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Files posted by Aeromesi
[Utility] Extra Mob Drops
[Utility] Extra Mob Drops
So what exactly is this script?
Allows Extra drops on specified mob (Zeny, Item, CashPoints) based on certain drop rate %.
Edit the "OnInit:" of values to get extra items / zeny / cashpoints upon killing a certain mob you specified.
Zeny: 5000
Cash: 10
Item: Red Potion (501)
Amount of Red Potion: 6
Enjoy Hercules! (PS: Also works for rAthena xD)
[Instance] Instanced Farming Zones
By Aeromesi in Events & Games
Instanced Farming Zones
So what exactly is my Instanced Farming Zones?
Random Item, Dead Branch, Bloody Branch,Gold, and Oridicon/Elunium Farming Zones all for your own player! Never wait to get into a Farming Room! Configure how many minutes player has until they can do Re-Entry. Easily Configure % Rate at which they obtain items, if they don't obtain the Max Limit of items, the instance will close. Set Max Limit to how much they can Farm. Set the MobIDs. What you want them to fight.
Example: //=====================================================/* [Farm Zone] Bloody Branch Information/How-To Setup: 'BBRate - The rate at which they obtain the Dead Branches, which is in %. So 50 = 50%. .BBDelayMin - Controls Time Limit of Re-entering: 1 = 1 Minute, 2 = 2 Minute, etc. .MaxBBLimit - Max amount of Bloody Branches they can Farm until instance is complete, if they don't reach max amount they just complete the instance. MOB1ID/MOB2ID - Select the ID of the monster you want. MOB1AM/MOB2AM - Select the Amount of designated Monsters you want to spawn. NOTE: Don't make the .MaxBBLimit exceed the total amount of monsters you selected to spawn. Otherwise, they will never reach the Max Limit. All other variables do not touch, especially the Count, and the Start. ('Farm_Count and 'Farm_Start) *///=====================================================
Devil's Square Nightmare-Mode 2021 NEW! (@editds, @disableds, @repeatds!)
By Aeromesi in Events & Games
Devil Square [Nightmare-Mode]
(Special thanks to: IeYaseru (Old friend who gave me a DS script I reinvented)
In this version of Devil's Square, once the amount of players have joined, that's it.
You won't be able to continue going back inside of Devil Square once you die, after entering and Devil Square starts, it will be closed.
All other players won't be able to join, and it's up to all the players to either complete Devil Square or die and not be able to come back in.
If no players enter in the timeframe, it will cancel out the event.
Also counts up the Max amount of Users when they enter Devil's Square. Once the Max Users have been established, no one else can join, and then it's just up to that team of people!
Once all the Players have died and warped out of the event, it will announce that all the users who entered have failed Victory in Devil Square, and the event will be reset.
Difference in Type 2:
In this version when you die and get warped out, if you hurry up you'll be able to come back into Devil Square again.
NOTE: You WILL have to REPAY the amount of Zeny to re-enter.
Since players can die, and repay/pay at anytime to join inside the event, there's no need to cancel out the event if no one joins.
New Additions to Revision 5 (For Type 1 And Type 2):
Created commands:
@disableds - Allows you to disable Devil Square whenever you want (This feature is also inside of the NPC!)
@repeatds - Allows you to repeat the Devil Square on the go. (This feature is also inside of the NPC!)
@editds - Allows you to edit, or as I put it "Over Ride" the settings in the OnInit: inside of [DS] Organizer::DSORG
Changes happen in the menu whether the event is active or not. If it's active it will allow you to disable or go to the Player Menu, if it's unactive it'll ask if you want to Start Devil's Square.
Basically redesigned a lot of the aspects of the script, beforehand it didn't even work, and had errors upon errors.
Made the script to be flexible and totally configurable!
Future additions/ideas: Add the ability to also edit the mob data for each Round as well as the MvP list.
