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Break San

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Everything posted by Break San

  1. Wooow helped quite worked.
  2. Right, gets a get. Can close thanks.
  3. nothing happens, no error in the map server and can not purchase using emblem of war as a form of payment.
  4. In npc HaiMarket nothing happens. I switched the potion by the emblem of war and not due for purchase. @ [*]AnnieRuru help
  5. Yes hanged by id does not work. Have an example What does this npc? /* demonstrates Market Trader */prontera,150,160,6 trader HaiMarket 4_F_EDEN_OFFICER,{OnInit: tradertype(NST_MARKET); sellitem Red_Potion,-1,49; end;OnClock0000://resupplies red potions on midnightOnMyResupply: if( shopcount(Red_Potion) < 20 ) sellitem Red_Potion,-1,49; end;}
  6. Gotta change Orange_Potion by War_Badge Could use ID? even to add items
  7. How to put the emblem of war accept as payment? I saw 3 zeny option, rops and promotional rops not indentifiquei me to be. thank you
  8. Would you like a npc that when the purchase accepts only emblem of war. NPC selling item per emblem of war Thank you prontera,91,123,1 shop Higt 740,7046:500
  9. Erro [Error]: script_add_str: detected possible use of wrong case in a script. Found'L_start', probably meant to be 'L_Start' (in 'npc/custom/bgteste.txt').[Warning]: npc_parse_mapflag: You can't set PvP and BattleGround flags for the same map! Removing PvP flag from guild_vs2 in file 'npc/custom/bgteste.txt', line '144'.[Warning]: npc_parse_mapflag: You can't set GvG and BattleGround flags for the same map! Removing GvG flag from guild_vs3 in file 'npc/custom/bgteste.txt', line '155'.
  10. I've totally no idea what you mean this @bg ? it is like @joinbg ? http://herc.ws/board/topic/4438-about-our-bg-src/?p=28704 @bg would like @joinbg. Then I would bg without entering the waiting room. Resurrect the character dies on the map until time runs out. Maps at least two random Award emblem of war Script would type this, more needed to be at least two maps is not repeated, and resurrect random. Some global announcement stating @joinbg same as it is before.
  11. good day Gostaria de um script de pvp /bg Especificações: First type in the players @bg, and record, is an announcement stating as it is before. When he filled all the teams are teleported to the gvg / pvp warp ... (guild_vs1 and guild_vs2) At death resurrects and gets buff (and acted bençoa) The award emblems of war.
  12. Clientinfo utilize esse aqui <?xml version="1.0" encoding="euc-kr" ?><clientinfo> <servicetype>america</servicetype> <servertype>primary</servertype> <extendedslot></extendedslot> <connection> <display> Help do DOO </display> <desc>DOO</desc> <balloon> Aproveite e Bom jogo!</balloon> <version>1</version> <address></address> <port>6900</port> <aid> <admin>20000000</admin> <admin>20000001</admin> <admin>20000002</admin> <admin>20000003</admin> <admin>20000004</admin> <admin>20000005</admin> <admin>20000006</admin> </aid>loadingscreen#10#//file end) <image>loading00.jpg</image> <image>loading01.jpg</image> loadingscreen#10#//file end) </connection> <registrationweb>https://www.facebook.com/RagnaArtOFICIAL/</registrationweb></clientinfo>
  13. File Name: FREE PSD 2 File Submitter: Doo File Submitted: 21 Aug 2014 File Category: Client Resources FREE PSD Click here to download this file
  14. File Name: FREE PSD SIMPLY File Submitter: Doo File Submitted: 21 Aug 2014 File Category: Client Resources PSD SIMPLY Click here to download this file
  15. Version 1.0


  16. Version 1.0


  17. Break San

    Bg Mata a Mata

    Se Seu sistema de bg e muito interessante.
  18. Boa tarde galera, alguém ai sabe me explica como instalar os plugins da area lançamento ? Exemplo esse aqui http://herc.ws/board/topic/4875-sleep/#entry31401
  19. Anyone know how arranges freezing in src?
  20. Resolvido, problema estava no mapas alguns mapas estava com redução de dano.
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