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Everything posted by akka

  1. Hi my plugin project has grown into a huge inconvenient file, so i tried to split it into a number of files. For example i created atcommands.c and atcommands.h atcommands.h: struct atcommands_interface { bool (*atcommand_test) (const int fd, struct map_session_data* sd, const char* command, const char* message, struct AtCommandInfo *info);};struct atcommands_interface *atcommands; atcommands.c ACMD(test){//testreturn true} Then in the "main" plugin file with the HPExport functions put this: /* HPMi->addCommand */#define addAtcommand2(cname,funcname) if ( HPMi->addCommand != NULL ) { HPMi->addCommand(cname,funcname); } else { ShowWarning("HPM (%s):addAtcommand("%s",%s) failed, addCommand sub is NULL!n",pinfo.name,cname,# funcname); } Because the original HPMi->addCommand adds "atcommand_" to the beginning of the atcommand name inorder to call it. and then i just add this as usual: addAtcommand2("test", atcommands->atcommand_test); It all compiles just fine, but the map server crashes and I guess its due to missing symbols. Is what im trying to do even possible? I've looked at numerous plugins but all of 'em seems to consist of a .c file and not header files.
  2. change: clif->chsys_quit(sd) to channel->quit(sd)
  3. Thanks I really appreciate your help. I made a read up on pointers and got it to work!
  4. https://github.com/HerculesWS/Hercules/commit/10c160a3317b63a8c59830f836b5adefb788e652 Fixed it.
  5. I originally posted this in the HPM datacheck announcement thread, but i didn't get an answer. So im just wondering if anyone else is experiencing this problem. The problem started yesterday after I updated my server to get access to the new datacheck feature, It all went very smooth and I compiled it as usual without any errors. I might add that i added: #include "../common/HPMDataCheck.h" and made sure that it was the last included file: http://imgur.com/UNqeg4T But when i tried to run my server i got the following errors: [Warning]: HPM:plugin_load: failed to retrieve 'HPMDataCheckLen' for plugin/HPMHooking.dll, most likely not including HPMDataCheck.h, skipping...[Warning]: HPM:plugin_load: failed to retrieve 'HPMDataCheckLen' for plugin/custom_plugin.dll, most likely not including HPMDataCheck.h, skipping... So I checked the code again. I checked both my custom plugin and HPMHooking, and HPMDataCheck.h was indeed included in both of 'em. When i compiled i used Microsoft Visual Studio Express 2013 and the Hercules-12.sln solution and the server is running Windows. I later tried a build of the latest fresh Hercules and it gave me the same result when I uncommented HPMHooking in confplugins.conf. Am I doing something terribly wrong? or whats really going on?
  6. I don't really know if this is the right place to post this, but im having some issues with this feature. Yesterday i updated my server and compiled it as usual without any errors. I might add that i added : #include "../common/HPMDataCheck.h" and made sure that it was the last included file: http://imgur.com/UNqeg4T But when i tried to run my server i got the following errors: [Warning]: HPM:plugin_load: failed to retrieve 'HPMDataCheckLen' for plugin/HPMHooking.dll, most likely not including HPMDataCheck.h, skipping...[Warning]: HPM:plugin_load: failed to retrieve 'HPMDataCheckLen' for plugin/custom_plugin.dll, most likely not including HPMDataCheck.h, skipping... So I checked the code again. I checked both my custom plugin and HPMHooking, and HPMDataCheck.h was indeed included in both of 'em. When i compiled i used Microsoft Visual Studio Express 2013 and the Hercules-12.sln solution. Edit: I tried the latest fresh Hercules and it gave me the same result when I uncommented HPMHooking in confplugins.conf. Am I doing something terribly wrong? S: Edit2; https://github.com/HerculesWS/Hercules/commit/10c160a3317b63a8c59830f836b5adefb788e652 solved it.
  7. Hi, i've been trying to figure out how to check if there is a player near a mob. Here is the code im at right now: int pc_isnear_sub(struct block_list *bl, va_list args){ int* isnear = va_arg(args, int*); struct map_session_data *sd = (struct map_session_data *)bl; if (sd->sc.data[SC_TRICKDEAD] || sd->sc.data[SC_HIDING] || sd->sc.data[SC_CLOAKING] || pc_isinvisible(sd) || sd->vd.class_ == INVISIBLE_CLASS || pc_isdead(sd)) { return 0; } else{ *isnear++; } return 1;}int pc_isnear_mob(struct mob_data *md) { int *isnear = 0; //map->foreachinarea(pc_isnear_sub, md->bl.m, md->bl.x - AREA_SIZE, md->bl.y - AREA_SIZE, md->bl.x + AREA_SIZE, md->bl.y + AREA_SIZE, BL_PC,isnear, isnear); map->foreachinrange((pc_isnear_sub), &md->bl, AREA_SIZE, BL_PC, isnear); if (isnear > 0){ return true; } return false;} But it seems like pc_isnear_sub isn't even being called, can anyone tell me what im doing wrong? :/
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