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Posts posted by pan

  1. Podem ser usados clients da mesma forma, todos esses emuladores estão emulando a mesma coisa, né? c: As databases devem ser convertidas para o formato suportado pela libconf utilizada no núcleo do Hercules, mas é disponibilizado um conversor http://herc.ws/board/topic/2906-introducing-rathena-to-hercules-database-converters/





    Postei o link errado de conversor, as databases convertidas por esses que estão no link acima são somente as sql e não as de itens como pedido, aqui está o link corrigido: http://haru.ws/hercules/itemdbconverter/

  2. Não sei como o Hercules anda para um servidor estável mesmo, já vi mais de um report de crashes repentinos no map-server, espero que achem logo o que está causando essa "instabilidade". Quanto ao brAthena não sei se está ativo, acabei de voltar para essas coisas e não planejo chegar nem perto dessas comunidades brasileiras shaushaushasuah mas o Cronus anda meio morto já faz um tempo, quando eu parei de frequentar já estava isso em meados de 2009~2010, o desenvolvimento de lá nunca foi muito ativo shaushaushaushasu

  3. You could always use bonuses to alter in certain ways a player interact with other races (from doc/item_bonus.txt with some modifications, I changed some variable names to "default" them)

    n: 	0=Formless, 1=Undead, 2=Brute, 3=Plant, 4=Insect,	5=Fish, 6=Demon, 7=Demi-Human, 8=Angel, 9=Dragon, 	10=Boss monster, 11=Other than (normal monster) boss monster(Check db/mob_race2_db.txt)bonus bIgnoreDefRace,n;			Disregard DEF against enemies of race nbonus bIgnoreMDefRace,n;		Disregard MDEF against enemies of race nbonus bDefRatioAtkRace,n;		Does more damage depending on monster Defense against race n (defense disregard)bonus2 bAddRace,n,x;            +x% physical damage against race nbonus2 bMagicAddRace,n,x;       +x% magical damage against race nbonus2 bSubRace,n,x;            +x% damage reduction against race nbonus2 bIgnoreMdefRate,n,x;          Disregard x% of the target's MDEF if the target belongs to race n;bonus3 bAddMonsterDropItem,x,n,y;	Adds a y/100% chance for item x to be dropped, when killing any monster of race n.					If 'y' is negative value, then it's a part of formula						chance = -y*(killed_mob_level/10)+1bonus2 bCriticalAddRace,n,r;      Critical + r vs. enemies of race nbonus2 bAddRace2,n,x;             Increase damage by x% vs. enemies of race n					y:	0=Don't show damage 1=Show damagebonus2 bExpAddRace,n,x;         Increase exp gained by x% vs. enemies of race nbonus2 bSPGainRace,n,x;         When killing a monster of race n by physical attack gain x amount of spbonus2 bSubRace2,n,x;           Damage x% reduction from enemies of race nbonus2 bAddMonsterDropChainItem,x,n;	Able to get item of chain type x (only constant applicable) when you kill a monster of race nbonus2 bWeaponComaRace,n,y;		y/100% chance to cause Coma when attacking a monster of race n with a normal attackbonus2 bIgnoreDefRate,n,x;		Disregard x% of the target's DEF if the target belongs to race n;bonus3 bHPDrainRateRace,n,r,x;		Adds a r/10% chance to receive x% of damage dealt as HP from a monster of race n with normal attack.bonus3 bSPDrainRateRace,n,r,x;		Adds a r/10% chance to receive x% of damage dealt as SP from a monster of race n with normal attack.bonus2 bHPDrainValueRace,n,x;		Heals +x HP when attacking a monster of race r with normal attack.bonus2 bSPDrainValueRace,n,x;		Heals +x SP when attacking a monster of race r with normal attack.bonus2 bHPGainRaceAttack,n,x;		Heals x HP when attacking n Race on every hitbonus2 bSPGainRaceAttack,n,x;		Heals x SP when attacking n Race on every hit
    If you really need a source mod you could always ask for a new bonus that alters a player race, if you want so you can post in this topic...

