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Everything posted by Jeffery

  1. Recently I was focus on improve Hercules Script System, I wonder how it would be if Hercules embed LUA into itself for some npc script and even mob AI? Any comment?
  2. Another usage, function test_f { copyarray .@new_array,getarg(0),getarraysize(getarg(0)); dispbottom .@new_array[0]; // --> 10 dispbottom .@new_array[1]; // --> 20 dispbottom .@new_array[2]; // --> 30 dispbottom .@new_array[3]; // --> 40 dispbottom .@new_array[4]; // --> 50 return; } setarray .@array,10,20,30,40,50; test_f(.@array);
  3. I suggest all items equipped with unique id and all items are unstackable in SQL data and they automatically stack to the client when they are stackable. It will be helpful when admin trace the item log
  4. I like this style, are you selling this? how much for this?
  5. Players don't use storage all the time, so there's no reason for map-server to store memory data for them all the time (sd->status.storage). I suggest that make storage data like guild_storage data. Only occupy memory when player use the storage system. And free the memory when player close the storage and save to SQL.
  6. Currently, for map_session_data, npc_data and session_data, there are ways in HPM to make custom data structs for them (http://herc.ws/wiki/Hercules_Plugin_Manager#HPM_Custom_Data_Structs) But there's no way to make custom data for instance, guild and party data (and all other data) I need these functions to make my program without changing Hercules source.
  7. I think it would be helpful for plugins-makers to build plugins with these suggested features. Thank you.
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