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  1. // Made by iTouch// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------// Ultimate PvP Warper ver. 1// Features:// Baby PvP Room// PvP Square(Every 2 days Random PvP Room)// PvP Nightmare// PvP Lowlvl( Supports 1 - 150 Lvl)// PvP No Potion (Berrys , Ygg seed , Any potions , etc. are restricted)// PvP Non Donator (Got Items are restricted here)// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------// ver. 2 update idea:// Adding a PvP Room that removes the buffs of the player when entering the room// Adding a PvP Room for GM's Only so GM's will have fun// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------// Special thanks to:// icescope of eAthena for helping me configuring the error at PvP Square// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ script Ultimate PvP Warper -1,{ //if (.pvp_square$=="") donpcevent "Ultimate PVP warper::OnClock0000"; cutin "3rd_sura_master",2; mes "[PvP Warper]"; mes "Which arena do you want to go to?"; switch(select("PVP Square ["+getmapusers("guild_vs3")+"/100]:Champion PvP Room ["+getmapusers("guild_vs2")+"/100]:Baby PvP Room ["+getmapusers("guild_vs4")+"/100]")) { case 1: // PVP Square if (getmapusers(.pvp_square$) > 99) callsub S_full; callsub S_payment; announce ""+ strcharinfo(0) +" menantang bertarung di Pvp Room..",bc_all; //announce and end warp "guild_vs3",0,0; end; case 2: // Champion PvP Room if (getmapusers("guild_vs2") > 99) callsub S_full; if (Class != Job_Champion || Class != Job_Sura_T) goto L_NotChamp; callsub S_payment; announce ""+ strcharinfo(0) +" menantang bertarung di Champion PvP Room..",bc_all; warp "guild_vs2",0,0; end;L_NotChamp: mes ""; mes "Kamu bukan Champion..."; cutin "",2; close; case 3: // Baby PvP Room if (getmapusers("guild_vs4") > 99) callsub S_full; if (Class < 4023 || Class > 4045) goto L_NotBaby; callsub S_payment; announce ""+ strcharinfo(0) +" menantang bertarung di Baby Pvp Room..",bc_all; //announce and end warp "guild_vs4",0,0; end;L_NotBaby: mes "Only baby can enter this room"; close; } S_full: mes " "; mes "I'm sorry, this arena is full. Please try again later..."; close;S_payment: if (Zeny < 0) { mes "You don't have enough zeny."; mes "It costs "+(200*BaseLevel + 800)+" zeny for you to enter."; close; } set Zeny, Zeny - 0; return; OnInit: waitingroom "PvP Warper",0; end;} moscovia.gat,226,198,4 duplicate(Ultimate PvP Warper) Ultimate PvP Warper#1 483prontera.gat,151,190,6 duplicate(Ultimate PvP Warper) Ultimate PvP Warper#2 483alberta.gat,110,140,3 duplicate(Ultimate PvP Warper) Ultimate PvP Warper#3 483aldebaran.gat,147,115,1 duplicate(Ultimate PvP Warper) Ultimate PvP Warper#4 483amatsu.gat,207,86,3 duplicate(Ultimate PvP Warper) Ultimate PvP Warper#5 483ayothaya.gat,155,117,2 duplicate(Ultimate PvP Warper) Ultimate PvP Warper#6 483comodo.gat,206,80,4 duplicate(Ultimate PvP Warper) Ultimate PvP Warper#7 483einbech.gat,198,83,4 duplicate(Ultimate PvP Warper) Ultimate PvP Warper#8 483einbroch.gat,174,172,5 duplicate(Ultimate PvP Warper) Ultimate PvP Warper#9 483geffen.gat,125,71,4 duplicate(Ultimate PvP Warper) Ultimate PvP Warper#10 483gonryun.gat,162,120,4 duplicate(Ultimate PvP Warper) Ultimate PvP Warper#11 483hugel.gat,89,151,5 duplicate(Ultimate PvP Warper) Ultimate PvP Warper#12 483izlude.gat,134,90,4 duplicate(Ultimate PvP Warper) Ultimate PvP Warper#13 