  4. There are other topics that describe sudden map-crashes, but none of the others have debug info, in my opinion these crashes look like something that's wrong in Hercules' core, can you post the call stack? Knowing which part of the src called this function would help pinpointing the real issue

  5. Everything is working now, I corrected my other post as well adding those changes in the knight snippet, the first one was very poorly coded, I did it in a hurry...

    Open src/map/skill.c and find:

    Search for:

     	if( require.weapon && !pc_check_weapontype(sd,require.weapon) ) { 		clif->skill_fail(sd,skill_id,USESKILL_FAIL_THIS_WEAPON,0); 		return 0; 	}
    Replace it with:
    	// If linked, knights are able to use parrying with one handed swords (type 2)	if( require.weapon && !pc_check_weapontype(sd,require.weapon) && 	  ( skill_id == LK_PARRYING && !sd->sc.data[SC_SOULLINK] && !pc_check_weapontype(sd,2) ))	{		clif->skill_fail(sd,skill_id,USESKILL_FAIL_THIS_WEAPON,0);		return 0;	}
    Find (again):
    	if( require.weapon && !pc_check_weapontype(sd,require.weapon) ) {		clif->skill_fail(sd,skill_id,USESKILL_FAIL_THIS_WEAPON,0);		return 0;	}
    Replace with:
    	if( require.weapon && !pc_check_weapontype(sd,require.weapon) && 	  ( skill_id == LK_PARRYING && !sd->sc.data[SC_SOULLINK] && !pc_check_weapontype(sd,2) ))	{		clif->skill_fail(sd,skill_id,USESKILL_FAIL_THIS_WEAPON,0);		return 0;	}
    Open src/map/pc.c and search for:
    	for (i = 0; i < ARRAYLENGTH(scw_list); i++) {		// Skills requiring specific weapon types		if( scw_list[i] == SC_DANCING && !battle_config.dancing_weaponswitch_fix )			continue;
    Add below:
    		// If linked, knights are able to use parrying with one handed swords (type 2)		if( scw_list[i] == SC_PARRYING && sd->sc.data[SC_SOULLINK] && sd->sc.data[SC_SOULLINK]->val2 == SL_KNIGHT			&& (!pc_check_weapontype(sd,skill->get_weapontype(status->sc2skill(scw_list[i]))) &&				!pc_check_weapontype(sd,2) )				)		{			status_change_end(&sd->bl, scw_list[i], INVALID_TIMER);			continue; // We don't want to fall under the next check		}




  6. Haven't tested those mods, but they built without any errors.

    Regarding adding one soul skill to blacksmiths you can only mod your databases and it should work, but of course KN_CHARGEATK will stop being a quest skill and'll only work when a character is linked even when he is a knight... I've tried making some changes in the source-code to bypass this issue, but it seems that if the skill is not sent to the client with 0x8 as info it won't be activated when someone is linked. So I bypassed using a quite "unorthodox" way, it's not neat code as I don't like to force the client to do anything, but it works. I think the other modifications worked as they are fairly simple to make, so I haven't tested them in-game just the one that's complex.

    Open src/map/status.c and find:

    			case SC_RAISINGDRAGON:				sce->val2 = st->max_hp / 100;// Officially tested its 1%hp drain. [Jobbie]			break;
    Add below:
    			case SC_SOULLINK:				// This is _not_ the best way to do that ):				if( (sd->class_&MAPID_UPPERMASK) == MAPID_BLACKSMITH )					pc->skill(sd, KN_CHARGEATK, 1, 0);				break;
    			case ITEMID_ORC_LOAD_CARD:				clif->sc_end(&sd->bl, sd->bl.id, SELF, SI_MVPCARD_ORCLORD);				break;			}		}		break;
    Add below:
    		case SC_SOULLINK:			// This is _not_ the best way to do that ):			if(/* pc->checkskill(sd, KN_CHARGEATK) && */(sd->class_&MAPID_UPPERMASK) == MAPID_BLACKSMITH)				pc->skill(sd, KN_CHARGEATK, 0, 0);			break;
    Open src/map/skill.c and find:

