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Posts posted by Ryuuzaki

  1. I really doubt it will help a lot, but maybe some newbies will fail at the mac check so here we go.


    Hercules Developers are free to implement this code snippet whenever they want.


    NOTE, do backups of your src folder AND your login mysql database, or wait till a developer implements mac to hercules.


    1. Download the file i attached.

    2. Place mac_check.patch into your hercules folder and apply the patch via GIT.

    3. Recompile the server, do NOT start the server yet!

    4. Open your mysql tool and select your ragnarok (server) database.

    5. Copy the below text into the query window

    ALTER TABLE `login` ADD COLUMN `last_mac` VARCHAR(18) NOT NULL DEFAULT ''  AFTER `pincode_change` ; 

    6. Click run / apply to add the new last_mac to your login database.


    You are set serverwise!!


    What do you need to send the mac?


    1. Your client must have the "SSO login" enabled. (i suggest R.O.L.e.X http://herc.ws/b...opic/930-rolex/ as the login system of your choice)

    2. That's all.

    3. Enjoy!


  2. 1. MAC Adress can be spoofed even without getting disconnected with client A when you spoof the MAC before running client B, HWID is harder to do, but possible and safer


    2. You need to enable "SSO login packet" thing in the patcher (the one which is always active on 2013 clients since normal login is removed)


    3. The modification Hercules wise is easy to adapt, i used harmony in the past but completely dropped it because i made my own mods to support mac etc.



    Might release a MAC package for Hercules i'm still waiting for the big update to not mess up my stuff : P

  3. What i did on my previous project, i used the partyname part to show titles for players.

    Since some people like to see partyname instead of the title, i added @showtitle so they can decide if they want to show party or title for their chars.


    Never had problems with it and you also don't need a client hex for it.

  4. From my tests on kro & euro-ro (fro which is following iro mechanics) my ranger does 1.1k crit with +8 elven bow with elven arrows and 740~800 with normal shots.


    99 AGI

    87 DEX

    Improve Concentration on


    When i added 40% more ranged damage to bow / range autoattacks its the same as on the officials, so the missing value is around 40%

    Will try to get some more informations.


    BTW, the varience on physical autoattacks seems to be tad too much, on officials my blacksmith deals ~340 to ~350 dmg on porings, on herc i do ~290 to 360, maybe it needs a little tweaking.

  5. I would just guess that the feature was barely used by the majority, i myself never used because of the fee.


    RO has vending and most vendors are at the main town (prontera) anyways.


    Also they added the Blackmarketeer catalogues like 1-2 year(s) back, which allowed search for vending, making the auction house feature useless in general.

  6. I just want to point out that you are using ragexeRE packets for the ragexe client. Which won't work for many packets as ragexe uses many different ones.

    Next thing is, you specified as you already found out yourself, the 0x0938 packet 2 times, one time as item pickup, the second as buying store.


    The server will think your client requested to open a buying store, thus resulting in invalid packet len, because the server will return data to the client which the client didn't expect.

    And now the client will spam the server with the same request again, resulting in server forfeiting it. Loops up till you reach this packet_len.


    Comment the 0x0938 packet out, that one you added. Then check ingame (after recompiling) if you can pick up items.

    If it works you need to check what happens if you open the buying store, note down the packet if it errors.



    That's all i can tell you.

  7. Could be useful for quest lines which require a special map which may only be accessed by that particular person. Or some timed 1on1 arena for 2 players. (would need 2 char_ids to be transmitted).


    I would surely use it.

  8. Here is a little script i wrote after facing issues using a ro-launcher program to allow login via SSO-Login packet. You just create a .bat file for example login.bat, rightclick -> edit, paste following in and edit the name and exe / clientinfo.xml for your server.


    It's simplistic but should be 100% functional for all windows systems.


    @echo offecho ##########################*echo ####YourServerRO Login####*echo ########################*echo.echo.set /p user=PLEASE ENTER YOUR USERNAME: echo.set /p pswd=PLEASE ENTER YOUR PASSWORD: start YOUREXENAME.exe 1rag1 -t:%pswd% %user% /account:clientinfo.xml

    Then of course save the file and just double click it. Instructions will be self explaining.

    Saves you time changing the username all the time and also make it possible to distribute a RE client with SSO packet for your players, enjoy.

  9. Heavens drive skill does not stack on top of each other, it some times works because the client animation is shown longer than the server "duration".

    To change it take a look into skill_unit.db in your respective DB folder.

  10. Can it be that this function is related to cash items, aka "random boxes"? Looks pretty much the same how it works on officials. Would explain why i didn't get any big rare items for some time after i got it from the box.

  11. As far as i remember it was like an item in a box, you got it for xx days, then the font was set after you opened it.

    As long as the item remained in the inventory the font "refreshed" itself, when the item wasn't there anymore and you relogged or it went out of time, the font restored.


    About using 2 at once, no idea.

  12. I would love to have some sort of log of:


    Who bought what, how many, when, previous amount of cash points, new amount.



    Guess it would be good to keep track of donators, or maybe see which item is most popular. Maybe i'll code one later.

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