Also before hand if it was <= 5 users it would only spawn 8 Treasure Chests, otherwise it would spawn 16. Now you can choose as much as you want!
When a GM is editing an option inside of Devil's Square, another GM cannot edit an option until that GM is done editing an option via `@editds`.
NOTE: Not every Treasure Chest is the same either!
Devil's Square Hard-Mode 2021 NEW! (@editds, @disableds, @repeatds!)
By Aeromesi in Events & Games
Devil Square [Hard-Mode]
(Special thanks to: IeYaseru (Old friend who gave me a DS script I reinvented)
In this version when you die and get warped out, if you hurry up you'll be able to come back into Devil Square again.
If you don't hurry up and repay to join back into the event, someone else could have taken your spot, so be quick about getting back in!
Since players can die, and repay to come back inside the event, there's no need to cancel out the event if no one joins. (Which is in Type 1, once all players die that attempted the Devil's Square the event is ended.)
NOTE: You WILL have to REPAY the amount of Zeny to re-enter.
Difference in Type 1:
In this version of Devil's Square, once the amount of players have joined, that's it.
You won't be able to continue going back inside of Devil Square once you die, after entering and Devil Square starts, it will be closed.
All other players won't be able to join, and it's up to all the players to either complete Devil Square or die and not be able to come back in.
If no players enter in the timeframe, it will cancel out the event.
Also counts up the Max amount of Users when they enter Devil's Square. Once the Max Users have been established, no one else can join, and then it's just up to that team of people!
Once all the Players have died and warped out of the event, it will announce that all the users who entered have failed Victory in Devil Square, and the event will be reset.
FINAL NOTE: You can't use BOTH Type 1 and Type 2, as they occur on the same map (This could be changed in the future for Easy/Hardcore modes as long as I make or copy the same map with different variable names.
New Additions to Revision 5 (For Type 1 And Type 2):
Created commands:
@disableds - Allows you to disable Devil Square whenever you want (This feature is also inside of the NPC!)
@repeatds - Allows you to repeat the Devil Square on the go. (This feature is also inside of the NPC!)
@editds - Allows you to edit, or as I put it "Over Ride" the settings in the OnInit: inside of [DS] Organizer::DSORG.
Changes happen in the menu whether the event is active or not. If it's active it will allow you to disable or go to the Player Menu, if it's unactive it'll ask if you want to Start Devil's Square.
Basically redesigned a lot of the aspects of the script, beforehand it didn't even work, and had errors upon errors.
Made the script to be flexible and totally configurable!
Future additions/ideas: Add the ability to also edit the mob data for each Round as well as the MvP list.
Also before hand if it was <= 5 users it would only spawn 8 Treasure Chests, otherwise it would spawn 16. Now you can choose as much as you want!
When a GM is editing an option inside of Devil's Square, another GM cannot edit an option until that GM is done editing an option.
NOTE: Not every Treasure Chest is the same either!
(Special thanks to: IeYaseru (Old friend who gave me a DS script I reinvented)
[Custom Instance] Ice Titans Attack El Dicastes 2021 NEW!
By Aeromesi in Events & Games
[Custom Instance]
Ice Titans Attack El Dicastes
Story Line:
The Ice Titans have invaded Dicastes and put the Citizens into an eternal frozen slumber, you must finish off all the Ice Titans as well as save all the citizens. If you die you LOSE!
Please read the Change-Log and view the Screenshots to get a general idea of the instance! Also so you know what to edit for rewards and of the such.
Just download, carefully read the .txt files and enjoy! If you ever have problems installing, you can PM me on Hercules or add my Discord: Aeromesi#0293
Hope you enjoy Hercules.
[Custom Instance] Dracula's Last Millennium
By Aeromesi in Events & Games
[Dracula's Last Millennium]
So what exactly is my Custom Instance Dracula's Last Millenium?
Well here's a brief description.
Sliding doors, pushes character back, they can pass the gates only in a few split seconds.
