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Judas last won the day on March 10 2023

Judas had the most liked content!

About Judas

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    Advanced Member

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  1. what type of source code mods do you need?
  2. It would be a npc script. Once it's enabled you can use the atcommand. Looks like it's bound for @item3
  3. So you want to prevent using Mammonite when a bow is equipped, is that right?
  4. Oh I remember this one, thanks for sharing and welcome back!!
  5. Does anything show up on the map console that show any errors?
  6. i need your help about my server, i cant login idk what happened disconnected from server. 

  7. Hi judas, read my PM please :D 

  8. Yeah, it is possible, probably not as flexible as the nemo patch, but finding the offset in the client you can set it to what limit you want.
  9. Back in RO now and active. Hope to help those in need if they require my services =)
  10. Available for paid services: drop a message =)

  11. are you using any custom scripts that turn on the weather on prontera, or is this a clean server install?
  12. On your consoles, I don't see any indication of a login attempt, does your DATA.INI and clientinfo.xml look correct?
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