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Everything posted by benormal

  1. Thank you sir ^^ but still not give me credit :/
  2. 'PayPalIpnUrl' => 'http://allstaro.com/?module=donate&action=notify', Like this ?
  3. i tried donation system in fluxcp. i donated from fluxcp everything was ok. money has transferred. but the account in panel didn't get any donation credits. seems like nothing happened. do you have any idea why?
  4. benormal


    I need a script for Creamy Card's Teleport. I want it to teleport user directly like a fly wing. Could someone please asist me?
  5. Guys, when you get exp over 100%. For example 300% you get only 1 level. Do you know how to fix it?
  6. benormal

    Card Remover

    card remover in prontera "Wise Old Woman" was not working properly, it was breaking players items and cards when they try, so i tried to change its success rate to 100% but now it's not working at all. Can you write a npc script for me which can remove a card with 100% success
  7. Now i wanna open just prtg_cas01 how can i make this ?
  8. - shop donateshop 111,501:50prontera,200,180,3 script Donate Shop 112,{ set @i,0; mes "[Donate Shop]"; mes "Each item will cost you some ^008800Voting Proof Tickets^000000"; mes "Select only one."; callshop "donateshop",1; npcshopattach "donateshop"; end;OnBuyItem: if(.BuildQuest) { for(set .e,0; !compare(getarg(.e+1),"Zeny"); set .e,.e+2) {} npcshopadditem "donateshop",getarg(.e+2),getarg(.e)*compare(getarg(.e+1),"SZeny"); setarray .Shop[.i],getarg(.e+2); set .i,.i+1; goto Quest_Setup; } if(.Shop[@i]!=@bought_nameid) for(set @i,1; 1; set @i,@i+1) if(.Shop[@i]==@bought_nameid) { set .i,@i; callsub Quest_Setup; } for(set @i,1; !@e; set @i,@i+1) if(.Shop[@i]==@bought_nameid) { set @e,1; set .i,@i; callsub Quest_Setup; } mes "[Donate Shop]"; mes "I require the following:"; for(set @i,0; !compare(getarg(@i+1),"Zeny"); set @i,@i+2) mes "^880000" + ((countitem(getarg(@i))>=getarg(@i+1))? "^008800":"") + "" + getarg(@i+1) + " " + getitemname(getarg(@i)) + " [" + countitem(getarg(@i)) + "/" + getarg(@i+1) + "]"; if(getarg(@i)) mes "^880000" + ((Zeny>=getarg(@i))? "^008800":"") + "" + getarg(@i) + " Zeny"; mes "^000000In exchange, I will give you:^000088"; for(set @i,@i+2; getarg(@i+1,0); set @i,@i+2) mes getarg(@i+1) + " " + getitemname(getarg(@i)); switch(select("Exchange:" + (((((getiteminfo(@bought_nameid,5) & 1) || (getiteminfo(@bought_nameid,5) & 256) || (getiteminfo(@bought_nameid,5) & 512)) && @equip==0))? "Preview Item":"") + ":No thanks")) { case 1: for(set @i,0; !compare(getarg(@i+1),"Zeny"); set @i,@i+2) if(countitem(getarg(@i)) < getarg(@i+1)) { next; mes "You have " + countitem(getarg(@i)) + " " + getitemname(getarg(@i)) + ", while I require " + getarg(@i+1) + "."; mes "Please obtain ^880000" + (getarg(@i+1)-countitem(getarg(@i))) + " more " + getitemname(getarg(@i)) + "^000000."; close; } if(Zeny < getarg(@i)) { next; mes "You do not have enough Zeny."; mes "Please obtain ^880000" + (getarg(@i)-Zeny) + " more Zeny^000000."; close; } for(set @i,0; !compare(getarg(@i+1),"Zeny"); set @i,@i+2) delitem getarg(@i),getarg(@i+1); set Zeny,Zeny-getarg(@i); for(set @i,@i+2; getarg(@i+1,0); set @i,@i+2) getitem getarg(@i),getarg(@i+1); if (compare(getarg(@i,0),"announce")) announce strcharinfo(0) + " has just obtained " + getitemname(@bought_nameid) + "!",bc_all; close; case 2: set @bottomview, getlook(3); set @topview, getlook(4); set @midview, getlook(5); addtimer 1000, strnpcinfo(3)+"::On_Leave"; set @equip,getiteminfo(@bought_nameid, 5); set @view, getiteminfo(@bought_nameid, 11); if(@equip != -1 && @view > 0) { if(@equip & 1) atcommand "@changelook 3 " + @view; if(@equip & 256) atcommand "@changelook 1 " + @view; if(@equip & 512) atcommand "@changelook 2 " + @view; } next; goto OnBuyItem; case 3: close; }On_Leave: atcommand "@changelook 1 " + @topview; atcommand "@changelook 2 " + @midview; atcommand "@changelook 3 " + @bottomview; set @equip,0; set @view,0; set @topview,0; set @midview,0; set @bottomview,0; end;OnInit: npcshopitem "donateshop",0,0; set .BuildQuest,1; set .i,1;Quest_Setup: switch(.i) { default: set .BuildQuest,0; set .e,0; set .i,0; end; case 1: callsub OnBuyItem,7179,10,10,"SZeny",5135,1; }} Here is my npc code i want to create 3 different npcs with 3 different lists of items but there is same items in 3 different npcs when i check in game. how can i do it? Or when you click to the npc, it will show you 3 categories "headgears, cards, items" instead of listing all how can i do this ? Please help
  9. Or when you click to the npc, it will show you 3 categories "headgears, cards, items" instead of listing all
  10. Thanks a lot this is exactly what i was searching for. Now i wonder that when people donate from CP, will be the points active in here? And i want to create 3 different npcs with 3 different lists of items but there is same items in 3 different npcs when i check in game. how can i do it?
  11. I need a npc in which people will be able to see donation items' prices as donation credit instead of zeny. If a donator has enough credits he will be able to get one of that items just as other npcs like tool dealer.
  12. I'm using Flux Cp and there have one donation system and here my question How can i use my control panel's donation system in the server. I want people to be able to use donation credits in game. Such as getting items from a donation npc with donation coins or credits. I'm confused. help me -.-
  13. But the lastest one its not working with my theme is there another way for fix ?
  14. When i click item database on my flux cp o got this error how can i fix this ?
  15. i'm using fluxcp but i dont know how can i add my paypal account and item list there anyone can help me ?
  16. This is my website http://allstaro.com/ and u can see there is writing server time i wanna show my online ppl there how can i make this ?
  17. i dont understand fully can u explain a little bit more ?
  18. i think i couldnt enable it how can i enable it and when i enable it where i will find it ?
  19. How to limit Admin's *allstats, *item to another player etc without limiting other admin commands I just want to limit commands to help other players with giving items,lvlup,baselvlup and stats
  20. benormal

    No GVG in PVP

    How can i enable friendly-fire for players in same guild in pvp? There should be a way to do that but i couldn't manage it. Thanks.
  21. its already running but still emperiums there i wanna close castles
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