1.) Once inside they must "click/hit" the Witch Statue a randomized amount of times to start the first monster wave.
2.) Defeat the mobs to unlock 2 keys, obtain them to proceed inside Dracula's lair.
3.) Use the "Weird Machine" guess the code generated number due to randomized colors to obtain the key to the Witch Picture.
4.) The "Witch Picture" spawns a whole bunch of randomized mob, after defeat the "pathway block" is unlocked.
5.) From there proceed to find all "10 ingredients" to stir the Witches Cauldron. Once you do, a wave of mobs will spawn near "Dracula's Coffin" (All party member can find the Ingredient, only Leader can Stir Cauldron.
6.) Defeat 7 continuous waves until you obtain the "Fake Potion" that you're supposed to "pour into a hole" inside of Dracula's Coffin.
7.) It's a trick! The potion actually awakens and strengthens Dracula. You fight the last final round, Dracula and his minions!
8.) End game rewards vary. If you're in Solo, you just get the Basic Reward, if you're in Party, you get the Basic Reward AND Bonus Time completion reward upon finishing the instance in the designated time (like 45 minutes if you finish quick enough). (Easily setup in OnInstanceInit: label)
9.) Solo Ranking / Party Ranking Solo contains WHO beat the dungeon The Most / The Fastest. Party contains the party who beat the dungeon The Fastest, and it also displays the party members that were currently inside that party who beat the fastest.
10.) Control how many show up in the ranking ladders editing the .DraFastestMax or .DraBeatenMax in the OnInit: label of the NPC Scientist.
(See all setup in "OnInstanceInit:")
Randomized features: (Every Wave besides the final round is randomized, the amounts and monster ID's, you CAN CHANGE this however, just edit the array data (variables 'MobId1~10 and 'MobAm-1~10)
Clicks on the Witch is randomized.
Map credits:
https://rathena.org/board/files/file/2593-the-haunted-house/ (Syouji, though I have included the whole file inside of the attachment, just leaving credit where it's due.)
[Add-On] Recent | Favorite Warps (Euphy's Warper)
[Add-On] Recent | Favorite Warps (Euphy's Warper)
What exactly is the Recent and Favorite addition to Euphy's Warper?
It's exactly what it sounds like.
You can choose from 5 Most Recent locations you have Warped to.
You can choose to [save] or [select] your Favorite Warps.
Your Favorite Warps are saved by saving your Most Current Recent Warps list.
It's a straight sample from our Public Github in "..npc/custom/warper.txt" (Just so you know what to copy and paste if you have warper.txt enabled.)
Enjoy Hercules!
[Auto-Event] Pluckin' a Chicken
By Aeromesi in Events & Games
[Auto Event] Pluckin' a Chicken
What exactly is this event Pluckin' a Chicken?
// Automated Event
Winner gets double the amount of cash points based on how many they clicked/plucked.
If any players are in the 11x11 square they will be moved somewhere safe to participate in the event.
Player who wins, gets item, Zeny, and Double Cash Points based on how many clicks they did to win.
Randomized each time, one time you could have to pluck the chicken 100 times, or 350 times, never know.
Players who lose STILL WIN! When the event is disabled go to Pluckins (wherever you put him)and he will exchange your Plucks on the Chicken you got for the exact same amount of Cash Points.
If the next hour goes and no one has completed the Pluckin' a Chicken event, it won't start again until it's finished.
1 hour timer, once you start your server, in 1 hour the event will begin, once completed, another hour and the event will start.
When WoE FE:SE is in session ( agitcheck / agitcheck2 ) the event will not start, to prevent too much going on at once.
Enjoy Hercules ^^
[Auto-Event] Satan Morocc Invasion
By Aeromesi in Events & Games
[Auto-Event] Satan Morocc Invasion
Based on a request by Will Su.
