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Posts posted by SyncMaster



    1<<31 (i.e 2147483648, which is limit of int, in which we store the jobmask)

    1<<32 and 1<<33 are greater than 2.147 bil, thus it gets too big to be used,

    For allowing more id, change the variable datatype: as Neo Said


    About Case 17:

    maybe MAPID_AKATSUKI and MAPID_ANBU have values 17, that's why, change to 18/19

    Same problem, different reason :





  2. Maybe the texture that model is using is messed up or missing?


    Sorry for desapearing. I souve the problem and forgotten that I had created a topic here. At first I apologyze for my bad english, verb is a problem. I'm not sure about what was the problem, but if anyone have any similar problem I think it was related about atach or detach the model.I'm not sure, but as long as I remember there was everything alright with the textures. My suggest, and something that usually help me, is attach all the materials into one . If after solved the topics are closed than it can be done know.


    If everything was okay then the wall would look fine :) btw I still remember that 1 star rating as also, how you used maps of me for your "project". Hope someone else can help you, but not me.

    I appreciate if you don't asnwer my topics if you have nothing to increase. Isn't my fault if you do not follow who buy and resell your maps, like I already send to you, I bought when I didn't know who created the map. I offered you a payment if I use them and you said you didn't want anything from me and stop answering. So my mind is clean. I suggest you to, in the part of the texture that are not used, write a number and create a txt file that you write who bough the file with that texture's number. So if someone start to sell them at least you know who are.

  3. I think it'd be better to do this by creating a custom script command via source. Any changes you try to perform via SQL would need guild information to be reloaded, which means server reboot in most cases.

    I'm not good at source. Do you know if there is something like that already done? Doesn't matter the way the NPC will give the guild, but i'm trying to found the more simple possible.


    usar o cronus não facilitaria em nada alterar o leitor para o antigo, eu recomendo que vc continue arrumando  :) quando vc finalmente terminar, pelo menos vai poder usar os NPCs em qualquer emulador  :) e caso tenha dúvida de algum erro, poste aqui e tentarei ajudar



    Esse eu comparei com outros e não achei diferença



    Com erro :

     mes "Olá, ^4682B4 " + strcharinfo(0) +" ^000000";


    Funcional :
    mes "[" + strcharinfo(0) + "]";


    no cronus acho que sim pois pelo que ouvi falar ele é baseado no hercules, quanto aos outros emuladores eu não sei responder pois só frequento aqui :/


    Se o Cronus é baseado no hercules tem como voltar para o leitor antigo usando o Cronus? Estou a três dias arrumando, apareceram outros erros e eu sinto que nem na metade eu estou.

    . o Hercules é o único que funciona bem com clientes 2014+. Ele só da problema com os tipos de NPC. Ou então sabe quem tenha os NPCs do Hercules traduzidos? Ai eu só precisaria arrumar os customs.

  6. Vou começar a arrumar os NPC's para o hercules. Sabe se ao menos tem como colocar esse novo item_db no Rathena e no Cronus? Não sei se já tem no Rathena, vou baixar atualizado

  7. e erro aponta diretamente para o erro, e como foi dito em outro tópico o erro consiste apenas em alterar a primeira letra de maiuscula para minuscula, e ainda sugiro ser mais fácil alterar todos os scripts agora, doq sofrer com atualizações futuras do script.c


    Algumas são palavras inteiras que se repetem com diferentes comandos anteriores. Como é o que acontece com o mapa de "Comodo". Não pretendo atualizar os script, quero fazer o contrário, voltar para o antigo.

  8. São mais que 200 contanto todos os das classes customs + quests + NPC's de STAFF sem contar alguns do ragnarok normal que eu teria que traduzir. Eu tentei arrumar, mas não é só um tipo de erro. E tem palavras que repetem tanto a ponto de eu não saber qual que o jogo não está aceitando e se eu mudar todas volta a dar erro por causa das que eu mudei.

  9. O Hercules não é compatível com quase nenhum NPC que eu tenho traduzido. Quando eu tento usar os do Rathena e do Cronus da uma quantidade de erros que torna inviável arrumar um por um. Queria saber se tem como substituir a parte do emulador que lê NPC's por uma do Cronus ou Rathena e como fazer isso.

  10. Maybe commenting


    From src/map/script.h and recompiling can help.

    but I highly insist to change the script to case sensitive in near future,

    Still show error. My serve isn't in english, I can't translate all NPC's :(.  I need to make it read the old scripts or make the old emulator work with new kind of item_db.



  11. I don't really know if the part of emutalor that read the scripts are in Source. I'm doing some tests with Rathena/BRathena/Cronus/Hercules, but the Rathena don't read all NPC's that I use in others. The reader is more sensitive with caps and other things. And I can't remake all of them, there is a lot of different problems. I would like to know if there is a way to replace the part of emulator that read scripts for another old version or other emulator.

  12. no ... it has to be the same npc opens in Notepad and go to format> replace and boot close by Close and ready '-'

    I have more than 200 customs NPCs (warpers, quests, etc) and the Close isn't the only word with this kind of error. And it isn't the only kind of error. I'll have to change if it don't work, although I liked Hercules more than the others.


    just change Close to close, hercules is now case sensitive and all scriptcommands should be in lower case

    There's something that I can do to change it? There's a lot of NPC I'll have to fix. Something like change the part of hercules that read script.

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