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Posts posted by Vincent

  1. I got from time to time this error at my server console:


    [Warning]: clif_parse: Received unsupported packet (packet 0x0000 (0x0000), 19 bytes received), disconnecting session #32.



    [Warning]: clif_parse: Received unsupported packet (packet 0x3703 (0x3703), 3 bytes received), disconnecting session #25.


    Cant say what the player is doing to get this dissconnect. How can i solove this problem?

  2. Hello,

    at my server there are problems when a Player trade Item's. You can read the message in Chat "You got XXX", but you cant see it in your inventory.

    What can be the problem? Seems to that there must be one of the trading chars one a merchant.


    I am using Exe 2013-8-7.


    ALTER TABLE item_db ADD COLUMN `bindonequip` tinyint(1) unsigned DEFAULT NULL AFTER `view`;ALTER TABLE item_db_re ADD COLUMN `bindonequip` tinyint(1) unsigned DEFAULT NULL AFTER `view`;


    MySQL-ERROR MySQL meldet:

    Duplicate column name 'bindonequip' ALTER TABLE item_db ADD COLUMN `bindonequip` tinyint(1) unsigned DEFAULT NULL AFTER `view`;

    Duplicate column name 'bindonequip' ALTER TABLE item_db2 ADD COLUMN `bindonequip` tinyint(1) unsigned DEFAULT NULL AFTER `view`;


    I had used lastest hercules sql files and this allready there. But the error came also up....

  4. try this one

    Okey installed al working but if i click on Item Database 


    this error come up:


    Error: Flux_ErrorMessage: Failed to import/replace rows from table 'hercules.item_db2'File: /usr/www/users/oldschne/flux/lib/Flux/TemporaryTable.php:230

    I added the item_db2.sql from the hercules folder but its only the structur and no data?!

  5. Ah now i can reproduce the problem!


    When i unceck the "autorun" box (next to the Password Field) there is no Icon at System tray and also at the Task Manager the Exe will stay. If i check the "autorun" box there is a Icon and also the Process will be closed at the Task Manger.

    For me it looks like a bug?!

  6. ^ System Tray Icon is located at the bottom right of your desktop/laptop, beside your system time.. you can see it running when you open/run loki.exe

    There is no icon at system tray. Not at running client and also not if i close it.


    If i close my Ro client the Luncher process still run at the task manager. If i start the luncher 5 times and close it. 5 times the luncher runs as process in the background.


    What is the problem? 



    check your system tray

    Sorry dont know what you mean?



    The latest link doesn't have the necessary files to configure this. Which really makes it confusing.

    click the exe, it will generate default conf


    >If i close my Ro client the Luncher process still run at the task manager. If i start the luncher 5 times and close it. 5 times the luncher runs as process in the background.


    What is the problem? 



    what windows are you using? maybe your system config denies the launcher's function that checks if exe is running. dunno.


    I use Win 7 64bit. But all my player got this problem (around 50 atm) and they are using diffrent OS like XP, win7 and win8. What functions get blocked?

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