    Search for:

     	if( require.weapon && !pc_check_weapontype(sd,require.weapon) ) { 		clif->skill_fail(sd,skill_id,USESKILL_FAIL_THIS_WEAPON,0); 		return 0; 	}
    Replace it with:
    	// If linked, knights are able to use parrying with one handed swords (type 2)	if( require.weapon && !pc_check_weapontype(sd,require.weapon) && 	  !( skill_id == LK_PARRYING && sd->sc.data[SC_SOULLINK] && pc_check_weapontype(sd,1<<2) ))	{		clif->skill_fail(sd,skill_id,USESKILL_FAIL_THIS_WEAPON,0);		return 0;	}
    Find (again):
    	if( require.weapon && !pc_check_weapontype(sd,require.weapon) ) {		clif->skill_fail(sd,skill_id,USESKILL_FAIL_THIS_WEAPON,0);		return 0;	}
    Replace with:
    	if( require.weapon && !pc_check_weapontype(sd,require.weapon) && 	  !( skill_id == LK_PARRYING && sd->sc.data[SC_SOULLINK] && pc_check_weapontype(sd,1<<2) ))	{		clif->skill_fail(sd,skill_id,USESKILL_FAIL_THIS_WEAPON,0);		return 0;	}
    Open src/map/battle.c and search for:
     				case SM_BASH: 				case MS_BASH: 					skillratio += 30 * skill_lv;
    Add below:
    					// If linked, super novices will have SM_BASH's ratio increased by 50%					if( sd->sc.data[SC_SOULLINK] && sd->sc.data[SC_SOULLINK]->val2 == SL_SUPERNOVICE )						skillratio += 50;
    Search for:
     				case MO_FINGEROFFENSIVE: 					skillratio+= 50 * skill_lv;
    Add below:
    					// If linked, monks will have MO_FINGEROFFENSIVE's ratio increased by 15%					if( sd->sc.data[SC_SOULLINK] && sd->sc.data[SC_SOULLINK]->val2 == SL_MONK )						skillratio += 15;
    Search for:
     				case CG_ARROWVULCAN: 					skillratio += 100 + 100 * skill_lv;
    Add below:
    					// If linked, bards/dancers will have CG_ARROWVULCAN's damage increased by 15%					if( sd->sc.data[SC_SOULLINK] && sd->sc.data[SC_SOULLINK]->val2 == SL_BARDDANCER )						skillratio += 15;
    Finally find:
     		if (md.damage < 0 || md.damage > INT_MAX>>1) 	  	//Overflow prevention, will anyone whine if I cap it to a few billion? 		//Not capped to INT_MAX to give some room for further damage increase.
    Add above:
    		// If linked, alchemists will have 15% increase in CR_ACIDDEMONSTRATION's damage		if( sd->sc.data[SC_SOULLINK] && sd->sc.data[SC_SOULLINK]->val2 == SL_ALCHEMIST )			md.damage += md.damage*15/100;
    Open src/map/pc.c and search for:
    	for (i = 0; i < ARRAYLENGTH(scw_list); i++) {		// Skills requiring specific weapon types		if( scw_list[i] == SC_DANCING && !battle_config.dancing_weaponswitch_fix )			continue;
    Add below:
    		// If linked, knights are able to use parrying with one handed swords (type 2)		if( scw_list[i] == SC_PARRYING && sd->sc.data[SC_SOULLINK] && sd->sc.data[SC_SOULLINK]->val2 == SL_KNIGHT			&& (!pc_check_weapontype(sd,skill->get_weapontype(status->sc2skill(scw_list[i]))) &&				!pc_check_weapontype(sd,2) )				)		{			status_change_end(&sd->bl, scw_list[i], INVALID_TIMER);			continue; // We don't want to fall under the next check		}
    Save all files and build your map-server, test in-game and if you're having any trouble just post and I'll try to answer as quickly as possible c:





