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Oh Wow

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About Oh Wow

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  1. I have no idea about this , I want to make some script run after player right-clicked at another player and view_equipment to run this event for example : Player 'A' trying to view equipment player 'B' script will display some text on player 'B' dispbottom "player A looking at your items"; can anyone help me with this , Thank You
  2. thank but what's a name of function that skill is located ?
  3. i don't want icewall protect damage from skills , such as storm gust , comet , and other can anyone help me pls ?
  4. Oh Wow

    snap_dodge: BUG

    this bug already fixed ?
  5. this script you can search monster name and then show number of monsters and locate them look like this.
  6. if got warning about queue is full , it's had a bad affect to our server ? or just showing warning
  7. please look at this pic http://imgur.com/OUrEwaH in the bottom-right How can i do pvp map do not count GM in that number ? thank in advance ps. sorry for my bad english
  8. thank you very much Pan hope u happy holiday
  9. @pan Sorry i want to modify like this http://www.eathena.ws/board/index.php?showtopic=253003 but i want this mod effect in some map that i specify.
  10. Can anyone help me to modify this source only work on some maps such as pvp_y_8-5 if( skill_id == MO_EXTREMITYFIST && sd->spiritball == 0) { clif_skill_fail(sd,skill,0,0,0); return 0;} Thank in advance and sorry for my bad english skill
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