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matheus00123 last won the day on October 10 2018

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About matheus00123

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  1. Hello I would like to know where the customer is made 2018-03-07 Rexege OR the other customers of 2018 or the end of 2017? because the eyes are not seen and are not got any. Thank you very much in advance.
  2. Vlw amigo, Até que esse cleinte eu ja tenho, vou baixar o hexed e testa ala em casa e ja edito aqui. Obrigado.
  3. Hello, I'm coming back now, and as always has changed a lot in ragnarok, I've been looking at the 2018 clients and found it interesting, but I saw that it was discontinued. But I wanted to know, which client do I use, what date should I use RoZero (data.grf + data0.grf) or kRO (rdata.grf + data.grf)? Or would it have some other grf date that was made available that was on http://clients.herc.ws/ that was discontinued? Thanks in advance. Sorry for my English, I'm Brazilian and I'm using google translator.
  4. Good night, I'm coming back recently with ragnarok and saw the wonder of RoZero, wanted the diff, plus I saw that it was discontinued, will it be possible to download the diffs yet?If so, will you still have the emulator and diffs update?Where can I download it as I could find one, and when I difffo it, even with the data.grf and the data0.grf still error.Well I wanted a little instruction, first of all I'm using the date RoEnglish.Thank you and sorry for my English, because I'm in the translator.
  5. wow, thank you very much top your templete.
  6. Speaking the truth, I did not check, so it's complete, it will help a lot of people, it will defuse my mistake.
  7. Perfect for a free package, could have added the 34 of the summoner classes with cart
  8. Hello I am trying to put ROChargenPHP to work, I use easyPHP 14.1 VC9, but when I enter the page I do not get results, I have already put the grf in the data folder and configured it in the data.ini and without success. Someone would have a tutorial or video teaching to make it work, thank you.
  9. Hello, first of all I'm sorry, I'm using google translator, because I'm Brazilian. I'm trying to find the clients that contain the icons from the menu below, I tested 2015, 2016 and 2017 and I saw that they are not customers. I wanted to add the icons to the menu below, because in ROenglishRE I can not find them and nowhere. Thank...
  10. Hello I'm trying to edit a skill from herc's own src, because I want to make a skill that changes the place players. I succeeded more not total, I made the custom skill in src as codigo edited below plus it only takes the player to the position of the other player but does not make the change of positions. My code: if (( dstsd || dstmd ) && !(tstatus->mode&MD_PLANT) && battle->check_target(src,bl,BCT_ENEMY) > 0 ) { int x = src->x, y = src->y; if (unit->movepos(src, bl->x, bl->y, 0, 0)) { clif->skill_nodamage(src, src, skill_id, skill_lv, 1); clif->slide(src, bl->x, bl->y) ; clif->specialeffect(&sd->bl, 9, SELF); // Efeito após teletransportar sc_start(src, bl, SC_CONFUSION, 75, skill_lv, skill->get_time(skill_id, skill_lv)); } } Wanted to leave it in the same way as the video below, could someone give me a hint how to proceed with this? Here's how I wanted it to be: Thanks, and sorry for the spelling mistakes, because I'm using google translator.
  11. Design was actually really congratulations. It will be available? or sold?
  12. Someone would have mob_db the instance of faceworm? Sorry my english, I'm using google translator.
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