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Script Developers
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  1. Upvote
    Dastgir got a reaction from Incredibulok for a file, Ultimate Guild Ranker   
    Script By Request : http://herc.ws/board/topic/4756-ultimate-guild-ranking
    Percentage Changes:AgitCount= 20%Emp Break = 50%Active Participants = 20%KDR = 10%
    Guild Ranking
    Previous Month Guild Ranking
    Rewards based on previous month

    Edits to made after installing the Script:
    Open npc/guild/agit_main.txt
    Add Following Line
    doevent "UltimateRanker#00::OnEmpBreak";
    // Adjust Economy Invest Level for Castle set .@Economy,getcastledata(strnpcinfo(2),2) - 5;
    Have a Custom WoE? And its not triggering the Script??
    Solution: add the following line on EmperiumBreaking Label.
    doevent "UltimateRanker#00::OnEmpBreak";
    Please report any bugs/suggestions.
  2. Like
    Dastgir got a reaction from rayhanalka for a file, [Recolor] 6 Amdarais Monster   
    My First Recolor Ever with the Ugly Monster..
    Please Rate the recolors.
  3. Upvote
    Dastgir got a reaction from AORUS for a file, Elemental Practice Targets   
    Elemental Practice Targets by Request(http://herc.ws/board/topic/5492-elemental-practice-targets/)
    This Download contains sprite only.
    Elemental Practice Targets are the monsters, and contains 10 Sprites:
    1)Emperium Practice Target
    2)Fire Practice Target
    3)Ghost Practice Target
    4)Holy Practice Target
    5)Neutral Practice Target
    6)Poison Practice Target
    7)Shadow Practice Target
    8)Undead Practice Target
    9)Water Practice Target
    10)Wind Practice Target
    11)Earth Practice Target
    Credits to Rytech, for uploading these files on eathena.
  4. Upvote
    Dastgir got a reaction from AORUS for a file, [Recolor] 6 Amdarais Monster   
    My First Recolor Ever with the Ugly Monster..
    Please Rate the recolors.
  5. Upvote
    Dastgir reacted to raPalooza~ for a file, Town of Beginnings from SwordArtOnline   
    Town of Beginnings from SAO

    I'm releasing this map that I made a while ago for a SAO-RAG project that has been put on hold, and i felt like it's too good of a map to put it on a shelf ;]

    Hope you guys enjoy the release. ;] Some files inside include the color changes on some texture files, so keep that in mind, and delete them if you want.

    Here is a video that I also posted in my showcase topic
  6. Upvote
    Dastgir got a reaction from AtlantisRO for a file, Auraset   
    For Building Plugins:
    Windows: http://herc.ws/wiki/Building_HPM_Plugin_for_MSVC
    Linux: http://herc.ws/wiki/Building_HPM_Plugin_for_gcc
    (usage: @aura <aura1> {<aura2> <aura3>})
    (aura1,aura2 are optional)
    (usage: aura aura1{,aura2,aura3}
    aura1 is compulsory, while aura2,aura3 are optional.
    aura1,aura2,aura3 are AuraID's
    NOTE: 1) This effects are permanent(unless the effect is not, which is clientside) and if you want to remove it, either do "@aura 0 0 0" or by Script (aura(0,0,0))
    2) If you type aura(586,-1,240), the 2nd aura will remain same, while first and third aura will change.
    You can check/set User's AuraID's by following variables
    USERAURA - Aura1
    USERAURA1 - Aura2
    USERAURA2 - Aura3
    You can also change aura by changing these variables.
    Some Useful aura Combinations:
    { 586, -1, -1 },{ 586, 362, -1 },{ 586, 362, 240 },{ 418, -1, -1 },{ 486, -1, -1 },{ 485, -1, -1 },{ 239, -1, -1 },{ 240, -1, -1 },{ 241, -1, -1 },{ 620, -1, -1 },{ 202, -1, -1 },{ 362, -1, -1 },{ 678, -1, -1 },{ 679, -1, -1 },{ 680, -1, -1 },{ 239, 418, -1 },{ 239, 486, -1 },{ 239, 485, -1 },{ 240, 418, -1 },{ 240, 486, -1 },{ 240, 485, -1 },{ 241, 418, -1 },{ 241, 486, -1 },{ 241, 485, -1 },{ 620, 418, -1 },{ 620, 486, -1 },{ 620, 485, -1 },{ 239, 418, 202 },{ 239, 486, 202 },{ 239, 485, 202 },{ 240, 418, 202 },{ 240, 486, 202 },{ 240, 485, 202 },{ 241, 418, 202 },{ 241, 486, 202 },{ 241, 485, 202 },{ 620, 418, 202 },{ 620, 486, 202 },{ 620, 485, 202 },{ 239, 418, 362 },{ 239, 486, 362 },{ 239, 485, 362 },{ 240, 418, 362 },{ 240, 486, 362 },{ 240, 485, 362 },{ 241, 418, 362 },{ 241, 486, 362 },{ 241, 485, 362 },{ 620, 418, 362 },{ 620, 486, 362 },{ 620, 485, 362 },{ 239, 418, 678 },{ 239, 486, 678 },{ 239, 485, 678 },{ 240, 418, 678 },{ 240, 486, 678 },{ 240, 485, 678 },{ 241, 418, 678 },{ 241, 486, 678 },{ 241, 485, 678 },{ 620, 418, 678 },{ 620, 486, 678 },{ 620, 485, 678 },{ 680, 679, 678 },
    I guess no further explanation is needed.
  7. Upvote
    Dastgir reacted to Hyvraine for a file, Stellar - FluxCP (Herc FluxCP)   
    Stellar by HTML5 UP | @ajlkn | html5up.net
    Free for personal and commercial use under the CCA 3.0 license (html5up.net/license)
    Integrated to FluxCP (Hercules) by Hyvraine of Hyvraine Designs | facebook.com/HyvraineDesigns
    Ported this to FluxCP (Herc) as I was fiddling with responsive templates. It's semi-responsive, I think.
    WoE Countdown Top Guild Top Player (based on FluxCP's Character Ranking module) HOW TO INSTALL:
    This follows the default theme of FluxCP, it acts similar like Emphaino where it inherits the default FluxCP pages.
    Extract the RAR file in the themes folder.  In application.php: make sure 'stellar' comes first and then 'default' next 'ThemeName' => array('stellar','default'), // Names of the themes you would like to use. Themes are in FLUX_ROOT/themes. First theme listed will be default theme. And you should be good to go.
    Site title is still dependent on the variable SiteTitle inside application.php.
    Edit index.php in stellar/main/ for the front page stuff.
    For the Favicon, Logo, Description, WoE Hours, Site Navigation, please visit settings.php for more instructions.
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