Satan Morocc invades every hour, if the players haven't killed Satan Morocc in that timeframe by the next hour he won't spawn again. Player who kills Satan Morocc gets Cash Points (change to whatever currency you use or simply switch to item like Coin)
[Event] Easter Egg Hunt - HAPPY EASTER HERCULES!
By Aeromesi in Events & Games
File Name: [Event] Catch the Easter Egg Hunt Event - HAPPY EASTER HERCULES!
File Submitter: Aeromesi
File Submitted: 26 Mar 2016
File Category: Events & Games
[Event] Catch the Easter Egg Hunt
So, what exactly is my
Easter Egg Hunt Event?
What it does: After configuring, 50 Gold, 50 Silver, and 50 Normal eggs spawn in Prontera. They all move at a decent speed. Normal/Silver eggs move at the SAME Speed, but Gold eggs move faster! They contain the better reward so you better have good coordination!
All begins with '@egghunt
' command. Able to start off by creating Easter Egg Hunt settings. Able to disable or delete the setup to start configuring new treasure hunter event. (Note: It will be able to tell if created or event is active.)
When setting up you input:
Input GOLD and SILVER egg ID/Amounts for REWARDS.
' - Allows you the GM to repeat the previous Easter Egg Hunt setup you made!
' - Allow player to warp to the designated map where event is being held.
3 Simple commands to control the whole Easter Egg Hunt
Enjoy <3 (Download Attachment)
Here's some screenshots btw:
For player to click Easter Egg Hunt to see if event is active and what details you put:
Click here to download this file
[Custom Instance] Trivia Time
By Aeromesi in Events & Games
[Custom Instance] Trivia Time
So what exactly is my Custom Instance Trivia Time
Trivia 1: Defeat the 4 Cosmos Guardians (The map was made by me)
Trivia 2: Find the Correct Path of Light! (Failure to find the correct Light in dali map can result in being frozen/cursed with mob spawn, heavy amount of mob spawn or even an automatic GAME-OVER!
Trivia 3: Learn how to Spell: Find the correct mobs to proceed (There's a switch inside the script that allows you to have an easy-mode wherein you won't get any penalty for killing a fake mob, enabling 'Failure_Activation to 1 will enable hard-mode which if you kill all the fake mobs, you will get a GAME-OVER (Useful for people spamming AoE)!
Trivia 4: Defeat your Shadow Clone: Inspired by Naruto, you can fight off exact copies of yourself, will the fake win or will the real deal shine? Easily change the amount of Shadow Clones you can fight.
Enjoy Hercules
[Custom Instance] Mastery Dungeon
By Aeromesi in Events & Games
[Custom Instance] Mastery Dungeon
So what exactly is the Mastery Dungeon
Party Based Instance (Control Max amount of Party members via .max_players
2 of the same Class cannot be in the party.
Easily edit monster waves via the setarrays.
Everyone obtains the cooldown, so if a party of people play, and they disband and a player joins a different party, it will say that certain player cannot play so they must leave your party or wait.
Everyone gets randomized Points at the end of each round (set at CASH POINTS, easily change at the bottom of the script. As the rounds increase, so do the amount of points you get.)
Different Modes: Easy (30 Minutes), Normal (45 Minutes), Hardcore (60 Minutes), Nightmare (90 Minutes)
Each Difficulty has 10 levels
[Custom Instance] Fiery Fairy Forest
By Aeromesi in Events & Games
[Custom Instance] Fiery Fairy Forest
So what exactly is my Fiery Fairy Forest?
There's been rumor by the Assassins Guild that the Fiery Fairy Demon King Ifrit and his minions are going to try and invade the Fairies home in the Southern Fields of Prontera, and eventually getting to Prontera's Kingdom itself. It's up to you to take out the fire's, save the Fairies and their Forest as well as Prontera
Can you Handle the Heat
Other information:
7 Total Rounds
17 Fires each round (Last round 34)
Control the Mob Amounts simply by editing the variables in the `OnInstanceInit:`!
