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Posts posted by Svanhild

  1. Problem solved. It was client-side issue, there was something to do with the way the client was diffed.


    Change walk to delay.
    Disable walk to delay.

    Both of these parameters should be disabled. That gave me a 24 hour headache. Cheers!

  2. Have you confirmed this?


    You should use message instead if you want character to continue.

    Since mes brings up a dialogue menu, you would need close; to exit it.



    -   script   Healer    4_PORING,5,5,{
    percentheal 100,100;
    message strcharinfo(PC_NAME),"You have been healed.";

    I've used your script, and the issue persists, also, it doesn't display a message "You have been healed" at all.

  3. I already tried that, but the issue persists. Also, the use of numeric NPC view ids has been already depracated. I'm using the 4_PORING, again, the healer script is unmodified, I'm using the stock script written by euphy. And if I'm going to put a mes window on the healer, definitely my character won't walk, it would stay where it is, but by just using the default script makes my character walk beside it upon clicking.

  4. The problem is that, whenever I click the healer npc, my character always moves/walks beside it which is very annoying, unlike other npcs like kafra, your character won't move upon clicking. There are no modifications, I'm using the stock healer npc and I'm using the latest svn.

  5. Find this line on your /conf/battle/skill.conf


    //Setting this to YES will override the target mode of ground-based skills with the flag 0x01 to "No Enemies"
    //The two skills affected by default are Pneuma and Safety Wall (if set to yes, those two skills will not protect everyone, but only allies)
    //See db/skill_unit_db.txt for more info.
    defunit_not_enemy: no

  6. Seriously? We've been talkin bout this game with a friend of mine just last night and he was inviting me for cb2. I saw the trailer, the gameplay and stuff. Hand me over a beta key and jump to the game and wants me to check on the mechanics and stuff. Well, I wonder and wait if there would be an open-source emulator and here we go. Just today, you just shared a TOS emulator buddy. That sounds more interesting

  7. Check what I did here on char.c


    if( sd->group_id > 0 && sd->group_id < 99 ) {		if( SQL_ERROR == SQL->Query(inter->sql_handle, "SELECT 1 FROM `%s` WHERE `account_id` = '%d'", char_db, sd->account_id) )			Sql_ShowDebug(inter->sql_handle);		if( SQL->NumRows(inter->sql_handle) >= 1 )			return -2; // character account limit exceeded	}// check char slot    if( sd->found_char[slot] != -1 )        return -2; /* character account limit exceeded */

  8. When you're not equipping anything, and try to talk to the card remover npc, it still shows a blank menu instead of displaying the message "Young one... Your not wearing anything there that I can remove cards from." Is there a problem with this line?


    set .@part,select(.@menu$);
       if(!getequipisequiped(.@part)) {
         mes " ";
         mes "Young one... Your not wearing anything there that I can remove cards from.";


  9. Thanks. Right, exactly just as what I'm looking for. Well I've been here in sc_config.txt before but I was just modifying the exact skills for SC_PROPERTY* etc.. it didn't worked so just when I came to realized when you told me about that sc_armor_property which affects all armor properties to be dispellable. great.

  10. Okay I have a few request here. Professor dispel should dispel elemental change convert too. What I mean is, for example when you change element an enemy player to fire and afterwards change his element to a different element, well it needs to be dispelled first. But the problem is it cannot dispel the first element change armor property. I wonder how to modify dispel in order to dispel elemental armor changes too.

  11. Good day guys, I just need a little help here. I wanna make Enchantblade skill buff increase skills damage too. Currently (default) it only adds additional damage to your normal attacks base on how much INT/matk you have. Well, I want the same formula applied to buff all damages including skills, not just normal atk. I've been trying to do a custom code but never worked. Help!


    base on battle.c

    if( sc->data[SC_ENCHANTBLADE] ) {//[( ( Skill Lv x 20 ) + 100 ) x ( casterBaseLevel / 150 )] + casterInti = ( sc->data[SC_ENCHANTBLADE]->val1 * 20 + 100 ) * status->get_lv(src) / 150 + status_get_int(src);i = i - status->get_total_mdef(target) + status->get_matk(src, 2);if( i )	ATK_ADD(i);}

    I've also checked status.c made a custom code but it doesn't seem to work like it should and it crashes, so yeah I need help.

  12. The title sound a lil bit messy, but my point here is, how to make GMs below id 99 when they type any @ or # command should always show an error message like 99 admins instead of parsing it to a literal public chat, to protect low lvl gms who doesn't have all the commands so it won't have to be embarrassing when they accidentally type or misspelled typing a command that is not on their list.

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