    Corrected mistake in knight related snippet



    Corrected error as reported in: http://herc.ws/board/topic/4360-custom-link-mods/

  7. With this mods there will be no hunger, as far as I know there's no way to totally remove the hunger bar without having client-side modified. Haven't tested this changes in-game, but they built without showing any errors/warnings.

    Open src/map/pet.c and search for:

    	if( pd->petDB ) {		if( pd->petDB->equip_script )			status_calc_pc(sd,SCO_NONE);		if( battle_config.pet_hungry_delay_rate != 100 )			interval = (pd->petDB->hungry_delay*battle_config.pet_hungry_delay_rate)/100;		else			interval = pd->petDB->hungry_delay;	}		if( interval <= 0 )		interval = 1;	pd->pet_hungry_timer = timer->add(timer->gettick() + interval, pet->hungry, sd->bl.id, 0);	return 0;}
    Change it to:
    	if( pd->petDB ) {		if( pd->petDB->equip_script )			status_calc_pc(sd,SCO_NONE);//		if( battle_config.pet_hungry_delay_rate != 100 )//			interval = (pd->petDB->hungry_delay*battle_config.pet_hungry_delay_rate)/100;//		else//			interval = pd->petDB->hungry_delay;	}	//	if( interval <= 0 )//		interval = 1;//	pd->pet_hungry_timer = timer->add(timer->gettick() + interval, pet->hungry, sd->bl.id, 0);	pd->pet.hungry = 70; // Optimal hunger value	pd->pet.intimate = 1000; // Oh, so intimate	return 0;}
    Now search for:
    Change it to:
    int pet_hungry(int tid, int64 tick, int id, intptr_t data) {	struct map_session_data *sd;	struct pet_data *pd;	int interval;	sd=map->id2sd(id);	if(!sd)		return 1;	if(!sd->status.pet_id || !sd->pd)		return 1;	pd = sd->pd;	if(pd->pet_hungry_timer != tid){		ShowError("pet_hungry_timer %d != %dn",pd->pet_hungry_timer,tid);		return 0;	}	pd->pet_hungry_timer = INVALID_TIMER;	if (pd->pet.intimate <= 0)		return 1; //You lost the pet already, the rest is irrelevant.		pd->pet.hungry--;	if( pd->pet.hungry < 0 )	{		pet_stop_attack(pd);		pd->pet.hungry = 0;		pet->set_intimate(pd, pd->pet.intimate - battle_config.pet_hungry_friendly_decrease);		if( pd->pet.intimate <= 0 )		{			pd->pet.intimate = 0;			pd->status.speed = pd->db->status.speed;		}		status_calc_pet(pd, SCO_NONE);		clif->send_petdata(sd,pd,1,pd->pet.intimate);	}	clif->send_petdata(sd,pd,2,pd->pet.hungry);	if(battle_config.pet_hungry_delay_rate != 100)		interval = (pd->petDB->hungry_delay*battle_config.pet_hungry_delay_rate)/100;	else		interval = pd->petDB->hungry_delay;	if(interval <= 0)		interval = 1;	pd->pet_hungry_timer = timer->add(tick+interval,pet->hungry,sd->bl.id,0);	return 0;}
    Replace it with:
    int pet_hungry(int tid, int64 tick, int id, intptr_t data) {/**	struct map_session_data *sd;	struct pet_data *pd;	int interval;	sd=map->id2sd(id);	if(!sd)		return 1;	if(!sd->status.pet_id || !sd->pd)		return 1;	pd = sd->pd;	if(pd->pet_hungry_timer != tid){		ShowError("pet_hungry_timer %d != %dn",pd->pet_hungry_timer,tid);		return 0;	}	pd->pet_hungry_timer = INVALID_TIMER;	if (pd->pet.intimate <= 0)		return 1; //You lost the pet already, the rest is irrelevant.		