Source edit (viewpointmap) included so you can see where the fires are located in the top right mini-map (Ice Titans also uses viewpointmap when the instance spawns the humans you have to save)
So if you have Ice Titans Attack El Dicastes installed, you won't need the source edit, vise versa if you install Fiery Fairy Forest first.
[Custom Instance] MvP Ladder
By Aeromesi in Events & Games
[Custom Instance] MvP Ladder
So what exactly is the MvP Ladder?
MVP Ladder - Instanced Edition is a rewrite of the MVP Ladder event that is included in rAthena project custom NPC folder built rewritten for Hercules.
It retains 90% of original functionality except multiple parties can participate in the ladder without having to wait for the other party to finish anymore.
Killing every MvP from Weakest to Strongest
Party Ranking to see what Party beat the MvP Ladder the Fastest
Able to reset the Party Ranking Ladder.
Adding "|" delimiter to a range of monster IDs will cause that spawn to be randomized.
Special thanks to the original author Euphy and Secretdataz for having most of the script already done.
[YGGPB] Exchanger
By Aeromesi in Quest, Shops, Functions & Algorithms
[YGGPB] Exchanger
So what exactly is the [YGGPB] Exchanger? (Yggdrasil and Poison Bottle Exchanger)
Exactly what you think.
It will exchange your Yggdrasil Berry's at a rate of 100 for a 1 Yggdrasil box.
It will exchange Poison Bottles at a rate of 30 for 1 Poison Bottle box.
IF there's more exchanges you guys know of (I never focused on boxes) Please tell me, I will include them in this exchanger NPC.
View screenshots for more idea of this NPC, simple but useful! You're welcome NewbieNewb
Deckster the Deck Guy NPC
By Aeromesi in Events & Games
So who exactly is Deckster the Deck Guy NPC?
Well he's a simple guy with a simple love for what you say?
Guessing what number he's thinking in his head.
Simply setup the rewards, the minimum as well as the maximum input for the total amount of numbers you can guess.
Configure whether or not the player must pay a fee in order to use the NPC, as well as the fee Item ID/Amount in order to use the NPC.
Located in the OnInit:
$DeckMin = 1; // Minium number to input at the guessing game. $DeckMax = 25; // Maximum number to input at the guessing game. .DeckRewardID = 501; // Reward Item ID .DeckRewardAM = 50; // Reward Item Amount // Default: On setarray $DeckRewardList[0],501,502,503,504,505,506,507,508,509,510; $DeckMaxItems = 10; // IMPORTANT: Edit this value in accordance to how many items you have in the array "$DeckRewardList". $EnableFee = 1; // 0 = Off || 1 = On ( This allows a fee everytime you want to take a shot at Deckster! ) $FeeID = 502; // ID for Item Fee $FeeAM = 5; // Amount of the Item used for the fee $EnableLuckyDay = 1; // 0 = Off || 1 = On ( This allows the user to have a second chance, kind of like your lucky day ! ) $LuckyDayRate = 10; // 10% Chance to trigger a Lucky day to you by Deckster $DeckSetup = 1; // WARNING: IGNORE THIS DO NOT EDIT
Now the cool thing, when a GM accesses the NPC, or types the command `@deckedit` they will literally be able to control every aspect that is in the first time setup configuration in the OnInit.
The new features:
GM Menu (Through contact with NPC or command <script data-cfhash='f9e31' type="text/javascript">/* */</script>`! Able to control the Minium and Maximum numbers a player can bet on. Want it 50-100, or 1-100, 1-1000? it's your choice.
Control The Item Fee ID/Amount as well as enabling/disabling the fee for the NPC
Control the Random Item Reward ID's ( IMPORTANT! PLEASE NOTE: if you want to edit the list of items, edit the array $DeckRewardItems and then count all the items you made and set $DeckMaxItems to the max amount of items the array of your rewards hold.
