tried it on hunting spear and cardo as well



    This happens after character is warped to other map, right after the login of a character and use of teleport.

    The character cannot move for about 30 seconds.


    I noticed that after I refresh from my desktop then return to the game the character can now freely move.

    Tried to change my client but still same issue.


    Someone know this issue?



    Does it happen only on your computer or to other players as well?


    It also happens to other players :(


    If it happens on all client. It might be some source edit or script doing this... (Or maybe your PC problem)


    PC you mean the host pc? Havent added any NPC yet still using the fresh hercules.

  6. This happens after character is warped to other map, right after the login of a character and use of teleport.

    The character cannot move for about 30 seconds.


    I noticed that after I refresh from my desktop then return to the game the character can now freely move.

    Tried to change my client but still same issue.


    Someone know this issue?

  7. How to reduce the chance of refine from 8 - 10


    I copied the chance of 10 but seems like it is still in high success rate




    And how can I make it near impossible to refine an equipment to 9 and 10



  8. Works for me but the background of the login is black how to fix this.

    still use langtype 7.


    add this in your clientinfo

        <passwordencrypt />


    Sample :

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="euc-kr" ?><clientinfo>	<desc>Ragnarok Client Information</desc>	<servicetype>korea</servicetype>	<servertype>sakray</servertype>	<passwordencrypt />	<connection>		<display>SERVER NAME HERE</display>		<desc>Ragnarok Online</desc>		<balloon>this is a tool tip</balloon>		<address>SERVER IP HERE</address>		<port>6900</port>		<version>20</version>		<langtype>7</langtype>		<registrationweb>REGISTRATION URL HERE</registrationweb>		<yellow>			<admin>2000001</admin>		</yellow>		<loading>			<image>loading00.jpg</image>			<image>loading01.jpg</image>		</loading>	</connection></clientinfo>




    Works for me but the background of the login is black how to fix this.

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