pd->pet.hungry--;	if( pd->pet.hungry < 0 )	{		pet_stop_attack(pd);		pd->pet.hungry = 0;		pet->set_intimate(pd, pd->pet.intimate - battle_config.pet_hungry_friendly_decrease);		if( pd->pet.intimate <= 0 )		{			pd->pet.intimate = 0;			pd->status.speed = pd->db->status.speed;		}		status_calc_pet(pd, SCO_NONE);		clif->send_petdata(sd,pd,1,pd->pet.intimate);	}	clif->send_petdata(sd,pd,2,pd->pet.hungry);	if(battle_config.pet_hungry_delay_rate != 100)		interval = (pd->petDB->hungry_delay*battle_config.pet_hungry_delay_rate)/100;	else		interval = pd->petDB->hungry_delay;	if(interval <= 0)		interval = 1;	pd->pet_hungry_timer = timer->add(tick+interval,pet->hungry,sd->bl.id,0);**/	return 0;}
    int pet_hungry_timer_delete(struct pet_data *pd){	nullpo_ret(pd);	if(pd->pet_hungry_timer != INVALID_TIMER) {		timer->delete(pd->pet_hungry_timer,pet->hungry);		pd->pet_hungry_timer = INVALID_TIMER;	}	return 1;}
    Replace with:
    int pet_hungry_timer_delete(struct pet_data *pd){	nullpo_ret(pd);/**	if(pd->pet_hungry_timer != INVALID_TIMER) {		timer->delete(pd->pet_hungry_timer,pet->hungry);		pd->pet_hungry_timer = INVALID_TIMER;	}**/	return 1;}
    Search for:
    int pet_food(struct map_session_data *sd, struct pet_data *pd){	int i,k;	k=pd->petDB->FoodID;	i=pc->search_inventory(sd,k);	if(i < 0) {		clif->pet_food(sd,k,0);		return 1;	}	pc->delitem(sd,i,1,0,0,LOG_TYPE_CONSUME);	if( pd->pet.hungry > 90 )		pet->set_intimate(pd, pd->pet.intimate - pd->petDB->r_full);	else	{		if( battle_config.pet_friendly_rate != 100 )			k = (pd->petDB->r_hungry * battle_config.pet_friendly_rate)/100;		else			k = pd->petDB->r_hungry;		if( pd->pet.hungry > 75 )		{			k = k >> 1;			if( k <= 0 )				k = 1;		}		pet->set_intimate(pd, pd->pet.intimate + k);	}	if( pd->pet.intimate <= 0 )	{		pd->pet.intimate = 0;		pet_stop_attack(pd);		pd->status.speed = pd->db->status.speed;	}	else if( pd->pet.intimate > 1000 )		pd->pet.intimate = 1000;	status_calc_pet(pd, SCO_NONE);	pd->pet.hungry += pd->petDB->fullness;	if( pd->pet.hungry > 100 )		pd->pet.hungry = 100;	clif->send_petdata(sd,pd,2,pd->pet.hungry);	clif->send_petdata(sd,pd,1,pd->pet.intimate);	clif->pet_food(sd,pd->petDB->FoodID,1);	return 0;}
    Replace it with:
    int pet_food(struct map_session_data *sd, struct pet_data *pd){/**	int i,k;	k=pd->petDB->FoodID;	i=pc->search_inventory(sd,k);	if(i < 0) {		clif->pet_food(sd,k,0);		return 1;	}	pc->delitem(sd,i,1,0,0,LOG_TYPE_CONSUME);	if( pd->pet.hungry > 90 )		pet->set_intimate(pd, pd->pet.intimate - pd->petDB->r_full);	else	{		if( battle_config.pet_friendly_rate != 100 )			k = (pd->petDB->r_hungry * battle_config.pet_friendly_rate)/100;		else			k = pd->petDB->r_hungry;		if( pd->pet.hungry > 75 )		{			k = k >> 1;			if( k <= 0 )				k = 1;		}		pet->set_intimate(pd, pd->pet.intimate + k);	}	if( pd->pet.intimate <= 0 )	{		pd->pet.intimate = 0;		pet_stop_attack(pd);		pd->status.speed = pd->db->status.speed;	}	else if( pd->pet.intimate > 1000 )		pd->pet.intimate = 1000;	status_calc_pet(pd, SCO_NONE);	pd->pet.hungry += pd->petDB->fullness;	if( pd->pet.hungry > 100 )		pd->pet.hungry = 100;**/	clif->send_petdata(sd,pd,2,pd->pet.hungry);	clif->send_petdata(sd,pd,1,pd->pet.intimate);//	clif->pet_food(sd,pd->petDB->FoodID,1);	return 0;}