483lighthalzen.gat,166,101,4 duplicate(Ultimate PvP Warper) Ultimate PvP Warper#14 483louyang.gat,214,120,5 duplicate(Ultimate PvP Warper) Ultimate PvP Warper#15 483xmas.gat,154,136,4 duplicate(Ultimate PvP Warper) Ultimate PvP Warper#16 483morocc.gat,160,97,4 duplicate(Ultimate PvP Warper) Ultimate PvP Warper#17 483payon.gat,148,226,4 duplicate(Ultimate PvP Warper) Ultimate PvP Warper#18 483rachel.gat,135,115,4 duplicate(Ultimate PvP Warper) Ultimate PvP Warper#19 483veins.gat,219,127,4 duplicate(Ultimate PvP Warper) Ultimate PvP Warper#20 483yuno.gat,163,170,4 duplicate(Ultimate PvP Warper) Ultimate PvP Warper#21 483umbala.gat,106,159,3 duplicate(Ultimate PvP Warper) Ultimate PvP Warper#22 483dewata.gat,193,180,6 duplicate(Ultimate PvP Warper) Ultimate PvP Warper#23 483Crystilia.gat,77,89,4 duplicate(Ultimate PvP Warper) Ultimate PvP Warper#24 483// Mapflagspvp_y_1-2 mapflag nocommand 1guild_vs2 mapflag pvpguild_vs4 mapflag pvpguild_vs5 mapflag pvpguild_vs1-2 mapflag pvpguild_vs3 mapflag pvpguild_vs1 mapflag pvppvp_y_8-2 mapflag pvp1@orcs mapflag pvp guild_vs2 mapflag noreturnguild_vs5 mapflag noreturnguild_vs4 mapflag noreturnguild_vs1-2 mapflag noreturnguild_vs3 mapflag noreturnguild_vs1 mapflag noreturnpvp_y_8-2 mapflag noreturn1@orcs mapflag noreturnguild_vs2 mapflag nocommand 1guild_vs5 mapflag nocommand 1guild_vs4 mapflag nocommand 1guild_vs1-2 mapflag nocommand 1guild_vs1 mapflag nocommand 1pvp_y_8-2 mapflag nocommand 11@orcs mapflag nocommand 1guild_vs3 mapflag nocommand 1guild_vs2 mapflag nosave SavePointguild_vs5 mapflag nosave SavePointguild_vs4 mapflag nosave SavePointguild_vs1-2 mapflag nosave SavePointguild_vs1 mapflag nosave SavePointpvp_y_8-2 mapflag nosave SavePoint1@orcs mapflag nosave SavePointguild_vs3 mapflag nosave SavePointguild_vs2 mapflag noteleportguild_vs5 mapflag noteleportguild_vs4 mapflag noteleportguild_vs1-2 mapflag noteleportguild_vs1 mapflag noteleportpvp_y_8-2 mapflag noteleport1@orcs mapflag noteleportguild_vs3 mapflag noteleport i need to change pvp champion room only for job Champion and Sura Only.. help me edit it im try use == , && , || omg thanks EDIT : i found this in my server [Warning]: pc_bonus: unknown type 0 250 ! some body know?
  2. Yugosh

    Req> NPC Gatcha

    Work Perfectly so how to set the custom prize? in here have min and max so ho how to change this prize apple chance 10%? thanks master
  3. Yugosh

    Req> NPC Gatcha

    Might be a good idea to enclose that set for .@r in a do..while loop; if the item name does end up being "null", the user's item is taken and doesn't get anything lol. do { .@r = rand(501, 700);} while (getitemname(.@r) != "null"); how about the chance? rare item 5% like that? EDIT : not work perfectly
  4. a simple npc ex. you give me Poring coin and the machine will random and give you anything ex reward : Apple , blue pot , red pot , or anything. thanks for help master. +1
  5. { Id: 7415 AegisName: "Stone_Of_Summons" Name: "Summoning Stone" Type: 3 Buy: 2 Weight: 10}, for this code how do we put the code like Summon / Spawn 1 1904 (Bomb Poring). thanks master
  6. master can i req script / npc player online? ex. player online 1 or 2 hours get this item. but player online more than 6 hour get this item. a different reward thanks sory my bad english
  7. yeah same with me i need the script
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