Control the % rate as well as enabling or disabling the Lucky Day ( Second Chance option) in-case you want the players to have another crack at guessing!
[Added Feature] Aeromesi's Alternative Restricted @warp
[Added Feature] Restricted @warp
So what exactly is my Alternative @warp command?
Here's a description:
// Alternative @warp// You cannot @warp to a certain spot over and over, after x amount of attempts you're banned from using @warp// A GM will have to use @unblockwarp and select the player that is blocked and unblock them.// Version 1.0// Idea to make this into an alternative warp was from my friend IeYasuru who made the original base of this script which was an NPC whispering system.// Simply converted the script from NPC WHISPERING to @commands with Hercules optimization and standardization.// Created by Aeromesi & IeYasuru
[CMD] Dynamic Shop Controller System || @editshop | @loadshop | @saveshop ||
[Dynamic Shop Controller System 1.0]
So what exactly is my Dynamic Shop Controller System?
You have 5 save slots.
@saveshop (saves your shop with designated name).
@editshop to edit the current shop you're loaded on.
@loadshop to swap between other shops as you please.
If you're editing any items in the shop a player can't purchase from the NPC until you make finishing touches, if you disconnect while in edit mode it'll reset and the player will be able to access the shop again (Notice debug in your Map-Server Console). You can completely disable the shop incase you want to make a whole bunch of edits, control the max amount of items in the shop, check the item prices and amounts inside of @editshop, the item ID's/Amounts given and the Cost for each item (Will be able to switch out currencies like zeny, kafra, cash, custom in the future) at the moment it's set to Cash Points. So let's say you want to bring your summer shop back in winter, @loadshop, select the summer shop you hypothetically made a viola, summer headgears you missed out on in winter you got a chance to get again with the same shop.
I hope you guy's enjoy! Leave me any feedback or suggestions!
[CMD] @callmonster || @callmonedit
[CMD] @callmonster || @callmonedit
So, what exactly is the @callmonster and @callmonedit command
Basic definition of this script:
Card Summoning System via @commands. What's intended is they use a Card, like if they have a Lunatic Card, they would type @callmonster 1063, which would then consume the specified Lunatic Card, as well as the items used to summon the Lunatic. A cool way to use your extra cards? I also included @callmonedit so you can edit the Item ID and Item Amount required for summoning a monster with your cards, designed for GM use.
I hope you guys enjoy, someone posted the script, and I decided to take a look, fix it, and present it with a fresh, new design as I think it was intended to be. If you come across any errors, don't be afraid to PM me or post right in this the Support Topic for this release.
[Custom Instance] Zombie Massacre (SOLO VERSION)
By Aeromesi in Events & Games
[Custom Instance]
Zombie Massacre
Story Line:
Word has it in Prontera that a Zombie Invasion might be happening. Will you take up the responsibility to head to the Post and watch out for Zombies?
If you want players to become a Zombie, look in the `OnInit` to change whether they become a Zombie or not, and how many chances they have.
If you become a Zombie, run to the minimarked area in Prontera (The center of Prontera) to drink from the Holy Fountain of water to continue the Zombie Massacre . As of now the script is default set with this disabled, but you can easily enable it via the `OnInit`. Example:
OnInit: // 0 for Disabled, 1 for Enabled for becoming a Zombie feature inside of Zombie Massacre Instance. $@Zombie_Enabled = 1; // Amount of chances they have total until they lose the instance. $@ZombieChances = 3;
Follow install instructions and you should be fine, also be sure to add the script.c details into your own script.c and recompile (If you downloaded any of the other instances like El Dicastes then skip this step)
My Premium Version includes Party Mode, a Ranking of who beat it the most and who beat it the fastest, similar to El Dicastes and my other Premium Instance Versions.
[Event] Treasure Hunter
By Aeromesi in Events & Games
So, what exactly is my Treasure Hunter Event?