  8. They're the values that define the % of attack that'll be added when this skill is used.

    For instance if the player has this skill in level 5 it would add:

    -70 + 10*skill_lv-70 + (10*7) = 0% base attack
    Plus other additions that depend on statuses... Don't forget that this skill does triple damage, so if your base attack is 152 and your skill lv is 7:
    attack = base_attack + (base_attack*70/100)attack = 152 + 152*70/100attack = 258,4



    before you running  countitem  and delitem  command,  you need to attach  an on-line player

    Considering he said it's a snippet I assume we're all assuming this is either inside a fully functioning script that requires a player to click it to start, or talk to it via OnWhisperGlobal



    Maybe it's not possible to use this syntax?
    for(.@i = 0; .@i < getarraysize(.item); .@i++)
    I'm not sure whether the emulator can or can't parse var = val inside 'for's or 'if's

  10. Open src/map/battle.c and search for:

    				case TK_JUMPKICK:					skillratio += -70 + 10*skill_lv;					if (sc && sc->data[SC_COMBOATTACK] && sc->data[SC_COMBOATTACK]->val1 == skill_id)						skillratio += 10 * status->get_lv(src) / 3; //Tumble bonus					if (flag) {						skillratio += 10 * status->get_lv(src) / 3; //Running bonus (TODO: What is the real bonus?)						if( sc && sc->data[SC_STRUP] )  // Spurt bonus							skillratio *= 2;					}					break;
    Change skillratio += -70 + 10*skill_lv; to whichever value you want, remember that this value is in %

  11. So i'm trying to avoid writing out all the 'countitem' stuff and just do it in a loop.



    -	script	Deleter -1,{		for(.@i = 0; .@i < getarraysize(.item[0]); .@i++)	{		if(countitem(.item[.@i]) >= .amt)		{			delitem .item[.@i], .amt;		}	}	setarray .item[0], 501, 502, 503, 504;	.amt = 1;}

    But for some reason it doesn't work. Can anyone tell me where my error is exactly? Did I do the logic wrong?



    You should always declare something before trying to use it, otherwise the server won't be able to identify those variables when it reads the script. You could also use this example:
    -	script	Deleter -1,{	// Declare your variables before using them	setarray .item[0], 501, 502, 503, 504;	.amt = 1;	// Usually commands that identify _arrays_ use only names to identify them, without '[' ']'	for(.@i = 0; .@i < getarraysize(.item); .@i++)	{		// It's possible not to use brackets '{' '}' when there's only one line after an 'if' or an 'for'		// You could also remove the brackets from this 'for', but it would make the script more difficult to read		if(countitem(.item[.@i]) >= .amt)			delitem .item[.@i], .amt;	}}
    Mhalicot's example works because it uses an initialization event ('OnInit') that is executed (parsed) before the rest of the script.

    Hope I've helped c:

  12. The point I want to emphasize is running any bonus script feature, we can optimize that command(sc_start/ AddParamTime whatever it called ), so that  we have more powerful  script command for  scripting

    Oh I got it, it's the ability to make bonuses last only for a certain period of time that's missing in our engine

  13. if we have script command like AddParamTime can run any bonus script for consumable item effect


    it will be more more flexible  for item script writing

    Doesn't sc_start do the exactly same thing as AddParamTime?

  14. I don't think so, I think devs eathena made that way due to lack of information, and they thought it was an effect since most of consumable use SC effects.

    I tested on Hercules and those SCs (status changes) work just like any increase would in Aegis... The only consumables I can remember that increase statuses are foods and there're proper changes that are applied:
    Athena-based emulators are different than Aegis and that's not a bad thing, I don't think that it's needed to change this syntax that's been used for a long time just to be like Aegis, specially in this case when the only difference is nomenclature. If there was real need to be just like Aegis we could rewrite our script engine and parse directly from leaks, if I'm not mistaken, there're some legal aspects that don't let us do that. Have you found any other bonuses that are wrong in Hercules?

  15. In aegis the bonus items are cleaner than the current emulator, I don't know why eathena never followed the model aegis to bonus because let cleaner script tab items. Why not change some bonus for aegis mechanics, for example:





    AddParamTime VAR_STR 3 5400AddParamTime VAR_DEX 3 5400AddParamTime VAR_AGI 3 5400AddParamTime VAR_INT 3 5400AddParamTime VAR_VIT 3 5400AddParamTime VAR_LUK 3 5400




    sc_start SC_INCALLSTATUS,5400000,3;

    The way it exists in the aegis can view which is much better, because we can work as a bonus for STR, AGI, among others, consumable items currently does not support str bonus to consume the item, has only effects support SC



    Another example.




    AddAttrTolerace PROPERTY_All 3 MAGIC



    bonus3 bSubEle,Ele_Neutral,3,BF_MAGIC;bonus3 bSubEle,Ele_Water,3,BF_MAGIC;bonus3 bSubEle,Ele_Earth,3,BF_MAGIC;bonus3 bSubEle,Ele_Fire,3,BF_MAGIC;bonus3 bSubEle,Ele_Wind,3,BF_MAGIC;bonus3 bSubEle,Ele_Poison,3,BF_MAGIC;bonus3 bSubEle,Ele_Holy,3,BF_MAGIC;bonus3 bSubEle,Ele_Dark,3,BF_MAGIC;bonus3 bSubEle,Ele_Ghost,3,BF_MAGIC;bonus3 bSubEle,Ele_Undead,3,BF_MAGIC;


    In hercules is created an effect for each State, in aegis besides a of every effect there is one that involves everyone.



    There are bonus items in aegis that does not yet exist in hercules, and also very items are with the incorrect bonus compared to aegis.



    Leave your opinion about this subject, let's leave hercules with the same mechanics aegis, thank you all.



    My guess is that Athena devs never followed strictly Aegis' "cleaner" script tabs because they wanted to emulate some kind of C89 to approximate their script standard to the one that's used in the src... In my humble opinion sometimes it's cleaner to code using commas to differentiate different parameters than using only spaces or tabs (like in headers).

    Also there're ways to increase one statuses temporarily:

    AddAttrTolerace PROPERTY_All 3 MAGIC
    It'd be nice to have a way to use all properties at once in Hercules too, but you could use something like:
    for( set @i,0; @i <= 9; set @i, @i++; )%TAB%bonus3 bSubEle,@i,3,BF_MAGIC;

    There are bonus items in aegis that does not yet exist in hercules, and also very items are with the incorrect bonus compared to aegis.

    Which bonuses do not exist? And which ones are incorrect?
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