All begins with '@treasurehunt' command. Able to start off by creating Treasure Hunter Event settings. Able to disable or delete the setup to start configuring new treasure hunter event. (Note: It will be able to tell if created or event is active.)
When setting up you input:
Input map for Treasure Hunter Event:
Normal Treasure Chest that give nothing.
Special Treasure Chest that gives x item and y amount of Reward that you configure via during setup
Last player to find the last Treasure Chest gets the Secret Treasure Chest that has best reward! Which you also configure reward in the setup also.
'@repeathunt' - Allows you the GM to repeat the previous Treasure Hunt setup you made!
'@joinhunt' - Allow player to warp to the designated map where event is being held.
3 Simple commands to control the whole Treasure Hunter Event.
Enjoy <3 (Download Attachment)
Here's some screenshots btw:
For player to click Treasure Hunter to see if event is active and what details you put:
What it shows when you finish/disable or even while still active your options with '@treasurehunt'.
[CMD] @floatingrates - @hourlyrates
[CMD] @floatingrates - @hourlyrates
@floatingrates - Initiate your Floating Rates (Default Base/Job multiplier is 2x, but you can edit the multipliers if you want it to be like a triple EXP event or something like that too!)
When Floating Rates begin it will show total time that the rates have been increased for so you know a general idea of how long your floating rates have been going on for so you can either let it keep going or stop it.
@hourlyrates - Input the total amount of hours you want your Hourly Floating Rates to go on for. Can also edit the multipliers inside this command also, will show total time it has been going on for also. Type @hourlyrates and or @floatingrates while Floating Rates is active to disable it. When you set the hours (600 total hours, aka 25 days is the max Hercules supports for this type of script) you can reset the hourly timer and input a new amount of hours instead, just incase you made a typo or you want it to go on longer.
These commands are non-conflicting, if you enable @floatingrates and try typing @hourlyrates, it will ask if you want to disable your Floating Rates.
Zeny & Cash Gambler NPC
By Aeromesi in Quest, Shops, Functions & Algorithms
[Zeny & Cash Gambler NPC v1.2]
/* Zeny & Cash Gambler NPCCreated by: AeromesiVersion 1.21.2 Features:Added in Second Chance Option (Edit .S_Chance to to Enable/Disable the Second Chance)Second chance only applies if you LOSE the gambleEdit .S_ChanceRate to change the % Rate at which players have the opportunity for a Second Chance.Default is set to 50% for a Second Chance and is enabled by default!Also fixed a bug where users could input 0 Zeny or Cash Points, didn't effect anything but the check for an input of 0 needed to be added in.Enjoy 1.2 Hercules! ~ AeromesiVersion: 1.11.1 Features (Massive Update)Control the Winning rates at the bottom of the OnInit.zWinningRate handles the winning rate for Zeny.cWinningRate handles the winning rate for Cash PointsNow you're able to input what you want to bet for Zeny and Cash PointsExample: You have 100 Zeny, you bet 100 Zeny (It takes 100 Zeny from you, in hopes you double your bet, gaining a total of 200 Zeny.Same goes for Cash Points, you spend 50 Cash points in hopes you get 100 Cash Points total.)Special thanks to GmOcean's Script "Slot Machine" for the cutins and wav files for this script.Special thanks to my girlfriend for helping me with the equation, and Max on the Hercules forum for the suggestion!Enjoy another release Hercules!If you like my work, please rep up my profile or consider viewing my Scripting services */
How to install:
Unrar the attachment "zeny_cash_gambler.rar".
Merge "gambler.grf" with your custom GRF so the sound effects and illustrations display correctly.
Install "zeny_cash_gambler.txt" into your servers NPC folder.
Edit the header of the script to your own map coordinates.
And after that's all done, enjoy!
Remember, if you like my work, it wouldn't hurt to rep me up or view my Scripting Services!